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Раздел 4 контрольно-тренировочные упражнения для аудиторной работы


1.There are very many illustrations in this magazine.

2.The students can find the principles of Newton’s laws of motion in his book on mechanics.

3.London is the most beautiful city in Great Britain.

4.No student consulted a dictionary while translating this text.

5.Some trade barries will always exist as long as any two countries have different sets of laws.


1.They pack the goods in bags and not in boxes.

2.Squares have four sides.

3.The business letter must be as short as possible

4.This technique has some advantages.

5.Now the computer takes on new kinds of jobs.


1.The computer allows the users to look at the picture from the definite angle and in three dimensions.

2.There are three general types of generators.

3.The new University building is one of the highest buildings in Moscow.

4.Nothing special happened yesterday.

5.Later, A. Lavoisier introduced the concept of the chemical elements.


1.The value of capacitance depends on the size of the plates and the

properties of the dielectrics.

2.A debit card helps to make transfers directly to and from a customer’s card.

3.The twenty second of December is the shortest day of the year.

4.Now one can speak by telephone over any distance.

5.Until quite recent times the main British exports were coal and textile.


1.Electronics usually deals with the application of electricity in communications, in radio, television, etc.

2.Communication between man and computer will not replace man’s creative abilities but will expand them.

3.Some stars are as large as the sun, as hot as the sun and contain the same chemical elements.

4.Where can I get something to drink?

5.Communication between man and computer will not replace man’s creative abilities but will expand them.


1.When the piston reaches the bottom of the stroke, the inlet valve closes.

2.There are two types of commercial banks.

3.Better late than never.

4.No one could state the definite properties of this substance.

5.It is very important to know when we shall receive these documents.


1.The number of Shakespeare’s complete translations is more then three hundred.

2.The electric current performs several jobs on the car.

3.Their coast is considerably greater than that of carbon steel but less of some alloy steels.

4.Some semiconductors and insulators are extremely sensitive to light.

5.He carried out a number of experiments as he wanted to learn all the properties of water.


1.We have students' clubs, which are very popular with the students of our faculty.

2.All careers are open to the youth.

3.One of the most important things for the weather forecaster is to study the weather map.

4.There were some twenty people in the hall.

5.It is natural that the advent of minicomputers with extensive memories and possibilities will lead to a higher level in information culture.

No.9 1.These substances react further with the calcium silicates and produce calcium aluminosilicates, in the form of crystals.

2.The world’s leading commercial and financial organizations combine the efforts of the leading financial experts all over world.

3.The greater part of Cambridge lies on the left bank of the river Cam.

4.Air conditioning requires the regulation of both the temperature and humidity.

5.Some foreign firms started practicing to send their specialists to firms in other countries for a certain period of time.

No.10 1.Synthetic polymers possess several of the properties of a structural material.

2.This definition excludes salts or organic acids, amides, esters, etc.

3.Now we must discuss most important questions.

4.If you find anything interesting in this journal, send it, please.

5.The famous British Museum houses great national collections.

No.11 1.Chemistry plays an important part in the development of biochemistry, physics, geology and many other fields of science.

2.Chemistry’s origin goes back to ancient times, with the manufacture of bronze, iron, ceramics, glass.

3.Your report was far more interesting than his report.

4.If you have any books on this subject, give them to me.

5.Later scientists discovered traces of an element in neutron-bombarded uranium.

No.12 1.The experimental results are few and not easy to interpret.

2.An Englishman’s day begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning paper.

3.The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury.

4.You can find him any day between five and six.

5.The meteorologists obtained many new data with the aid of rockets and sputniks.

No.13 1.Experience shows that corrosive destruction depends mainly upon three factors.

2.Students in Cambridge wear scarves of various colours in winter when the weather is cold.

3.The potential energy of the weight in the highest position is the same as the kinetic energy after falling to its lowest position.

4.No foreign ship left the port yesterday

5.They paid for the goods by instalments.


1.This method involves melting the metal and then pouring it into a mould.

2.Measurement is a fundamental process in all production systems. 3.To express these great distances the astronomers use a very much larger scale than kilometer.

4.One sees other people’s faults sooner than one’s one.

5.Therefore “television” really means “seeing at a distance”.

No.15 1.A body possesses energy when due to its position it can do work and the work it can do is a measure of its energy.

2.Adhesion depends upon the areas in contact and is independent of the pressure.

3.In more recent years, the invention of transistor and later, of large-scale integrated circuit brought about a revolution in electronics.

4.One should never put off till tomorrow what one can do today.

5.We shall grant you a 10 percent discount.

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