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Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What are the location features of the site?

2. How is circulation within the building provided?

3. What is the design of the arcades?

4. How do transverse beams function in the structure?

5. What is used for structural connections?

6. What are floor beams surmounted by?

7. What is the roof made of?

Фонетическое задание

Найдите в тексте слова, транскрипция которых дана ниже, и переведите их на русский язык.

[q'reInG]; [haIt]; ['GANkSqn]; ['PkjVpaI]; [prq'vaId]; ['pWpqs]; [rIq]; [sq'maVnt]

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже словосочетания.

copper (n.), cross bracing, intermediate column, parking facility, pin-jointed, framework, portal frame column, radial trans­verse beam, steel trough decking, treat, welded I-section.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

административное здание, вспомогательная балка, вход, главная балка, глубина перемычки, задний фасад, изогнутый прогон, консольно выступать, краевая балка, крепить болтом, оштукатуренный, пересечение, поперечная балка, придавать жёсткость, продольная балка, простираться, тянуться, радиальная балка, следовать, составлять, компоновать, стропило, увенчивать, утапливать, центральный, щебень.

Упражнение 3. Определите: есть ли ошибки в переводе представленных ниже слов. Если ошибки имеются, укажите правильный перевод.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на формы с окончанием – ing.

1. On plan the building comprises four wings enclosing a square core, the wings projecting farther outwards with increase in height.

2. Spanning between the main beams are secondary beams, spaced at 1.50 m centres.

3. The four sloping sections of the roof are staggered vertically in relation to one another.

4. The concrete floor slab is split into separate panels, thus preventing stresses being induced (вызывать) in the slab.

5. Because of the difficulty of providing satisfactory (удовлетворительный) strength by strip foundation pad was considered.

6. After erecting the steel framework enclosure work begins.

7. Two rectangular pavilion blocks are parallel to each other, comprising 690 m² of exhibition space in all.

8. Horizontal forces due to wind and traffic being strong, they are transmitted by three groups of bracing erected between the outer columns.

9. One should be careful when working with glass.

10. The construction was still being continued on some sites when the company began a new redevelopment (реконструкция) project.

Текст B



The building has a square podium block surmounted by an eight-storey superstructure in the shape of a symmetrical cross on plan. The four wings of the building extend from a central core and are supported on a substructure raised above the podium.

The four wings are supported over the reinforced concrete podium block by a substructure, which, under each of the four wings, comprises two longitudinal rows each consisting of three reinforced concrete columns extending down through the podium to the foundation. Each row of columns carries a longitudinal capping member comprising a pair of reinforced concrete girders, each 2.20 m deep and 1.25 m wide, spaced 1.44 m apart and joined together over each column. Built into these twin longitudinal concrete girders are ten pairs of transverse steel girders spaced at 3.50 m centres and comprising two welded channel sections spaced 300 mm apart. Each of these transverse girders supports an eight-storey rigid frame consisting of two external columns, arranged in front of the longitudinal faces of the wings, and two internal columns, all of which are rigidly interconnected at each upper floor by cross beams with spans of 8.05, 2.90 and 8.05 m. All these cross beams comprise twin channels U 300.

In the other direction, the rigid frames are linked by edge beams just behind the longitudinal facades and by floor beams between the internal columns. The cross beams of the frames in each storey carry an in-situ concrete floor slab.

Double glazing is fitted between mullions and transoms con­sisting of steel sections. The low spandrel walls and window heads are clad with bronze-tinted glass, so that the overall effect from the exterior is of glazing extending the full height of each storey. The edges of floors are faced with weathering steel sheet.


capping member каптаж / обвязочный брус

spandrel wall подоконная часть стены

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