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Лабораторная работа № 3

Задание 1.

Откройте скобки, используя Present Continuous или Present Indefinite.

1. She (to wear) a new hat today. 2. Jack never(to wear) a hat.3. I (to get up) at eight o'clock in the morning.4. He (to get up). 5. What you (to say)? I (not to hear) you well enough. 6. It (to get) late. It's time to go home. 7. It (to get) dark early in winter. 8. listen! Somebody (to sing) in the hall. 9. She (to sing) well and she (to have)a good ear to music. 10. When it is foggy in London, cars (to move) very slowly. 11. Our train (to move) very fast.

Задание 2

Откройте скобки, используя Past Continuous или Past Indefinite.

1.What you (to do) at five yesterday? 2. She (to listen) to her favourite programme when I (to enter) the room. 3. We couldn't walk fast. He (to carry) a heavy bag. 4 Many people (to move) along the streets. 5. The orchestra(to play)dance music. 6. "Why you (not to come) to see us in June?"" I (to be) busy, I (to finish) my course paper." 7. At what she (to begin) to work? 8. He (to buy) this dictionary in London. 9. I (to buy) something at a shop when I (to hear) that somebody (to call) my name. 10. When he (to live) in London, he (to go) to the theatre once a week. 11. It was difficult to understand him. He (to speak) too fast. 12. She (to stay) with her aunt in July.

Задание 3.

Переведите следующие предложения, используя Past Continuous или Past Indefinite.

1. Наш поезд шел очень быстро, я не успевал читать названия станций» которые мы проезжали. 2. Когда поезд тронулся, он что-то крикнул мне, но я ничего не слышал. 3. Когда я добрался до станции, уже темнело. 4. Мы вызвали врача, когда поняли, что ее состояние ухудшается. 5. Когда вы видели ее в последний раз? ― Я не помню точно, но знаю, что это было в прошлом году. 6. Вчера в это время мы были еще в поезде и ехали по Украине. 7. Когда он зажег свет, он увидел, что кто-то спал на кровати. 8. Когда поезд прибыл, мы все стояли на платформе. 9. Я завтракал в маленьком кафе на станции, когда я увидел его в окне. Он стоял с цветами и ждал кого-то.

Задание 4.

Составьте предложения, используя Past Continuous.


to play tennis in the

when we arrived.



when the telegram came.


still to rain

when he turned to her.


to get dark

when suddenly it began


to make coffee in the

to rain.



when the door bell rang.

The train

to come into the station

when we returned home.

to write business letters

when I looked out of the

to smile


Задание 5.

Используйте Present Perfect Continuous в следующих предложениях.

Model 1: He has already written this letter (since morning).

He has been writing this letter since morning.

1. They have already built the theatre (for two years). 2. We have discussed all these problems (for a week). 3. I've helped her with her work (since she came to his office). 4. He has just read this book (all week). 5. She has taught them how to do it (for years). 6. What has happened here?(while I have been away). 7. Has he read the book? (long)8. I've looked through today's newspapers (since the postman brought them).

Model 2: They are playing football now (since lunch time). They have been ploying football since lunch time.

1.She is waiting for you in the hall (for twenty minutes). 2. It's raining heavily (since early morning). 3. I am looking for a book which I've put somewhere (since I returned from the office). 4. They are making engines at this plant (since 1984). 5. They are translating an article from a magazine now (for, two hours). 6. The child is crying (all morning). 7. I am reading "Dombey and Son" now (this week).

Задание 6.

Откройте скобки используя Perfect Continuous.

1. What you (to do) for the past two weeks? 2. Suddenly she understood that she (to speak) for a long time and it was time to stop. 3. He (to paint) this picture for two years and I don't know when he is going to finish it. 4. Do you want to know what (to happen) since you went away? What I want to know is what you (to do) while I have been away? 5. He took out his watch and looked at it. It was two o'clock. It meant that,he (to wait) since lO o'clock. 6. For the past few minutes I (to try) to explain to you that you can't make me go there. 7. You're sure you're well,Jack? I (to think) that this week is a bit hard for your age. 8. The boys(to fight) for some time when the door opened and the teacher came info the classroom.

Задание 7.

Откройте скобки.

1. He never (to read) this book. 2. I often (to meet) him upstairs. 3. I (to try) to get her on the phone for about 20 minutes. 4. She to study English for a year and (to learn) many words and expressions. 5. He (to know) it since yesterday. 6. I (to look) for him since I (to leave) the hotel but I not (to find) him. I (to be) to other hotels but there is no visitor of that name anywhere. 7. I`m sorry, - you (to wait) long? 8. No, I just (to come) down. 9. He (to work) in colours of late and he (to do) one or two pictures this week. 10. I just (to remember). That woman over there — she (to sit) here since the last bus (to leave). 11. I (to come) to you to ask for some information. 12. I suppose this young man (to tell) you who I am? 13 . I don“t know what you (to do) there all this time. 14. We (to live) here for a month and it (to rain) only once.

Задание 8.

Закончите предложения Past Perfect .

1. He told her that he (to buy a TV set a year ago). 2. The man at the station said that the train (to leave already). 3. Mary told me that she (not to get a letter from her son yet. 4. He understood that he (to get off at the wrong station). 5. He said that his parents (always to live in the country). 6. I didn't know that she (to change her address). 7. He didn't remember how it all (to happen). 8. We were sure that she (to tell the truth). 9. I saw the child (to catch a cold). 10.She hoped that I (to pay for the tickets already). 11. When he woke up next morning and looked out of the window, he understood that it (to rain heavily during the night).

Задание 9.

Откройте скобки. Используя Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous.

1. I (to write) the letter. I (to try) to write it for weeks. 2. He (to know) the girl since she (to be) a small child and (to manage) her affairs since she (to come) of age. 3. Lanny (to say) nothing till they (to be) in the dressing-room where they (to leave) their coats. 4. He (to be) quite sure he (to see) that face somewhere. She (to ask) me (to help) her. 5. She (to ask) me to help her because she (to know) that I still (to work) for you. She (to know) I (to help) you for years. She (to know) I (to help) you to solve that missing luggage case. 6. By midnight she (to lose) hope to ever see me again and (to start) to phone the hospitals. 7. The cheerful girl who (to come) in with Eve (to be introduced) at last. 8. I (to learn) that nothing (to be done) though I (to leave) detailed instructions.

Задание 10.

Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя Passive form.

1. Его можно было видеть в саду в любую погоду.2. Яблоко разрезано на четыре части. 3. Потолки всегда красят в белый цвет. 4. За игрой следили с большим вниманием. 5. Дом был продан за большую суму. 6.Правила уличного движения должны всегда соблюдаться. 7. Эти предметы изучаются на первом курсе. 8. Детей поведут в театр в воскресенье. 9. Такие туфли нельзя носить в плохую погоду. 10. Их встретят на станции. 11. Вечер будет организован в конце семестра. 12. Чем она была так расстроена? 13. Он не сразу заметил, что окно было разбито. 14. Эти Документы были утеряны вчера.

Задание 11.

Откройте скобки , используя Passive form.

1. This book (to write) many years ago, but it still (to read) with great interest. 2. By whom this movie (to make)? 3. This house (to paint) two years ago and I don't know when it (to paint) again. 4. What factory (to show) to the tourists tomorrow? 5. Library books must not (to keep) longer than two weeks. 6. These facts (to mention) in his report. 7. When the advertisement (to place) in the newspaper? 8. This museum (to visit) by thousands of people every year. 9. I am afraid our holidays (to spoil) by bad weather. 10. When the windows (to wash) last? 11. Who the story (to translate) by? 12. He (to give) two days to think the matter over. 13. We (to show) a new film. 14. The instructions (to give) to everybody. 15. He (to tell) that she had finished school the year before.

Задание 12.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. За ним послали. 2. За детьми там будет хороший уход. 3. О ней всегда много говорят. 4. Почему над ним всегда смеются? 5. Об этом будут много говорить. 6. Их никогда не слушали. 7. О нем заботятся. 8. Над ней не будут смеяться, если она будет поступать правильно. 9. У него нет родителей, о нем надо позаботиться. 10. В прошлом году за ним присматривала его сестра. 11. Она такая несерьезная. Над ней часто смеются. 12. Когда он болеет, за ней часто посылают.

Задание 13.

Откройте скобки.

1. She looked a different girl. Her face (to wash), her hair (to comb). All traces of tears (to remove). 2. We could see the tracks where the car (to drag) off the road.

3. Look! There is nothing here. Everything (to take)away.

4. We (to tell) to wait because the man (to question) just. 5. If anyone comes in you (to find) looking through his papers. 6. We can't get there in time. 7. By the time we get there the papers (to destroy). 8. Why nothing (to do) about it at the time? 9. You can't go in. She (to interview) for the TV. 10. She promised that morning that nothing (to do) till he came back. 11. I had a most unpleasant feeling that I (to watch).

Задание 14.

Поставьте следующие предложения а) в вопросительную форму; b) в отрицательную форму.

a) 1. You have taken my note-book. 2. His sister has passed her examinations. 3. Her brother has entered Moscow University. 4. The children have already had breakfast. 5. The teacher has just come. 6. The students have been busy the whole day. 7. She has translated this article. 8. The delegation has returned home. 9. You have often visited this theatre. 10. They have heard much about it. 11. You have been to Leningrad (ever).

b) 1. Our professor has come from London (yet). 2.I have written a letter to Ann. 3. They have opened the shop. 4. My friend has changed since I saw him last. 5. He has told the director about it. 6. She has spoken at the meeting today. 7. I have done my homework. 8. We have met them (since 1960). 9. I have studied this subject (never).

Задание 15.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Кого вы ждете? - Я жду друга. - Вы давно его ждете? - Да, я жду его уже около получаса. 2. Что вы переводите? - Я перевожу политическую статью. - Как долго вы ее переводите? - Я перевожу ее уже час. 3. Я перевожу восемь или десять статей в неделю. 4. Где мой дневник? - Он лежит на вашем письменном столе. 5. Ваша книга лежит здесь уже несколько дней. Возьмите ее. 6. Мы знаем друг друга очень хорошо. 7. Мы знаем друг друга с тех пор, как я приехал в Петербург. 8. Г-н Браун - директор нашего завода. Он директор завода с 1990 г. 9. Мой брат живет в Омске. - С каких лор он живет там? - Он живет там с 1985 г.

Задание 16.

Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смысла, в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite.

1. You (to read) that magazine yet? - No, I only just (to begin) it. 2. Stepanov (to leave) Moscow? - No, he is still in Moscow. 3. When the delegation (to arrive) in Kiev? -It (arrive) yesterday. 4.I not (to see) Ann at the lecture. 5. I not (to see) this film yet, but I (to hear) a lot about it. 6. He isn't here, he just (to go) out. 7.I (to have) no news from him since he (to leave) home. 8. We (to discuss) the matter during breakfast. 9.I cannot give you a definite answer as I not (to discuss) the matter with the manager.

Задание 17.

Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в требуемом по смыслу времени.

1. The ship (to go) to the north when a storm (to break) out. 2. By this time next year you (to graduate) from the University. 3. He (to become) a doctor now. 4. They (to drive) at about ninety mites an hour when the accident (to happen). 5. Although the weather (to be) fine during the last few days, this spring is not a good one on the whole. 6. Wren I (to get) to the station, I (to learn) that the bus (to leave) a few minutes before. 7. He generally (to play) baseball very well, but today he (to play) very badly. 8. All last week he (to prepare) for the exam. 9. That man (to teach) in this school since 1992. 10. Water (to change) into ice when the temperature (to drop) below zero. 11. We (to see) your brother a ear ago, but we not (to see) him since then. 12. It (to rain) every day since we (to come) here. 13. When we (to reach) the wood, we (to find) that a party of strangers (to occupy) the spot which we (to choose) tor our picnic. 14. Kindly repeat what you just (to say). 15. I only (to succeed) in solving the problem after I (to work) on it for several hours. 16. He reminded me that we (to be) classmates at school. 17. My brother (to remain) in Saratov till the end of the war. 18. I (to hear) that you (to give) up the idea of studying French. 19. Up to now I not (to hear) anything from him. 20. He (to be) a correspondent for The Times since 1981. 21. Come to my room as soon as you (to return). 22. I (to know) him ever since we (to be) children. 23. I shall cash the cheque as soon as the bank (to be) open. 24. He said he (to reach) home by midnight 25. By the time he is thirty he (to become) a great pianist. 26. He (to shrug) his shoulders, (to shake) his head, but (to say) nothing. 27. Dima (to go) to St Petersburg last ear and (to work) there since then. 28. When I get back, they probably (to have supper). 29. He very much wanted to go to the Far East as he never (to be) there.

Задание 18.

Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).