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Words to remember

Silver серебро

To join ['dƺɔın ] присоединять

Profitable [prɔfitәbl] выгодный

To create [kri'eit] создавать

Necessity [nәsesiti] необходимость

To establish основывать

To be located быть расположенным

Densely populated густо населенный

Urban ['ǝ: bn] городской

Rural [´ruǝrl] сельский

Extensive [ıks´tensıv] обширный

Medium [´mı: djǝm] средний

Sea level уровень моря

Plain равнина

To stretch [stretʃ] простираться

Wooded area лесная зона

Watershed [´wɔ:tǝʃed] бассейн

To include [ın´klu:d] включать

Raw [rɔ:] сырье

Ferrous [´f erǝs] черный

Precious [´prǝʃǝs] драгоценный

Spring источник

District район, округ

Prominent [´prɔmınǝnt] известный, выдающийся

Decisive [dı´saısıv] решающий

To promote активизировать

Tie связь

Cooperation [ko(u) ɔpǝ´reıʃn] сотрудничество

Foundation основание, создание

Processing обработка

Joint ownership совместная собственность

Trade промысел, торговля

Recent [´rı: snt] недавний, последний


1. Mind the pronunciation of the words.

Pacific, Siberia, China, Japan, natural resources, profitable, within, international, internal, area, region, highest, North- Siberia, analogy, hectares, world's watershed, ocean, precious metals, flour-spar, graphite, magnetite ore, deposit, widely used, industry- industrial, agriculture, to be characterized, highly developed, economy- economic, labour power , enterprise, communication.

2. Here are the items of the plan to the text above. Arrange them logically to this text.

1. Water resources of the area.

2. Economy of Zabaykalsky Krai.

3. Relief.

4. International economic relations.

5. Geografical position.

6. Mineral resources.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What part of Siberia does Zabaykalsky Krai occupy?

2. What countries and regions does Zabaykalsky Krai border on?

3. When was Zabaykalsky Krai founded?

4. Is it a densely populated area?

5. What is the territory of Zabaykalsky Krai?

6. Are there any mountains in Zabaykalsky Krai?

7. What can you say about its water and timber resources?

8. What mineral resources is Zabaykalsky Krai rich in?

9. What deposits do you know?

10. What prominent mineral springs are there in Zabaikalye?

11. What are the leading industries in Zabaykalsky Krai?

12. What are the main branches of agriculture?

13. What can you say about the transport system in Zabaikalye?

14. How can you characterize the cooperation with other countries?

15. What can you say about the further development of Zabaykalsky Krai?

4. Read the text “Transbaikal” and then discuss it using the following expressions: As is known, you see, in fact, I think, it should be noted, etc.


Transbaikal is very surprising and wonderful region where young- north relief of the Alps is replaced to south by middle low- lying mountains. The Transbaikal forest has no analogy on planet. Only in our pine forests you can see particoloured mixture of local relicts. You can see edelweisses (legendary flowers of Alps meadows) on Transbaikal meadows among different grasses and flowers. Sandy desert has neighborhood with permafrost. One can find even volcano zones here.

Transbaikal is the land of very old mining extractive industry. The history of extraction many minerals came goes back to Peter the Great time. Nerchinsk zavod is the oldest centre of mining industry. The first silver in Russia was melted just here in 1704. You can extract on such historical mines as Akatui and Blagodatka where the Decembrists had served penal sentences.

“…I found anything I wanted in Transbaikal: the Caucasus Mountains, the Zvenigorod district, and the Don. By day you can gallop through the Caucasus, by night through the Don steppe, in the morning you make up and see already the Poltava province- and so, all a thousand versts” – wrote Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, the great Russian writer, about Transbaikal more than 100 years ago.

In Transbaikal you can go in the way of great Mogul, you can visit Budisk datsans, you can become acquainted with remains of wood and stone Orthodox Churches.

The Transbaikal is the land of penal - from Decembrists to Stalin´s camps. The remains of these camps are well preserved to our days.

The Transbaikal is geological pearl in truth. You can find all geological history of our planet here. You can visit some different burial places of remains of old occupants of seas and lakes. These places are paleontological preserves now- Argoley preserve, Kulinda preserve and others.

5. Read the dialogue and make up your own dialogues about the next topics: the history of our region, the present situation of Zabaykalsky Krai, the nature of this area, the future development of region.