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Words to remember

to achieve [ә'tʃi:v] – достигать, добиваться;

considerable [kәn'sidәrәbl] – значительный, важный, большой;

contradiction [kɔntrә'dikʃn] – противоречие, опровержение;

cornerstone [kɔ:nәstәun] – краеугольный камень;

curved [kә:vd] – изогнутый, кривой;

explosive [ik'splәusiv] – взрывчатое вещество;

fame [feim] – слава, известность;

imagination [i'mædƺi'neiʃn] – воображение, фантазия;

nitroglycerin [naitrәu'glisәrin] – нитроглицерин;

phenomenon [fә'nɔminәn] – явление, феномен;

to pull [pul] – тянуть, притягивать;

reflector [ri'flektә] – рефлектор, отражатель;

relativity [relә'tivәti] – относительность;

sailor [seilә] – моряк;

spectacular [spek'tækjulә] – эффектный, захватывающий;

stove [stәuv] – печь, плита;

success [sәk'ses] – успех, удача;

sumptuous [sʌmpʃtuәs] – роскошный, дорогостоящий, великолепный;

to tackle [tækl] – взяться за решение


1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following phrases.

  1. Гордиться чем-либо (кем-либо);

  2. теория относительности;

  3. всеобщий прогресс;

  4. противоречивый человек;

  5. возвращаться к чему-либо;

  6. иметь обычное значение;

  7. электрический ток;

  8. королевское общество;

  9. познакомиться с кем-либо;

  10. огромное количество;

  11. великолепная идея;

  12. испробовать различные способы;

  13. закон гравитации;

  14. каталог расположения звезд;

  15. ежегодная награда

2. Answer the following questions.

  1. Whom do we usually call an inventor?

  2. Why are people all over the world proud of scientists and inventors?

  3. Can you name any inventors who have achieved great successes in science?

  4. What is Alfred Nobel famous for?

  5. What did Nobel experiment with in his chemistry laboratories&

  6. What was his new explosive called? When was it patented?

  7. What was Nobel’s attitude to the military uses of his inventions?

  8. Where did Nobel’s new explosive find spectacular uses?

  9. What brought Alfred Nobel lasting fame?

  10. What contribution should people make to get a Nobel Prize?

  11. Can Isaac Newton be called a famous scientist and inventor?

  12. What was Newton’s greatest invention?

  13. Can you quote his law of gravitation?

  14. What was Faradey’s main interest in science?

  15. Can you describe Faradey’s experiment?

  16. Why is Albert Einstein considered to be one of the greatest scientists of our age?

  17. How did Albert Einstein explained his Theory of Relativity?

3. Read and translate the following dialogue. Make up your own dialogue on the analogy.

  • Who do you consider the outstanding person f our country?

  • I consider Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was an outstanding scientist, inventor and public feature.

  • What did he deal with?

  • Sakharov played a decisive role in the developing the Soviet hydrogen bomb.

  • What idea came to his mind while working on the bomb?

  • While working on the bomb he came to the conclusion that any atomic and nuclear weapons should be banned.

  • What was he awarded?

  • He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • What is he remembered as?

  • He is remembered by everybody as an outstanding humanist, one of the best representatives of humankind who could teach and who foresaw the changes that are taking place now.

  • Can you say that Sakharov was one of the inventors of Soviet hydrogen physics?

  • Yes, I can.

4. Think of the inventors who gave their names to the things they created. Put as many their names as you can down in the chart.



Year of invention








5. Imagine the following situation.

The film studio is going to make a documentary film about the greatest inventions of the mankind. You are invited to the studio as an expert to decide what inventions should be included in the film. You are supposed to speak about one invention only. Present information on:

  1. the invention you consider to be one of the greatest in the world;

  2. the name of the inventor;

  3. the country this invention was made in;

  4. what the thing was made for;

  5. how it is used now;

  6. how it influenced our life;

  7. why you are sure that it should be included in the film.