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методичка по Англ. (полностью).doc
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IV. B. Translate the sentences

1. I’ll be working at this time next week. 2. I’ll be visiting my friends at this time tomorrow. 3. He’ll be having dinner at 2 o’clock tomorrow. 4. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? – Probably, I’ll be reading, but I’m not sure. 5. She’ll be receiving clients at that time tomorrow. 6. I’ll be preparing for the exam the whole day tomorrow.

IV. C. Practise the dialogue

- Hi, Mark, have you got any plans for the summer?

- Hi, Jane. Yes, I have. In july I’m going to Greece with my mother and at the beginning of August I’m flying to New York for a week. And what about you?

- I haven’t made up my mind yet. I can’t decide whether I want to do a bit of sightseeing in a city like London or Paris

very light complexion and I get sunburnt easily.

- That’s not a problem. You can use a suntan lotion. Besides in the city you also

have to protect your skin from the sun.

- I’ve got a great idea! Why don’t you combine the two things: sightseeing and

or better spend my holidays at a seaside resort.

- You have to think what you really want. If you like visiting museums,

castles, art galleries and monuments, then go to Paris or London. But if you are tired of the city and want to relax, go to the seaside.

- I really don’t know. I love swimming but I don’t really like sunbathing. I have a

relaxing on the beach? You can go to Barcelona in Spain. The city is very lively and really worth seeing. You can see a lot of museums and relax on the wonderful beaches.

- You are right. I’ll definitely go there!

V. A. Translate the following international words: fatal [feitl], regular [′regjulə], diagnosis [,daiəg′nousis], strategy ['strætidʒi], potential [pou'ten∫əl], tragedy [′trædʒidi], personal [′pə:snl], physical [′fizikəl], Berlin [bə:′lin], contact [′kɔntækt]

V. B. Learn new words

fall asleep заснуть

circumstance[′sə:kəmstəns] обстоятельство, случай

asleep [ə′sli:p] спящий

friction[′frikən] трение

latent [′leitənt] скрытый

causation [kɔ: ′zeiən] причинение, причинность

maintenance [′meintənəns] уход, эксплуатация

unintentional [′∧nin′tenənl] непреднамеренный

abuse[əbju:s] оскорбление

affair [ə'fɛə] дело

death [de] смерть, гибель

engine ['endʒin] двигатель

involve [in′vɔlv] вовлекать

wearизнос, изнашивание

associate [ə′souieit] соединять, связывать(ся)

by myself [mai′self] один, сам, самостотельно

detrimental[dentri′mentl] приносящий убыток

manufacturing [,mænju′fæktəriŋ] производство

preventable [pri′ventəbl] предотвращаемый

regulation [,regju′leiən] правило, предписание

adhere[ədhiə] придерживаться

commonly [′kɔmənli] обычно

due to [dju:] из-за, благодаря

event [i′vent] событие, случай

failure [′feiljə] разрушение

identify [ai′dentifai] опознавать

employ [im′plɔi] использовать, нанимать

interrelate [,intə(:)ri′leit] взаимосвязывать

personal [′pə:snl] личный, персональный

sharp[α:p] точно; отчетливый, резкий

sole [soul] единственный, исключительный

unsafe[′∧n′seif] опасный, ненадежный

digestion [di′dʒestən] пищеварение

drug[dr∧g] лекарство, наркотик

error [′erə] ошибка, заблуждение

occur [ə′kə:] случаться, происходить

on my own один, сам, самостотельно

well-being [′wel′bi:iŋ] благосостояние

consider [kən′sidə] считать, полагать, рассматривать, учитывать

expose [ikspouz] выставлять, подвергать воздействию (атмосферы)

preventive[pri′ventiv] профилактический; предупредительный

surroundings [sə'raundiŋz] среда, окружение; окрестности