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III. B. Выучите новые слова

course [kɔ:s] курс

much [mʌt] очень

highly [′haili] высоко

stripe [straip] полоса

at allсовсем, вообще

reading [′ri:diŋ] чтение

over there вон там

rice [rais] рис

construction[kən′strʌkən] строительство, конструкция

stay [stei] оставаться, останавливаться; пребывание

hate [heit] ненавидеть

stamp [stæmp] марка

research [ri′sə:t] исследование, исследовать

studies [′stʌdiz] учеба, приобретение знаний

checked [tekt] клетчатый

collect [kə′lekt] собирать

dislike [dis′laik] не любить

love [lʌv] любить, любовь

near [niə] около, близко

complete[kəm′pli:t] полный; заканчивать

go in for (sport) заниматься (спортом)

neithernor [′naiðə…′nɔ:] ни … ни …

skill[skil] искусство, умение, мастерство

test [test] тест, испытание, испытывать

carry out [′kæri] выполнять

place [pleis] место, помещать

prefer [pri′fə:] предпочитать

shirt [ə:t] рубашка, блузка

industry [′indəstri] промышленность

Pardon?[′pα:dn] Извините, не понял

plain [plein] одноцветный, без узора

What do you do? Чем вы занимаетесь?

graduate [grædjuit] выпускник

plant [plα:nt] завод, растение

last [lα:st] длиться, продолжаться

train[trein]поезд; обучать, готовить

think [iŋk] thought [ɔ:t] thought (of) считать, думать (о)

III. C. Переведите предложения. Поставьте их в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму

1. He plays basketball. 2. His sister goes in for sport. 3. I study at the Faculty of Construction and Ecology. 4. He doesn’t play the piano. 5. The University trains highly skilled professionals for various industries. 6. She does the shopping on Sunday. 7. They don’t collect stamps. 8. The complete course of studies usually lasts 4 - 5 years. 9. The students carry out laboratory tests and do practical work. 10. The graduates of our university work at the plants and research Institutes.

IV. A. Переведите предложения

1. I like Physics very much. 2. He prefers tea. 3. I prefer classical music to dance music. 4. She doesn’t like shopping. 5. He hates whisky. He doesn’t like it at all. 6. I like dancing best. 7. I neither like nor dislike opera. 8. He doesn’t like this film much. 9. She quite likes coffee. 10. He enjoys reading. 11. He loves classical music. 12. I dislike rice.

IV. B. Прочтите диалоги

a) – Henry, what do you think of my new hat?

- I like it very much, dear. Look at this shirt. What do you think of it?

- I don’t like striped shirts very much.

c) - What do you do in your free time?

- I play chess.

- Do you like sport?

- Not very much but I enjoy watching it.

d) A: What do you think of the coffee?

B: I don’t think it’s very good.

C: I don’t like it much.

D: Not bad at all.

b) - What do you usually do at weekends?

- At weekends we often go to Brighton.

- Brighton? Is it a nice place?

- Yes, it’s a very nice place near London. We go there in the morning and

stay all day.

e) Porter: Is this your case?

Mr Dean: No, it isn’t.

Porter: Is that your case over there?

Mr Dean: Yes, it is.

f) - What do you do?

- Pardon?

- What’s your occupation?

- Oh, I’m a policeman.

V. A. Переведите следующие интернациональные слова: football [′futbɔ:l], café [′kæfei], Metro [metrou], Maths [mæs] = Mathematics [,mæi′mætiks]