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Unit 5. Russia


  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных § 18

  2. Особенности пассивных конструкций § 22

  3. Past Indefinite Active § 10

A. 1. Translate the following international words: Atlantic [ət′læntik], Altai [æl′teiai], central ['sentrəl], flora [′flɔ:rə], desert [dezət], policy [pɔlisi], Europe ['juərəp], Asia [ei∫ə], arctic [′α:ktik], continental [,kɔnti′nentl], minister [′ministə], autonomous [ɔ:tɔnəməs], Lena [′leinə], official [ə′fiəl], president [′prezidənt], cabinet [′kæbinit], automobile [ɔ:təməubi:l], Baikal [bai′kα:l], port [pɔ:t], Volga [′vɔlgə], Caucasus [΄kɔ:kəsəs], Yenisei [,jeni′sei], federal [′fedərəl], federation [,fedə′reiən], flag [flæg], taiga [΄taiga:], steppe [step], subtropical [′s∧b′trɔpikəl], territory [′teritəri], tundra ['tndrə], financial [fainænəl], ocean [′ouən], constitutional [,kɔnsti′tju:ənl]

  1. 2. Learn new words

border граница

coal уголь

cold холодный

court суд

deep глубокий

eagle орел

flora флора

hardly едва ли

oil нефть

ore [ɔ:] руда

over более

plain равнина

steppe степь

total общий


world мир

Asia [ei∫ə] Азия

banner знамя, флаг

belong принадлежать

chamber палата

consist of состоять из

desert пустыня

district округ, район

eastern восточный

fauna [΄fɔ:nə] фауна

fromto от … до

include включать

judicial судебный

lower нижний

mountain гора

Speaker спикер

upper верхний

aircraft воздушное судно

aerоsрасе воздушное пространство

be rich in быть богатым

be situated располагать(ся)

border on граничить с

chemical химический

climate ['klaimit] климат

control контроль, управлять

globe земной шар, глобус

government правительство

land земля, приземляться

lowland низина, долина

numerous многочисленный

region край, область, район

right правый, правильный

tundra ['tndrə] тундра

zone пояс, зона

nation [′neiən] народ, нация, народность, государство, страна

northern северный

peak пик, вершина

population население

power держава, власть

rather довольно, скорее

republic республика

resources ресурсы

surface поверхность

be famous for быть известным, быть знаменитым

Council ['kaunsl] of Fede­ration Совет Федерации

Federal Assembly Федераль­ное Собрание

ferrous содержащий железо, из черного металла

legislative ['ledʒislətiv] законо­дательный

Pacific ocean [pə′sifik′ouən] Тихий океан

Supreme Court [sju'pri:m 'kɔ:t] Верховный суд

textile [′tekstail] текстильный; (~s) текстиль, ткань

Caucasus [΄kɔ:kəsəs] Кав­каз

condition [kən'di∫n] условие

cooperation сотрудничество

international международный

irrespective of независимо от

moderate ['mɔdərit] умерен­ный

non-ferrous цветной (о металле)

Prime Minister премьер-министр

separate [sepə'reit] разделять

symbol [′simbəl] символ, эмблема

Urals ['juərəlz] Уральские горы

Arctic ocean Северный Ледовитый океан

area площадь, поверхность, зона

comprise включать, охва­тывать

executive [ig'zekjutiv] исполнительный

Federal Council Совет Федерации

foreign ['fɔrin] внешний, между­народный

highlands нагорье, горная местность

multinational многонациональный

mild [maild] мягкий, умерен­ный

more больше, больший; еще, опять, снова

State Duma Государственная Дума

A. 3. Translate the following word combinations:

to be rich in natural resources, total area, earth surface, climate conditions, various conditions, to be situated in Asia and Europe, occupy the area, occupy 4 buildings, to border on several countries, numerous rivers and lakes, high mountains, deep seas, various oceans, to consist of several time zones, natural gas, several regions, national districts, scientific centres, foreign policy, home policy, to comprise several autonomous republics, to be famous for its monuments, palaces and cathedrals, the Constitutional Court, subtropical climate, ferrous and non-ferrous metals

A. 4. Translate the following groups of derivatives:

occupy – occupation, cooperate – cooperation, govern – government, nature – natural, continent – continental, industry – industrial, east – eastern, south – southern, border – to border, climate – climatic, science – scientific, number – numerous, autonomy – autonomous, vary – various, differ – different, beauty – beautiful, power – powerful, national – multinational, party – multiparty, friend – friendship, deep – depth

B. 1. Translate the sentences

1. December 22 is the shortest day of the year. 2. English is easier than Russian. 3. This flat is less comfortable than ours. 4. Udokan is the highest mountain in the region. 5. The harder we study the more we know. 6. I want a box as large as this one. 7. My brother is the worst pupil in the class. 8. The more you work the better you know English. 9. Which is the most difficult subject for you? 10. Some of the buildings in New York are the highest buildings in the world. 11. The more we study nature the more we know about it. 12. I am as tall as you.

B. 2. Translate the sentences with passive voice

1. The construction of a new factory was started last year. 2. Where are these materials used? 3. These conclusions are based only on my speculations. 4. The raw materials are brought in through London harbour. 5. All kinds of building materials are used in architecture. 6. The article is much spoken about. 7. This book is often referred to. 8. The engineer was sent for. 9. The work of this student was paid attention to. 10. This man can’t be relied upon. 11. The climate of Great Britain is influenced by seas. 12. This plan was carefully worked at. 13. The laboratory was equipped with a new apparatus.

B. 3. Make the following sentences a) negative, b) interrogative

Model: He graduated from the Institute last year.

a) He didn’t graduate from the Institute last year.

b) Did he graduate from the Institute last year?

1. The lab assistant helped us with the experiment. 2. The equipment required further improvement. 3. He studied bridge construction. 4. He thought about imigrating to Canada. 5. They did the experiment several times. 6. My sister became a doctor. 7. They had a lecture on Mathematics yesterday. 8. He did a certain job at the lab. 9. We built this bridge two years ago. 10. He understood this rule. 11. He went to Moscow last month. 12. The scientist wrote this article not long ago.

  1. 4. Ask questions: e.g. He studied the French language at the Institute. – a) Where did he study the French language? b) What language did he study at the Institute?

1. They specialized in the field of Chemistry. 2. He went to London last year. 3. She worked at a very interesting problem. 4. He finished school in 1989. 5. He did research work in the field of Physics. 6. The workers built this house according to the plan. 7. He wrote a new book about animals. 8. These students passed all the exams well. 9. Students attended lectures on different subjects. 10. She bought a new dictionary. 11. He wrote an article on air pollution two days ago. 13. He saw the film "Sounds of Music" yesterday. 14. He did the homework in time.

B. 5. Translate the sentences

1. There are two lifts in this house. 2. Help me to lift this box. I can't lift this box without help. 3. You must have a rest. You may rest after your work. 4. My father works at the plant. 5. A farmer plants potatoes in spring. 6. Some plants suffer from heat. 7. Man must heat his house. 8. Smoke fills the room. Fire produces smoke. 9. Students smoke in the corridor. 10. Water supplies power for industry. 11. The collector has large supplies of books. 12. The man can't lift this weight, it can be lifted only automatically. 13. Several thousands meteors land on the surface of our planet daily. 14. If you don’t work hard you’ll make no progress. 15. He devoted his life to the progress of science.

C. 1. Read the text RUSSIA and answer the following questions:

1. Is Russia the largest country in the world?

2. What oceans wash the borders of the Russian Federation?

3. How many countries have borders with Russia?

4. What is the climate in Russia like?

Russia (the official name — the Russian Federa­tion) is the largest country in the world. The country is situated in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. It occupies about 1/6 of the Earth surface. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometres. Our land is washed by 12 seas, most of which are the seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders on fourteen countries. It also has a sea-border with the USA.

The country has a great variety of flora and fauna. There are numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts in our land. The highest mountains are the Altai, the Urals, and the Caucasus. There are over 2 million rivers in the Russian Federation. The longest of them are the Volga, the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena. Our land is also rich in various lakes. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

On the Russian territory there are 11 time zones. The climate conditions are rather different: from arc­tic and mild (moderate) — to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources coun­tries in the world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals. It is one of the highly developed industrial pow­ers in the world. The main industrial branches are machine-building, aircraft, aerospace, automobile, tex­tile, chemical and others.

The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. The population of the country is over 140 million people. More than 100 different nations and nationalities live in the Russian Federation. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols of the Russian Federation are the state white-blue-red flag and 2-headed Eagle.

The Russian Federation is a constitutional state headed by the President. The President controls only the executive branch - the government, but not the Supreme Court and Federal Assembly. The country government con­sists of 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Council of Federation (upper Chamber) and the State Duma (lower Chamber). Each chamber is headed by the Speaker.

The executive power belongs to the Government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister. The judicial power belongs to the system of Courts comprising the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and federal courts. The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all nations of the Globe irrespective of their political and social systems.

D. 2. Speak on Russia

D. 1. How well do you know your Homeland? What are:

• the biggest mountains?

• the biggest Russian lake?

• the longest Russian rivers (in European and Asian parts of the country)?

• a city with subtropical climate?

• cities with arctic climate?

• old historical cities?

• places of recreation and tourism?

B. 6. Translate the sentences

1. It's not so difficult as I expected. 2. In winter the days are not so long as in summer. 3. This is the best way to do it. 4. The stronger the wind, the harder the conditions of work for weather observers. 5. It is more interesting to study at the University than at school. 6. The more computers and robots are used in industry, the quicker technological progress will be. 7. The bigger the cities are, the greater the pollution is. 8. The nearer the Earth is, the denser the atmosphere is. 9. The highest mountain in the world is Everest, 29,002 feet high. 10. He is the best student in the group. 11. When we heat the gas the motion of the molecules becomes still more rapid. 12. Atoms can be further divided into still smaller particles. 13. The simplest source of power is a battery.

B. 7. Translate the sentences in passive voice

1. The experiment was done by third-year students. 2. This road was built last year. 3. He was listened to with great pleasure. 4. Tungsten is not affected by cold acids. 5. The poet is much spoken about. 6. The land, the sea and the air are affected differently by sun radiation. 7. This man can’t be relied upon. 8. The picture was attentively looked at. 9. This information is often referred to. 10. The documents were sent for a week ago. 11. The modern scientific forecast of weather can be fully relied upon. 12. The first discovery was followed by many others.

C. 2. Read the text GREAT BRITAIN and then discuss it with your partner. D. 3. Speak on The United Kingdom of Great Britain

Great Britain (the official name — The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or UK — for short) is situated on the British Isles which lie to the north-west of the continent of Europe.

The country is washed by the North and Irish Seas, the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel. North and West of the country are highlands, South and East — lowlands. The highest mountains of the UK are the Grampians in Scotland, Ben Nevis is the highest peak (1, 342 metres).

There are many rivers in the country - the Thames, the Shannon, the Avon, the Clyde and others. The longest river is the Severn, the Thames is of great economic importance. There are many beautiful lakes in Great Britain. The most famous lakes are in North-West England. This part of the country is called the Lake District.

The climate of Great Britain is influenced by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, the Atlantic Ocean and the seas. The climate is mild, not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer. The mild and damp climate is very good for agriculture.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial pow­er. It is rich in some mineral resources: coal, iron ores, oil, gas and some metals. The most important industrial cities are Birming­ham, Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool and others. The country is known as one of the world largest producers and exporters of electronics and machin­ery, chemicals and textile, various aircraft and navi­gation equipment. Among the main industrial branch­es are also heavy (iron and steel) industry, coal-mining, automobile, ship-building, metallurgical industry and woolen industry.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. Officially the head of the state is the Queen. But her power is not absolute, it is limited by the Parliament. The British Parliament consists of 2 chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The British Government is headed by the Prime Minister — the leader of the party having the majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister appoints the ministers to compose the government.

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland constitute the UK. The total area of Great Britain is over 244 thousand square kilometers. The population of the UK is over 57 million people.

The capital of the country is London. It is the larg­est political, cultural and industrial centre of the coun­try and one of the largest ports of the world. Its pop­ulation is over 11 million people.


majority большинство

monarchy монархия

heavy industry тяжелая промышленность

the House of Commons палата общин

damp влажный

influence влиять

appoint назначать

Queen королева

North Sea Северное море

ship-building кораблестроение

iron железо

isle остров

constitutional monarchy кон­ституционная монархия

The United Kingdom Соединенное королевство

C. 3. Read the text THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Divide the text into logical part and then entitle them

The United States of America is the 4th largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. It occupies the central part of the North American continent. Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations. The official language of the state is English. The United States of America is a federal republic, consisting of 50 states including the states of Alaska and Hawaii and 1 district — Columbia. Its total area (including the District of Columbia) is over 9 mln sq. km. (9,809,155 sq km). The country population is over 250 million people.

The states differ in size, popula­tion and economic development. Each state has its own capital. The capital of the USA is Washington. It is situated in the District of Columbia on the banks of the Potomac river and is named after the 1st US Pres­ident — George Washington.

The country borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea-border with Russia. The country is washed by 3 oceans: The Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. The country has many lakes, including the Great Lakes and many rivers, the long­est of which are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Columbia, the Rio Grande and some others. On the US territory there are mountains and lowlands. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachi, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak, Mount McKinley, is located in Alaska.

The climate conditions are rather different. The country is rich in natural and mineral resources: oil, gas, iron ore, coal and various metals.

The USA is a highly developed industrial and ag­ricultural country. The main industrial branches are aircraft, rocket, automobile, electronics, radio-engi­neering and others. There are many large cities in the country: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, Boston, Cleveland and some others.

The United States of America is a federal state, headed by the President. According to the US Consti­tution the powers of the Government are divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Congress con­sisting of the Senate and the House of Representa­tives. The Senate represents the states while the House of Representatives — the population. The executive pow­er belongs to the President and his Administration (Vice-President and Cabinet of Ministers). The judi­cial power belongs to the Supreme Court and the sys­tem of federal, state and district courts.

Nowadays the USA is one of the leading powers of the world due to its economic, political and military influence.

bank берег

represent представлять

name after назвать в честь

be located располагаться

Cordillera Кордильеры

Great Lakes Великие озера

leading ведущий

peak вершина, пик

Senate Сенат

size размер

according to согласно, в соответствии

Appalachian mountains Аппалачские горы

be made up from быть со­ставленным, состоять из

District of Columbia округ территории Колумбия

House of Representatives палата представителей

Rocky mountains Скалистые горы

Sierra Nevada Сьерра — Невада

D. 4. Speak on The United States of America

C. 4. Read the text THE ZABAIKALSKY REGION and discuss it. D. 5. Speak on The Zabaikalsky region

The Zabaikalsky region was established in 1937. It occupies the southern part of Eastern Siberia. The region borders on Mongolia, China, Yakutia, the Amur region and Buryat Republic. The area of the region is 431,500 square kilometres. Its population is 1,300,000 people.

The nature is very picturesque. The flora and fauna are rich and various. One can find volcano zones, lowlands, plains, steppes, sands. Over 60 % of the region is covered with forests. The region is a mountainous country. The highest peaks are Kodar and Udokan, some 3000 metres high. There are many rivers in the region, the longest of them are the Shilka, the Argun, the Vitim, the Ingoda, the Onon and others. There are many lakes in the region, the Ivan-Arakhley, Leprindo, Torey and others.

The region is rich in natural resources: coal, building materials, clay, ores, fluor-spar, ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals – gold, silver, tin, copper, etc. The region is famous for its mineral springs: Darasun, Molokovka, Kuka, Yamarovka. Some of them are used in medicine. Mining, coal, wool, food industries, mechanical engineering, metal-working are of great economic importance. The main industrial centres are Chita, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Krasnokamensk, Balei, Orlovsk and others.

The climate of the region is continental. The summer is hot and the winter is not very cold. There are many sunny days in the region.

E. 1. Choose the correct form

1. The academic year (are divided, is divided, were divided, divides) into two terms. 2. This road (was built, is built, were built, are built) last year. 3. An interesting problem (was discussed, were discussed, are discussed, discussed) at the lecture. 4. The telegram (was sent, were sent, will be sent, are sent) tomorrow. 5. The new grammar rule (is asked, are asked, were asked, will be asked) at the next lesson. 6. The experiments (was completed, completed, will be completed, are completed) by the end of the week. 7. At the Institute the students (is taught, are taught, was taught, taught) many different subjects.

E. 2. Choose the proper variant

  1. January is (colder, the coldest) than March. 2. Aluminium is (more important, the most important) metal of industry. 3. Chemistry is not so (difficult, less difficult) as Mathematics. 4. The Volga is one of (longer, the longest) rivers in Russia. 5. This car is (more comfortable, the most comfortable) than that one. 6. English is as (difficult, more difficult) as Mathematics. 7. Iron is one of (more, the most) useful metals of industry.