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урок Inventions in our life 11 класс_1.docx
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  1. Выполнение учащимися индивидуально и коллективно различного рода устных заданий обобщающего и систематизирующего характера. Проверка выполнения работ и восполнение имеющихся пробелов.

T: All right, I think we shall have some time at our today’s lesson to speak about computers too. First, however, scan the key words of Card 2 and try to explain in English why people use these or those gadgets and machines in their everyday life. But be attentive because the expressions explaining why people use some modern inventions in their everyday life are presented in the card in disorder. So think and try to match the gadgets and machines people use with their functions. I want you now to speak one after another (“in chain” and name the gadgets people use with their functions. Do, please.

Карточка 2


Gadgets and machines people use

What do people use them for?

1 - a computer

a - to cut and collect grass

2 - a TV set

b - to do roller-skating in the streets, in parks and squares

3 – a vacuum cleaner

c - to wake up people and tell the time

4 – a mobile telephone

d - to write programmes, to play computer games, to find and use information

5 – a microwave

e - to take photographs

6 – a TV remote-control unit

f - to perform everyday cleaning tasks from cleaning up liquids, dust and waste and shampooing carpets

7 – a talking alarm clock

g - to sew clothes, to sew on buttons; to do embroidery and applique

8 – a video recorder or player

h - to operate the TV set from a distance

9 – a camera

i - to receive or make calls from any place; to send and receive messages

10 – a solar powered calculator

j - to build up one’s strength

11 – a dishwasher

k - to see TV programmes, to have fun and entertain

12 – a mower

l - to record a TV programme on a different channel; to watch pre-recorded videos

13 – a body builder machine

m - to do calculations in sunlight or daylight

14 – a sewing machine

n - to wash dishes

15 – roller blades

o - to cook, to defrost, to reheat pre-prepared food


The key

1 -d

6 – h

11 – n

2 - k

7 – c

12 – a

3 – f

8 – l

13 – j

4 – i

9 – e

14 – g

5 - o

10 - m

15 - b

P1: Let’s begin with computers. They are used to write programmes, to play computer games, to find and use a lot of useful information. We can’t live without them. As for TV sets they entertain ourselves when we see our favourite TV programmes. And TV remote-control units help us to operate the TV set from a distance. And certainly we can say that TV sets also play a very important part in our life.

P2: Vacuum cleaners. It’s difficult to imagine our everyday life without them. They are used to perform everyday cleaning tasks from cleaning up liquids, dust and waste and even shampooing carpets. But mobile telephones are sometimes of greater importance because we can both receive and make calls from any place when we are far from our friends or relatives. This invention gives people a good opportunity to send or to receive messages like telegrams I should say.

P3: Of great importance are also microwaves. Many people use them when they want to cook, to defrost or to reheat pre-prepared food. It’s very convenient and saves a lot of time. I can say that modem talking alarm clocks are very useful too. They not only wake up people but also tell the exact time.

P4: I’d like to put in a word about video recorders or players. They are used to record any TV programme on a different channel or to watch pre-recorded videos which many young people enjoy seeing in their free time. Besides many of the young use cameras to take photographs of their friends and relatives and the places they visit.

P5: As for solar powered calculators they are very useful too and help people to do calculations in sunlight or daylight. They help everybody to save time when you have to count something. There is a very important household unit which is also used to save people’s time. It’s a dishwasher that is used to wash dishes.

P6: People may also buy a mower to cut and collect grass. And there is a body building machine too for those who want to build up their strength.

P7: A very important appliance for many women is a sewing machine which is used to sew clothes or to sew on buttons and for doing embroidery and applique too. As for roller blades they are useful for people of any age. Their advantage is that you don’t need to go to the skating rink because you may go in for skating in the streets, in parks and squares.

T: It’s very good that you know how the above mentioned modern appliances are used. But before buying a thing you want to know all of its positive characteristics. And it is natural. So now try to think and say why you are going to get this or that gadget to use at home. More over I want you to discuss the problem in pairs. (Учитель нацеливает учащихся на работу в парах, то есть в режиме [P1P2], с целью совершенствования их умений и навыков диалогической речи.) Try and say a few words in favour and against this or that appliance will you? Our key words of Card 3 and Card 4 will help you. And don’t forget using your colloquial vocabulary of Card 5. Well, let’s listen to your first dialogue. Have you managed to make it up?

Карточка 3


Arguments against buying some products

  • to be a waste of money

  • to be a waste of time

  • to be too high (the price)

  • to need batteries

  • to be bad for

  • to be difficult to operate

  • to be more trouble than it is worth

  • to be boring with (life)

  • to be no use at all

  • to be rather dull with

  • to be too expensive

P1: We have. And I suppose there is much to speak about television for example.

P2: Don’t you like to watch TV? Is it bad for you? Is it more trouble for you than it is worth?

P1: You are mistaken if you think this way. Television plays an important part in people’s life and watching TV gives people a fine opportunity to have fun and to entertain.

P2: You are right because when watching TV you take your TV remote-control unit and easily switch from channel to channel to choose the very programme you enjoy. Isn’t it easy to operate?

P1: Certainly it is. And more than that you may see different video films if you have got a video recorder which is also easy to operate. But to put it frankly people spend too much time on television. As far as I can see television deprives people of the pleasure to communicate.

P2: I share your opinion. But what would you suggest?

P1: It’s up to everybody to decide what to watch. But I for one think I shall never waste time on soaps or melodramas. Life is boring with them.

P2: I see.

T: Thank you. But let’s go on speaking about modem gadgets and other appliances. Try to give reasons in their favour and against them. Whose turn is it to go on speaking?

Карточка 4


Arguments in favour of buying some products

  • to save a lot of time

  • to be easy to operate

  • to be unusual but pleasant to use

  • to be useful and reliable

  • to be dull without

  • to make it possible

  • to offer a lot of possibilities

  • to be reasonable (the price)

  • to be a necessity rather than a luxury

  • to be pleasant to use

  • to be cheap

  • to be modern/good (the design)

  • to allow you to

  • to be exciting with

  • to be very useful

P3: It goes without saying that all people should pay much attention to their health. To my mind everybody must go in for sports.

P4: All this is clear. Why do speak about it?

P3: Don’t you understand? There is one thing among many in ventions of the 20th century which has a lot of advantages both in sports and in the way people spend their free time.

P4: I suppose you are going to name it at last, aren’t you?

P3: I mean roller blades. I believe the functions of roller blades are absolutely essential.

P4: Why do you think so?

P3: Well, it’s a very easy question to answer because to my mind life is boring without them. Roller blades are useful and reliable whatever your age is if you go in for sports and want to be both strong and healthy.

P4: But what is the main benefit of the product?

P3:Well, you don’t need to think how to spend your spare time wisely. You just do roller-skating in the streets, in parks and squares. And don’t forget about the fresh air you breathe in all the time. Isn’t it wonderful? All this adds to your health, doesn’t it?

T: Everybody I am sure shares this opinion. But what products have the other students chosen to speak about? Who is ready to continue the conversation? Do, please.

P5: To put it frankly there are household appliances which are needed for all of us.

F6:Is it bad that there are such appliances that are very useful for everybody? I don’t understand what you mean.

F5: Nobody says it’s bad. It’s natural that people clean up the fiat more efficiently if they use a vacuum cleaner. This appliance is very useful and reliable I believe.

F6: You may say the same about a microwave oven which people use because it is more quickly and saves a lot of time. Of great importance is of course a cordless phone. Just fancy! You can make your calls from any of your rooms you like. But what is wrong?

Карточка 5


  1. I for one think that... - Лично я думаю, что

  2. It seems to me that... - Мне кажется, что

  3. To my mind... - По-моему

  4. I am sure that... - Я уверен, что

  5. By the way... - Между прочем

  6. It goes without saying. - Само собой разумеется.

  7. What would you prefer? - Что бы Вы предпочли?

  8. As for me I would prefer... - Что касается меня, я бы предпочел…

  9. I agree with you. – Я согласен с Вами.

  10. I disagree with you. – Я не согласен с Вами.

  11. I am of the same opinion. – Я того же мнения.

  12. I share your opinion. – Я разделяю Ваше мнение.

  13. If I am not mistaken... – Если я не ошибаюсь

  14. That’s another pair of shoes! – Это совсем другое дело!

  15. To put it frankly... – Откровенно говоря, …

  16. I can (can‘t) do without it. – Я могу (не могу)обойтись без этого.

  17. As far as I can see (remember) ... – Насколько я понимаю (помню)…

P5: Nothing essential I hope. But there is one thing about them which is not clear to me. It’s the price of all of these appliances. I don’t think it’s reasonable enough. These appliances seem to be too expensive though no doubt they are very useful.

P6: Do you mean few people can afford buying them? I think all of these appliances are a necessity rather than a luxury nowadays and let me hope that the prices won’t be too high. So everybody will be able to afford any appliance needed.

T: I see, but there are two boys who are going to speak about computers. They are good at computers and can talk about them for hours. Am I right?

P7: Certainly you are. And I am happy to express our agreeing.

P8: And as for me I want to become a computer programmer. Computers will play the most important part in people’s life and everybody must learn how to operate them.

P7: Are you sure you are good at computers? Aren’t computers difficult to operate?

P8: Everything is easy to operate if you work hard to learn how to do it.

P7: There are people however who say that life is boring with the computer if you sit in front of it all day long, isn’t it?

P8: I am sure you are not of the same opinion because as I know you can’t do without it either. And besides the computer is also becoming a necessity rather than a luxury nowadays so don’t believe those who say it is very cheap and no use at all. Such people are always complaining about the price of the computer which seems to be never reasonable for them.

P7: I agree with you and I want to add that it’s really exciting to write programmes or even to play computer games when you have free time.

P8: The computer is the most useful invention of the 20th century I believe. It seems to me life is dull without computers. These are clever machines which offer people a lot of possibilities to develop their imagination, memory, and many other mental abilities.

P7: I agree with you because I am of the same opinion.

T: I see, boys and girls that you can say a lot about various devices. But I have never seen you buying these things. Will you give me an opportunity to witness it? So let us act out your conversations at a shop. Let’s have a short role-play as I want you now to play both the parts of shop assistants and shoppers. Imagine you are going to buy some of many appliances invented in the 20th century. Try to explain the shop assistant what you want to buy. As for the shop assistants their duty is to be polite on the one hand and to tell the shoppers the needed instructions about the thing on the other hand. As you see this work is very familiar to you and you will manage to do it well I am sure. The order of your conversation at a shop is presented in the chart of your text-book. And Card 6 can also help you to remember it. So, will you start?

Карточка 6

The chart to carry on a conversation at a shop

Offering help saying what you want asking about preferences giving yourself time to think advising what to choose saying what your choice is and naming the reason for your choice warning expressing surprise and asking for advice giving advice thanking responding to thanks

P9 (shop assistant): Hello. What can I do for you?

P10 (shopper): I’d like to buy a camera.

P9: What kind of camera would you prefer to buy?

P10: Well, let me see. I think a digital camera of course. Have you got digital cameras at your shop?

P9: We have got different digital cameras. And their design is quite modem. Have a look at Mercuiy for example. You are sure to like it.

P10: That’s really fine, I believe. A friend of mine has got such a camera. And he is pleased with the photos he has taken already. I’ll take it, I think.

P9: But there are some things you must not forget. Don’t use the camera in areas near water. More than that if the camera has fallen turn the power off, remove the batteries and consult the store of purchase to be sure nothing wrong has happened.

P10: Is water so dangerous for this camera? Sorry to say I can’t buy it because we are going to the seaside.

P9: Don’t worry. I don’t think you will stay on the beach in rainy weather. Follow the instructions of the camera and you will enjoy your holidays.

P10: Thank you. I believe it will be really so. I am taking the camera.

P9: I am so happy to have helped you.

P10: Good bye.

P9: Good bye. Have a nice time.

T: Any more volunteers to buy things at a shop? Which pair is ready to start the conversation? We are listening to you.

P1 (shop assistant): Hi. What can I do to help you?

P2 (shopper): I’d like to by a present for my friend. Do you think an electric kettle will be a good present for him?

P1: No doubt it will because electric kettles are considered to be very useful and reliable. What kind of kettle would you like to buy? Do you prefer any foreign firm?

P2: I think Sterlingg from England will suit me. Have you got kettles of this kind?

P1: We have got a wide choice of kettles. Only look. Here they are.

P2: Such kettles are easy to operate and they have already become a necessity rather than a luxury. And the price is reasonable enough as I see.

P1: Don’t you like the design?

P2: It’s nice too. I suppose I’ll take it.

P1: But there are some instructions you are to follow. When fill- 9, ing the kettle or cleaning it after use unplug it or remove it from its base or cordless model. Never turn it on when there is no water inside.

P2: I see. Are there too many instructions to follow?

P1: Not many but very important. For example never open the kettle with boiling water to avoid any contacts with the steam jet and you will prevent bums. I am sure your friend will follow all of these instructions and he will get the most out of this kettle. Anything else?

P2: No. Thank you very much. Good bye.

P1: Thank you. Good bye. And come again.

T: Thank you very much. Your dialogues were good. You see our lesson is coming to an end but I want you to do one more task. It concerns inventions too. You will have to listen to five very short texts. But be very attentive. You will have to understand what appliances are meant in each of these texts. After you have listened to the texts you will have to match their numbers with the names of the appliances given in Card 7. But choose the names of five appliances only. There is one extra name which you don’t need to use. Well, let’s begin.

Учитель предоставляет учащимся возможность прослушать пять названных текстов, приведенных в карточке учителя 8. Учащиеся прослушивают их и затем делают записки в тетрадях, соотносятся номера прослушанных текстов с буквами, относящимися к конкретному изобретению или прибору. Тексты и ответы представлены в карточке учителя (карточка 8), которая учащимся не выдается, а тексты воспринимаются ими на слух.

Карточка 7 (учащимся выдается)

Listen to five short texts about modern appliances and match their numbers with the names of the appliances given below. Choose the names of five appliances only. There is one extra name which you don ‘t need to use.

A – a car; B – a microwave oven; C – a cordless phone; D – a mobile telephone; E – a camera; F – a computer

Карточка 8 (учащимся не выдается)



  1. This invention is not only popular but it is really important for everybody. Thanks to it people have a reliable opportunity to come in touch with everybody they want. It saves much time when you have such an appliance at hand. You may take it and use it anywhere you like even when you are driving up the motorway.

  2. The advantages of this piece of technology arc great. It can take me, my relatives and friends to any place we want. The speed is its main benefit. And it’s natural that this piece of technology suits everyone whatever your age. When you use it you needn’t think about tickets, timetables and the rush hours because you always reach the place you need in time.

  3. Life is boring without this unit. It is very easy to operate. This unit allows you to shoot sharp and colourful pictures which always remind you about the places you have visited. This unit is small in size and it is small in weight too. If you want to capture special family moments or record exciting holiday events you are sure to buy it.

  4. This appliance is used practically every day. It has a lot of advantages. On the one hand it is used as a type writer but on the other hand it is used as an address book. Due to .this appliance one can go on Internet and discover a lot of information needed. This appliance gives people many possibilities to play and learn. But it’s natural that this appliance shouldn’t replace seeing friends.

  5. The unit is very useful when people cook meals. With its help you can cook dinner more quickly. And if you want to eat a hot meal, you just take your pre-prepared food and put it inside the unit. The only thing you must do is to set the dial and your dinner is ready in some minutes. Isn’t it wonderful?

A - a car; B - a microwave oven; C - a cordless phone; D - a mobile telephone; E - a camera; F - a computer The Key: l-D; 2-A; 3-E; 4-F; 5-B