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Speaking about preferences



представьте себе

let's face it

возможно/не возможно

it’s possible/impossible



думаю, полагаю

I believe

придётся – не придётся

have to – haven’t to

Какой смысл?

What's the point for__?

разумно – не разумно

it's reasonable/ unreasonable

лучше - лучший

better – the best


I doubt

мало – меньше books

few – fewer

соответствовать¸ подходить

match, suit, fit

мало – меньше time

little - less

стоит – не стоит

it's worth doing/it isn’t worth

на самом деле

the truth of the matter is


it is considered



уверен/абсолютно уверен

I am sure/ I'm pretty sure

нет смысла

There is no sense to


it's convenient

полезно/ бесполезно

it’s useful/ useless

хуже - худший

worse – the worst

1) Choose the statement you strongly agree and give your arguments for it.

2) Choose the statement you strongly disagree and prove your opinion.

A - Making mistakes in English is OK as long as people understand you.

B - My friends should come from the same social background as I do.

C - It is impossible to have a happy family life and a successful career.

D – Lecture is an obsolete way of training. We can read the same in books or the Internet.

E – Combining work and efficient university training is possible.

F - Marriage is outdated. There is no need for state or church approval or recognition of a partnership.

G - Quality of life will greatly improve in the future.

H - Teachers give too much homework.

I - Military service shouldn’t be obligatory.

К - The first lessons at universities (9.00 - 10.30) should be abolished.

The way to agree

The way to disagree

The way to start proving

I believe

I consider

I reckon

I am sure

I am pretty sure

I doubt that

There is no sense

Nonsense / ___ is nonsense

It's reasonable / convinient


Let’s face ___

What’s the point for___?


Read and explain in your own words or give Russian equivalents to numbers 4 and 5

1 – The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.

2 – A rolling stone gathers no moss.

3 – He who travels west, travels not only with the sun but with history.

4 - When at Rome, do as Romans do.

5 – To carry coals to Newcastle

What is the difference between

  • journey

  • trip

  • voyage

  • hiking

  • hitch-hiking?

Which type have you had recently?

Tipes of activities

Visiting galleries, museums, historical sites, admiring architecture

Going scuba diving (с аквалангом), scrolling (с трубкой), hiking, kayaking, angling, white-water rafting,

Trying delicious local cuisine

Taking strolls (неторопливые прогулки)

3) - If you could, where would you like to go?

- What sites of interest to visit?

- What kinds of activities to try?

Carl ( ) adventure holiday

Sonya ( ) cultural holiday

Rick ( ) package holiday (по путёвке)

Moria ( ) island holiday

4) In teams make an advertisement of the tour in any country. In your advertisement say about

  • Kind of traveling

  • Sites of interest to visit

  • Kinds of activities

  • Means of transport

  • Accomodation

  • Meals (cuisine)



come (came - come) get (got - got) give (gave - given) go (went - gone) hear (heard – heard) keep (kept - kept) know (knew – known) let (let – let) make (made - made) put (put - put) see (saw - seen) send (sent - sent) take (took - taken) leave (left – left) become (became - become) tell (told - told)

decide develop receive recognize refuse

again against almost already among even except still through though while