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B) Never mind. Better luck next time.

c) Don’t worry.

d) So do I.

e) Of course. Here you are.

f) Glad you enjoyed it.

VIII. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа.

  1. I understand that you are busy now. (Must, Should, Do…have to) … I phone later?

  2. The swimmer pulled together all his efforts and (could, might, was able to) … get out of the whirl.

  3. Shakespeare (must, could, can’t) … have been to the USA because it had not been founded by then.

  4. I think that you (ought to, can, have to) … help this old and miserable man.

  5. My niece (can, might, should) … visit us this summer.

  6. We (must, can, could) … go to Venezuela for our holidays. What do you say?

  7. For changing over the trains you (need to, is to, ought to) … buy another ticket.

  8. With new technology you (should, can, might) … cut communication costs considerably.

  9. You (could stay, could have stayed, needn’t have stayed) … at my place when you visited London. Why didn’t you do it?

  10. Your hands are full. (Shall, Will, Should) … I help you?

IX. Выберите один правильный вариант ответ:

1.The USA consists of…states.

a) 13

b) 25

c) 50

d) 75

2. … is the official residence of the Queen.

a) St. James’s Palace

b) Buckingham Palace

c) The Tower of London

d) The Palace of Westminster

3. … flows through London.

a) the Thames

  1. the Mississippi

c) the Severn

d) the Danube

4. New Zealand is washed by…

a) the Indian Ocean

b) the Atlantic Ocean

c) the Pacific Ocean

d) the Arctic Ocean

5. The capital of Canada is…

a) Toronto

b) Quebec

c) Montreal

d) Ottawa

6. ...stands on top of a column in the middle of Trafalgar Square.

a) Statue of Liberty

b) Lord Nelson’s Statue

c) Wellington’s Statue

d) Christopher Wren’s Statue

7....is Shakespeare’s birthplace.

a) Stratford-on-Avon

b) London

c) Canterbury

d) Birmingham

8. ...is connected with the name of the legendary hero Robin Hood. The monument to him is situated in this city.

a) Nottingham

b) Glasgow

c) Chicago

d) Sheffield

9. ...separates Great Britain from France.

a) The North Sea

b) the English Channel

c) the Straight of Dover

d) the North Channel

10. Liverpool is the native town of …

a) the Beatles

b) Elvis Presley

c) the Abba

d) Chuck Berry

X. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа:

1. …Tom and Bob good football players?

A) are B) is C) was D) am

2. My car isn't here any more. Somebody … it.

A) stole B) have stolen C) has stolen D) had stolen

3. When I entered the room, she…on the sofa.

  1. lay B) is lying C) was laying D) was lying

4. She never drinks strong coffee,…?

A) doesn't she? B) is she? C) does she? D) isn't she?

5. We are going for a walk. Who…to go with us?

A) is wanting B) does want C) want D) wants

6. George…to a new flat a month ago.

A) moved B) has moved C) had moved D) was moving

7. When we met our friends they…already…the news.

A) knew B) have known C) had known D) has known

8. Look! It…… Let’s go out!

A) is snowing B) snowed C) has been snowing D) snows

9. This is the first time I…the caviar.

A) ate B) had eaten C) am eating D) have eaten

10. I think Jane … a job. She has a lot of experience.

A) will get B) will have got C) gets D) get

11. She …all the flowers by five o’ clock in the afternoon.

A) watered B) has watered C) had watered D) will water

12. There…plenty of time to watch a football match on television yesterday.

A) was B) were C) has been D) is

13. The builders say that they…the roof by Tuesday.

A) finish B) will finish C) will have finished D) finished

14. He … a book all day yesterday.

A) read B) was reading C) has read D) had been reading

15. When my mother cooked supper we …TV.

A) watch B) watched C) was watching D) is watching

Вариант II

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