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Вариант 3

I. a) Запомните следующие слова словосочетания и составьте с ними 5 предложений.
















свобода действий







to enforce

проводить в жизнь

to underpin

поддерживать (тезис, аргумент и т. д.)

to denote

указывать на что-либо, означать

to interrupt


Adjectives& Adverbs

Прилагательные и наречия


конкурирующий, соперничающий, конкурентный




очевидный, явный


доступный, наличный




непочтительный, невежливый



б) Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его синонимом из правой колонки.

to obtain


to enter

to last


to get pay for

to receive

to get

to continue

to pay for

to cover the cost of



to gain

to charge

to go to

II. Соотнесите слово или словосочетание из левой колонки с его толкованием из правой колонки.

1. a lazy-bones

2. top of the class

3. a bit of a big –head

4. a real know-all

5. teacher’s pet

  • An irritating person who knows everything

  • A pupil (or student), given special and perhaps unfairly favourable treatment

  • Someone who thinks they are the best and says so

  • The one who gets the best marks

  • A person who dislikes and avoids any work

III. Найдите антонимы:

to be an unsuccessful student, graduation, oral, to attend, obligatory, optional, foreign language, to cut classes, written, to be at the top of the class, mother tongue, entrance

IV. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Сделайте полный письменный перевод 1, 2 и 3 абзацев.

Academic life at the university

1. Academic life in the United States may be confusing. International students often comment that U.S. students are competitive but do not seem to study very hard. Or it may seem puzzling that although there is great informality in the classroom, the professors are very demanding. Some of these apparent contradictions can be explained in terms of their underlying values. Creativity, tolerance and flexibility are, in general, valued above tradition and respect for authority in the United States. Teaching styles and classroom activities vary widely and are influenced by many factors. Even where tradition does dictate academic behavior, the patterns may not be evident to someone coming from a different tradition.

2. International students are often surprised at the variety of available courses and the number of choices they must make each term. There is a basic structure to any degree program, but many options usually exist as well, and students are often expected to make selections independently.

3. Your professor or instructor has wide discretion to make and enforce certain classroom policies relating to attendance, make-up examinations, and other issues. Underpinning this discretion is the strong American tradition of academic freedom.

4. There are some American students’ behaviors that you may find surprising or that would be considered disrespectful in your country. For example, students may sit in class with there feet on the chair or desk in front of them. They may eat, drink, or even sleep in class! Students may interrupt lectures to ask questions or even to raise questions to what is being said. In general, none of these behaviors denotes disrespect unless done in a belligerent or aggressive manner. In fact, one way in which an American student shows respect for his or her teacher is by being an active participant in class.

V. Определите верно или неверно утверждение.

    1. Traditionalism is less valued than creativity, tolerance, flexibility in the American academic life.

    2. American students have freedom to choose a course.

    3. It is academic freedom that is the strong American tradition.

    4. American professors are governed by fixed rules relating to classroom policies.

    5. American teachers do not object to students’ belligerent behavior.

VI. Прочитайте текст и выберите подходящий заголовок.

  • The role of testing system in education

  • The place of testing system in education

  • Testing system

Before children starting school at the age of five they are tested in reading, writing and use of number. This “baseline assessment” is aimed at providing the teachers with more information, as well as allowing the measurement of pupil’s progress as they move through the school.

All children in state schools are tested in English and mathematics at the ages of 7, 11, and 14. At the age of 11 and 14 they are also tested in science. The tests are usually taken at the end of the academic year. The children are tested against the learning targets set by the national curriculum. All children in state schools in Northern Ireland are tested formally in English, mathematics and science only at the age of 14.

At Key Stage 4, the national curriculum gives schools the opportunity to offer pupils aged 14 to 16 a wider choice of subjects, for example craft or drama. There is a range of GCSE and vocational courses to cater for these areas.

Before they leave school, most 15 and 16 year olds also take General Certificate of Secondary Education or similar qualifications.

VII. Подберите к реплике из левой колонки подходящий ответ из правой колонки.

Make yourself at home.

A. Thanks.

Have a good weekend!

B. That’s very kind. Thank you.

See you tomorrow!

C. Sleep well!

Good night!

D. Bye!

Thank you very much indeed.

E. Not at all. Don’t mention it.

Bless you!

F. Thanks. Same to you!

VIII. Составьте диалог, расположив реплики в нужном порядке.

1. I’m Alison. What’s your name?

  • I’m a doctor .And you?

  • Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?

  • Well, I’m thirty five.

  • Where exactly?

  • Glasgow. What about you?

  • I’m from Birmingham. What’s your job?

  • Really? How old are you?

  • I’m a student.

  • I’m Steve, Steve Blair. Nice to meet you.

  • I’m twenty –one. And you?

  • I’m from Scotland.

  • Thirty five! Are you really?

14. Yeah!!!

IX. Выполните тест по теме «Предлоги».

Mozart was born in Salzburg ... 1756.

a) in b) on c) between d) about

The course begins ... 7 January and ends … 10 March.

a) on b) at c) in d) during

It rained … three days without stopping.

a) on b) in c) at d) for

The swimming bath opens ... 8 o'clock.

a) at b) in c) on d) of

Our flat is … the fifth floor.

a) for b) on c) to d) at

The poem is written ... Tutchev.

a) by b)with c) of d) at

What time are you going ... home?

a) on b) at c) in d) –

8. I cut my finger ... the scissors.

a) by b) with c) of d) on

9. Did you come here … foot.

a) by b) on c) in d) at

10. We haven’t seen him … ages.

a) of b) to c) for d) since

X. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. We … at the academy now.

a) is b) are c) were

2…..Yesterday they … at the forest.

a) were b) are c) will be

3. In a year I … a doctor and my sister … an engineer.

a) are b) will be c) was

4. She … many English books at home.

a) has b) had c) have

5. The first-year students … examinations in July.

a) has b) shall have c) had

6. He … a breakfast at 9 o’clock every morning.

a) have b) has c) will have

7. Students … a lecture on history tomorrow.

a) had b) have c) will have

8. Civilization will never flow back while there … youth in the world.

a) has been b) are c) is

9. There … a magazine and ten pens on the table.

a) is b) are c) was

10. … there … a lecture tomorrow?

a) Will … be b) Shall … be c) Would … be

11. Honesty is … policy.

a) the best b) better c) more better

12. … men declare war. But it is the youth that fight and die.

a) Oldest b) Older c) Elder

13. Of two evils choose the … .

a) less b) little c) least

14. What’s the … news of today?

a) later b) latest c) last

15. If you require … information or assistance, ask at your local station.

a) further b) farther c) furthest

16. Actions speak … than words.

a) more louder b) the loudest c) louder

17. Hotels are becoming … nowadays.

a) more expensive b) the most expensive c) expensive

18. The damage to the car could be …, than we expected.

a) bad b) worse c) the worst

19. That was … case in his practice.

a) the least difficult b) the less difficult c) the less difficulter

20. The sea is … unknown part of our world.

a) the most large b) the largest c) the most largest