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Вариант 2

I. a) Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания и составьте с ними 5 предложений:

infant school

дошкольное учреждение, детский сад

junior school

младшие классы средней школы


курс обучения, учебный план,


Eleven Plus Examination

отборочный экзамен по окончании начальной школы (в 11 лет); от оценки на этом экзамене зависит в каком типе средней школы ребёнок будет учиться дальше – классической (grammar school) для наиболее способных, современной (secondary modern school) или технической (technical school).

secondary school

средняя школа

elementary school

начальная школа

secondary modern school

средняя современная школа (в Великобритании, для детей от 11 до 16 лет)


интеллект, умственные способности

secondary technical school

техническое училище, техникум

grammar school

средняя школа (классическая школа для детей от 11 до 18 лет; среднее звено в государственном образовании).

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)

1) аттестат об общем среднем образовании;

2) экзамен на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании.

comprehensive school

общеобразовательная школа

stratum (мн.ч.-strata)

слой общества; уровень развития

according to

в соответствии, согласно, по


отметка, балл, оценка




одарённый, способный, талантливый

ordinary level ( “O” Level)

1) экзамен по программе средней школы первого уровня сложности (сдавался по окончании 5 класса; в 1988 г. его заменил экзамен на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании);

2) успешная сдача экзамена первого уровня сложности;

3) ступень обучения, требующая предварительной успешной сдачи экзамена первого уровня сложности.

advanced level (“A” Level)

1) экзамен по программе средней школы второго уровня сложности ( сдаётся в Великобритании по окончании 6 класса; результаты этого экзамена учитываются при поступлении в университет);

2) успешная сдача экзамена второго уровня сложности;

3) ступень обучения, требующая предварительной успешной сдачи экзамена второго уровня сложности.

b) Сопоставьте каждое слово из левой колонки с его синонимом из правой колонки:

to divide


to include

to supply




to contain

to provide


to obtain



to separate


to get

II. Соотнесите слово или словосочетание из левой колонки с его толкованием из правой колонки:

1. to flunk

2. to coach for

3. a head teacher

4. a form teacher

5. to put smb on report

  • to make a complaint about smb’s bad behaviour.

  • the teacher responsible for the pupils of one form.

  • to train or teach, especially not in a place of formal education.

  • the teacher who is in change of a school.

  • to fail a test or a subject.

III. Найдите антонимы:

To pass an exam, to catch up with the group, to graduate from, entrance exams, appointment, freshman, to get (leg) behind, graduate, to enter, final exams, dismissal, to fail an exam.

IV. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Сделайте полный письменный перевод последних 2-х абзацев:

Schooling in Great Britain

English children must go to school when they are five, first to infant schools where they learn the first steps in reading, writing and using numbers. Young children are divided into two groups according to their mental abilities. The curriculum for “strong” and “weak” groups is different, which is the beginning of future education contracts.

When children leave infant school, at the age of seven, they go to junior school until they are about eleven years of age. Their school subjects include English, arithmetic, history, geography, nature study, swimming, music, art, religious instruction and organized games.

When pupils come to the junior school for the first time, they are still often divided into three “streams” – A, B and C – on the basis of their infant-school marks or sometimes after a special test. The brightest children go to the A-stream and the least gifted to the C-steam.

Towards the end of their fourth year in the junior school, a certain percentage of English schoolchildren still have to write their Eleven Plus Examinations, on the results of which they will go the following September to a secondary school of a certain type.

About 5% of elementary school – leavers in Britain go to secondary modern schools. Modern schools do not provide complete secondary education. Some modern schools do not teach foreign languages. In modern schools pupils are also streamed according to their “intelligence”.

The secondary technical school is not a specialized school. It teaches many general subjects. Boys and girls in technical schools study such practical subjects as woodwork, metalwork, needlework, shorthand (stenography) and typing. Not more than two per cent of schoolchildren in Britain go to technical schools.

The grammar school is a secondary school taking about 3% of children offering a full theoretical secondary education including foreign languages, and students can choose which subjects and languages they wish to study. Then they may take the General Certificate of Secondary Education at the ordinary level. The other continue their studies for another two or three years to obtain the General Certificate of Secondary Education at the advanced level, which allows them to enter university.

The comprehensive school combines in one school the courses of all three types of secondary schools; so the pupils can study any subject which is taught in these schools. They are of different types; all of them preserve some form of streaming, but pupils may be moved from one stream to another. Comprehensive schools take over 90% of schoolchildren in Great Britain. The comprehensive school is the most popular type of school, for it provides education for children from all strata.

V. Определите верно или неверно утверждение:

  1. English children must go to school when they are seven.

  2. Young children are divided into groups according to their physical abilities.

  3. Modern schools do not provide complete secondary education.

  4. In technical schools boys and girls are taught such practical subjects as woodwork, metalwork, needlework etc.

  5. The comprehensive school provides education for children from rich families.

VI. Прочитайте текст и выберите подходящий заголовок:

  • peculiarities of educational system in British Universities.

  • higher education establishments in London.

  • University education in the UK and US.

Of the full-time students now attending English Universities three quarters are men, and one quarter women. Nearly half of them are engaged in the study of arts subjects such as history, languages, economics or law, the others are studying pure or applied sciences such as medicine, dentistry, technology, or agriculture.

The University of London, for instance, includes internal and external students, the latter coming to London only to sit for their examinations. Actually most external students at London University are living in London.

The three terms into which the British University year is divided are roughly eight to ten weeks. Each term is crowded with activity and the vacations between the terms – a month at Christmas, a month at Easter, and three or four months in summer – are mainly periods of intellectual digestion and private study.

A person studying for a degree at a British University is called a graduate.

B.A. or B.Sc. stands for Bachelor of Arts, or of Science, the first degree. M.A. or M.Sc. denotes Master of Arts, or of Science. One can become a B.A. after three years of hard study, and an M.A. at the end of five years.

VII. Подберите к реплике из левой колонки подходящий ответ из правой колонки:

1. What is your job?

A) I like music and painting.

2. Where do you come from?

B) How do you do?

3. Are you good at foreign languages?

C) I’m an engineer.

4. What are you interested in?

D) No, I am not. I find them difficult to learn.

5.What would you like to listen to?

E) I’m from Scotland.

6. How do you do?

F) I’d rather not.

VIII. Составьте диалоги, расположив реплики в нужном порядке:

1) Not bad, thanks. And you?

Very well. How are the children?

Hi, Dave! How are you?

They’re fine.





2) Goodbye, Anne. Have a nice evening.

Thanks, Chris. See you tomorrow!

Goodbye, Chris.




IX. Выполните тест по теме “Prepositions”

  1. There is a beautiful picture ... the wall.

a) in b) on c) between

  1. Pupils go to school ... 1st of September.

a) on b) at c) in

  1. I cut my finger ... a knife.

a) by b) with c) of

  1. We usually have holidays ... summer.

a) on b) in c) at

  1. The bank opens ... 8 o'clock.

a) at b) in c) on

  1. I like listening ... music in my free time.

a) for b) – c) to

  1. The poem is written ... my sister.

a) by b)with c) of

  1. Are you interested ... modern art?

a) on b) at c) in

  1. Look ... the picture! Isn't it beautiful!

a) in b) on c) at

  1. The cinema is in front ... the bank.

a) of b) to c) for

X. Выберите один правильный вариант ответа.

1. Which is …: the United States or Canada?

a) large b) larger c) the largest d) largest

2. The London Underground is … in the world.

a) more old b) older c) the oldest d) the most old

3. The rivers in America are much … than those in England.

a) bigger b) big c) more big d) biger

4. This is … view I have ever seen in my life.

a) more beautiful b) beautiful c) the beautifulest d) the most beautiful

5. It is not … today as it was yesterday.

a) as cold b) so cold c) cold d) colder

6. She speaks Italian …than English.

a) better b) best c) the best d) good

7. My sister speaks English … than I do.

a) badder b) worse c) bad d) the worst

8. Chinese is … than English.

a) the most difficult b) difficultest c) difficulter d) more difficult

9. My father … a teacher.

a) is b) be c) are d) were

10. I … a doctor when I grow up.

a) was b) shall be c) am d) were

11. … your aunt a doctor?

a) are b) will c) were d) is

12. When I come home tomorrow, all my family … at home.

a) will be b) was c) is d) shall be

13. Where … you yesterday?

a) was b) were c) will be d) are

14. Where … your books now?

a) are b) is c) were d) was

15. We … late for Institute yesterday.

a) are b) were c) shall be d) was

16. … she ill last week?

a) was b) is c) were d) will be

17. He … a new flat next week.

a) has b) had c) have d) will have

18. They … a famous battle in 1812.

a) had b) have c) haved d) has

19. We … many good friends in London.

a) had b) had got c) has d) have got

20. She has got much work on Saturday, …?

a) hasn’t she b) doesn’t she c) hasshe d) didn’t she

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