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Реклама и журн. 2 семестр.doc
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  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

a holiday manifestation; a beautiful square; the city surrounded be a wall; the square surrounded by beautiful buildings; the place connected with the history of the town; an art treasure; works of art; an art museum; different places of interest; a wonderful museum; to make a great impression; a straight street; to go sightseeing; all over the word; world famous work of art; the richest collection of painting and sculpture; a magnificent palace; foreign countries; as for me; to be famous for; to have the opportunity; simply; masterpieces of painting; to remain the capital.

  1. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

покупать (заказывать) билеты; что касается меня; достопримечательное место; происходить; замечательные произведения искусства; производить впечатление; восхищаться; красивый дворец; доставать билеты; художественные сокровища; посещать; основывать; славиться чем-либо; шедевры, известные во всем мире; оставаться столицей; осматривать достопримечательности; веселиться.

Text № 4: m o s c o w

1. Прочтите и выучите новые слова:

  • academy [q'kxdqmI]академия; the Academy of Sciences

  • achievement – достижение; the achievements of world science

  • agriculture – сельское хозяйство; His report was devoted to the new achievements in agriculture.

  • almost – почти; Our research work is almost finished.

  • anniversary ["xnI'vEsqrI]годовщина; the anniversary of our victory

  • appearance – внешний вид, внешность; We asked the girl to describe the appearance of the man who wanted to see us; the appearance of a town (city)

  • ballet ['bxleI]балет; I am fond of ballet.

  • to celebrate – праздновать; Women’s Day in Russia is celebrated on the 8th of March.

  • to change – менять(ся); to change one’s plan (opinion); He told us that he had changed the time of our meeting.

  • construction – строительство; конструкция; The construction of this plant began some years ago; housing construction – жилищное строительство

  • contemporary = modern – современный; современник; contemporary events (literature, poets, artists)

  • convenient = comfortableудобный; a convenient time (day, place); It is very convenient to live near a metro station.

  • culture – культура; He is a man of great culture.

  • a great deal of = a lot of = plenty of = a great many – много; We have got a great deal of work to do today.

  • to decorate – украшать; The students decorated the hall for the coming New Year holiday.

  • deeply – глубоко; My friend was deeply interested in this question.

  • district – район; In what district of the town do you live?

  • doubt [daVt]сомнение; We have no doubt that you will do your best to fulfil the work as soon as possible. No doubt – Несомненно

  • educational establishment – учебное заведение; There are plenty of educational establishments in Moscow.

  • to erect – сооружать, воздвигать; to erect a monument

  • to exhibit [Ig'zIbIt] = to show - экспонировать, выставлять, показывать; to exhibit a picture (sculpture)

  • famous = well-known – знаменитый, известный; a famous actress (artist, poet, scietist)

  • gallery – галерея; the world famous Tretyakov Gallery

  • general – общий, всеобщий; a general education; a general appearance

  • to go on = to take place – происходить, иметь место; Great construction work is going on in Moscow now.

  • goodsтовары; consumergoods– товары народного потребления, бытовые товары

  • greenery – зелень; There is much greenery around the houses.

  • to be impressed – находиться под впечатлением; I was deeply impressed by these events.

  • to increase [In'krJs]увеличивать(ся); to increase the production of consumer goods

  • leading – ведущий; a leading cultural centre

  • means – средство; means of artistic expression; means of transport

  • money [mAnI]деньги; to spend money on

  • national economy– народное хозяйство;

  • numerous ['njHmqrqs]многочисленный; numerous factories (plants)

  • to occupy – занимать; Is this seat occupied? He occupies an important position in our firm.

  • opposite – (расположенный) напротив; The shop is just opposite my block.

  • performance – представление, спектакль; What performance is going on in this theatre now?

  • to play an important (the leading) part in (history) – играть важную (ведущую) роль в (истории)

  • population – население; What is the population of Moscow?

  • to possess = to haveиметь, владеть; What masterpieces does this museum possess?

  • prince – князь;

  • to produce – производить; to produce consumer goods; What goods does this plant produce?

  • quick = fastбыстрый, скорый; a quick means of transport; Be quick! – Поспеши!

  • requirement – требование; to fulfil the requirements; to meet the requirements – отвечать требованиям

  • Russia ['rASq]Россия

  • seat – место; резиденция; Is this seat occupied? The seat of the Government

  • size – размер; to increase in size

  • stateгосударство; штат; государственный;astatelibrary(museum)

  • sum – сумма; I need a large sum of money.

  • traffic – транспорт, уличное движение; There is a lot of traffic on the roads now.

  • widely – широко; This anniversary was widely celebrated in our town.

  • from year to year – из года в год

2. Прочтите и переведите текст.


Moscow is the capital of the Russia. It was founded by Prince Yury Dolgoruky in 1147. Its eight hundred and fiftieth anniversary was widely celebrated in 1997. There is a monument to Y. Dolgoruky in the very centre of Moscow. It has been erected just opposite the building of the Moscow Government.

During the whole history of Russia Moscow played the leading place in its cultural and political life. In 1918 Moscow became the capital of Russia again, though for two centuries before it, the capital of Russia had been St. Petersburg. Moscow is the seat of the Government and President of Russia. The center of Moscow is Red Square. Manifestations and parades take place in this square during the holidays. Moscow is always beautifully decorated and illuminated during the holidays. Many important events in the history of Russia have been connected with the name of Moscow.

Now Moscow is a big industrial, cultural and political centre of the country. Its numerous plants and factories produce various machines for all branches of national economy and different consumer goods for the population.

Moscow is a large educational and scientific centre. There is a great number of various educational establishments and research institutes here and the oldest one is Moscow University. It was founded by M. Lomonosov in the 18th century and now it bears his name. The building of Moscow University is so high that one can see it from different parts of the city. It is the highest building in Moscow. Moscow is also the seat of the Academy of Sciences of Russia with its numerous institutes, laboratories and research institutes.

Moscow is beautiful. We admire its fine buildings, magnificent palaces, architectural monuments, beautiful green parks and squares. Those who have not been in Moscow for a long time are deeply impressed by the changes that have taken place in the general appearance of the city. Its size has been greatly increased. A great deal of quite new districts have appeared in it lately. The planning of these districts meets the requirements of a new modern socialist town – long straight streets, blocks of flats of modern design with all necessary modern conveniences and much greenery in the streets and around the houses. Thousands been built and great construction work is still going on.

The Moscow Government does its best to improve the traffic system. It is being improved from year to year. The Moscow underground is no doubt the best in the world. It connects the centre of the city with almost all districts and suburbs of Moscow. The underground is the quickest and most convenient means of transport.

The Moscow Kremlin is one of the world’s largest collections of historical and art treasures. The cultural life of the capital is very rich. There are plenty of cinemas, theatres, museums and art exhibitions here. Special exhibitions demonstrating the largest achievements of world and Russian industry, high technology, agriculture and culture are often held in Moscow.

A wonderful collection of world famous pictures by Kramskoy, Polenov, Surikov and other Russian and contemporary artists is being exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery. The Pushkin Art Museum possesses art works by foreign masters. In the world famous Bolshoi Theatre one can see the best ballet performances and hear Russian and foreign operas. Moscow is also famous for one of the largest libraries in the world – The Russian State Library where one can find all conveniences for work and study.

3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is the capital of the Russia? 2. How old is it? 3.When and who was it founded by? 4. Is there any monument to Y. Dolgoruky in Moscow? 5. Where is it situated? 6. When was it erected? (1947). 7. What part has Moscow always played in the history of Russia? 8. Why one can say that Moscow is a large educational and scientific centre? 9. Is Moscow also a great industrial centre of our country? Why? 10. What can you say about the new districts of Moscow, which have appeared lately? 11. Is great construction work going on in Moscow? 12. Has Moscow changed greatly recently? 13. What monuments have been erected in Moscow lately? 14. What can you say about the cultural life of the capital? 15. What places of interest can you name? 16.What world famous art collections in Moscow do you know? 17.Have you ever been to Moscow? 18. When did you visit Moscow last? 19. What was your impression of Moscow? 20. What performance did you see last and how did you like it?

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