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In a moment I’ll ask you to (5) __________ a deep breath in and hold it.

Breathe in, (6) __________ it.

That’s it. Fine. You can breathe out now.

Thank you. I’ll need to check the film.

Now I’m going to take a side view.

Can you stand (7) __________ with your right side close to the machine and your arms raised?

Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps:

Measles is one of the most (1)__________ and widespread diseases of childhood. All the parents must know that (2)_________ is a very grave disease which is dangerous for children especially the young ones.

The disease is spread by (3)__________ droplets from the nose and throat sneezed or coughed into the air.

There is an incubation period of 9—10 days. The first symptoms are fever, cough and (4)__________. With the appearance of these symptoms the parents must put the child into bed and call the doctor in.

The disease is characterized by a (5)__________ which appears on the 4th day, at first on the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is known as (6)__________ spots. These are tiny white (7)__________ on a bright red (8)__________. Then red maculopapular rash (9)__________ on the skin, at first behind the ears, then on the face, body and limbs. After the disappearance of the rash (10)__________ begins.

The patient begins to feel much (11)__________. The cough and (12)__________ in the head become aggravated, the eyes get (13)__________. If the disease is not complicated, the patient recovers quickly.

Proper (14)__________ and good nursing may prevent complications. The patient's room must be aired as often as possible, because fresh (15)__________ prevents further infection, and it must be cleaned with a wet duster. The patient's (16)__________ must be placed so that the day (17)__________ should not fall on his face, but the room must never be darkened because the sun rays kill (18)__________.

It is necessary to keep the patient's mouth clean. For this purpose the patient should (19)__________ his mouth after meals. Little children must drink (20)__________ water instead of rinsing. If the child has no complications he must be bathed as usual. The temperature of the water must be about 36—37 °C. As the sick child has poor appetite he should take (21)__________ diet in small amounts 5—6 times a day. The patient’s hands must often be washed and he must not be allowed to (22)__________ his eyes. It is good to wash his eyes out with tea (green tea is better) or an appropriate (23)__________ solution several times a day. It is necessary to isolate the sick child from healthy children. When it is impossible for the child to have proper (24)__________ at home, he should be taken to the hospital where there are proper (25)__________ to aid his recovery.


Exercise 1.

Guess the diagnosis and prove your choice:

MOTHER: Doctor, I am sorry to tell you that my little boy is ill, help my baby, please!

DOCTOR: I am sorry to hear it. National Health Line Hospital is always eager to help its patients immediately and on highly-qualified level. What’s the matter with him?

MOTHER: When I came home I found my little boy crying. I couldn’t stop him though I tried hard. I understood at once that something was wrong with him.

DOCTOR: Why did you think so?

MOTHER: He was very restless and irritable. He coughed severely and during it he had vomiting, his face was red and even cyanotic, his eyes bulged and his tongue protruded.

DOCTOR: So, can you describe the cough? I mean, does he wheeze when he coughs?

MOTHER: Mm… Yes, when he breathes in. Yes, not when he breathes out.

DOCTOR: Did he have any troubles before that?

MOTHER: Yes, he had been unhealthy for about 10 days. He coughed and sneezed. It looked like a common cold. He catches colds quite often, you know. I gave him anti-cold drugs, warm drinking, applied warm applications to the chest. It always helped him before. But instead of improving, in this case the cough accompanied by vomiting became more severe.

DOCTOR: I see. Don’t worry. I’ll examine your son at once………. I suppose he is ill with some infectious bacterial disease. It always begins with the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection or common cold and only analyses of blood and sputum may confirm the diagnosis.

MOTHER: Doctor, is the disease curable? Oh, my boy is burning.

DOCTOR: Oh, yes, it is! It can be efficiently treated with antibiotics. Modern cough suppressing drugs will relieve the attacks of paroxysmal hacking cough.

MOTHER: Oh, doc, I hope everything will be OK.

Exercise 2.

Read the following clinical details letter. What procedures were carried out to set the diagnosis? Who is the letter addressed to? Who is the addressee? What makes Dr. Chapman uncertain?

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