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is prescribed for pneumonia? 10. What procedures are administered for severe cases of pneumonia? 11. When are vitamins given to the pneumonia patient? 12. What diseases are complicated by pneumonia?

II. Ask your friend yes/no questions:

The position of the sick child must be changed frequently; the room should be aired frequently; the sick child should be provided with good nutrition and care; the sick child must be allowed to lie on his back for long; the sick child should be kept in bed; the sick child may be kept outdoors.

III. Read the text and say what new information it contains


compared with the previous text:

Pneumonia almost always sets in abruptly with a high fever. Children often complain of stomachaches and pain in the chest. Sometimes children expectorate bloody sputum. The cough is at first very mild, in some cases it is absent altogether. Respiration is accelerated. The disease lasts 7-14 days. In older children complications are rare, and prognosis is very good. Proper treatment and nutrition lead to complete recovery.

IV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the underlined words:

1. Pneumonia involves an entire lung or a part of a lung. 2. The disease responds very well to specific medication with penicillin. 3. The doctor applied mustard plasters on the patient's breast and cups on his back. 4. Children are given vitamins from the very first day of the disease. 5. A variety of complications may occur. 6. If you sit near the window, you will get a cold. There is a draught there.

V. Match the underlined words with their Russian equivalents and translate the sentences:


This food is very


а) частый, часто






The disease sets

in abruptly



During this season the disease is very

с) резко, внезапно





Pneumonia may


е) коклюш

whooping cough.



5.Measles may also be complicated by pneumonia..

VI. Speak about: a)symptoms and course of pneumonia; b) com plications of pneumonia; c) treatment of pneumonia; d) care for a pneumonia patient.


Whooping cough is a comm on acute infection of childhood, highly contagious. It is caused by the Bordutellia Pertussis. The illness is characterized by a catarrhal period of nonspecific respiratory symptoms progressing to the stage of paroxysmal cough, accom - panied by the typical inspiratory whoop and vomiting. It may be complicated by potentially serious involvement of the respiratory tract and the central nervous system.

Epidemiologic Factors. The disease may strike at any time of the year. Although no age is exempt from p ertussis, most people have the disease in early life. Transmission is likely to occur by direct contact with an infected person (coughing, sneezing, talking). The disease is communicable from its very first days to four weeks afrer onset of typical paroxysms.

Clinical Manifestaions. The incubation period is about 7 d a ys , s e l d o m s h o r t e r — f r om 2 t o 4 d a ys , o r l o n g e r — u p to 21 days.

The clinical course of whooping cough is divided into 3 stages — catarrhal, paroxysmal and convalescent. The. catarrhal stage lasts for about 1 or 2 weeks. It begins with the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection or common cold. The child may appear listless and irritable. Sometimes the only manifestation is a dry hacking cough. After about a week the cough, instead of improving, gradually becomes more severe and it begins to occur in paroxysms. The paroxysmal stage lasts, as a rule, 4 to 6 weeks. The cough now comes in explosive bursts. A series of 5 to 10 short, rapid coughs are given on one expiration, followed by a. sudden inspiration, associated with a characteristic sound or whoop. During the attack the child's face becomes red or cyanotic, the eyes bulge, the tongue protrudes. Vomiting frequently follows the attack. In severe cases young unimmunized infants may stop breathing during an attack (apnea).The attacks occur more frequently at night and in a stuffy room than in one well aired or out of doors.

The convalescent stage is marked by cessation of whooping and vomiting. Little by little the number and severity of paroxysms decrease.

Diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis is made by the paroxysmal nature of the cough, the red or cyanotic appearance of the child during an attack and the associated vomiting. During the catarrhal stage it is usually impossible to differentiate pertussis on clinical grounds from the common cold, bronchitis or acute respiratory disease.At this time Bordutellia pertussis can be isolated from the nasopharynx. The white blood test may also help the diagnosis. High white blood counts with a predominance of lymphocytes are characteristic of whooping cough.

Treatment. There is no specific drug to stop the attacks. Modern cough suppressing remedies may be administered in severe cases.

Whooping cough can be effectively treated with antibiotics.. The sooner one of these antibiotics is used, the better the results. The course of antibiotics treatment averages 8 —12 days. Rest in bed is indicated as long as fever is present. The room should be well aired. It is important to m aintain proper nutrition. The diet must be adequate, rich in vitamins, especially vitamin С The patient should be separated from other people.

Complications. The commonest and usually the most severe complication is pneumonia. Stop of breathing during an attack is very dangerous in young children. Otitis media, atelectasis may often occur.

Immunity. As a rule, one attack of whooping cough is followed by life-long immunity. Second attacks of pertussis are rare.

Prophylaxis.- Children should be immunized at the age of 5-6 months with a pertussis - diphtheria vaccine.

Words to be memorized

Whoop; whooping cough; listless; hacking cough; stuffy

Read and translate the words with the same root:

Immune, immunity; complication, complicate, complicated, uncomplicated; danger, dangerous; severe severity; especially, special; important, importance; separate, separately, separation; suppressing, suppression, pressure; predominence, dominant.


I. Answer the following questions:

I.What kind of disease is whooping cough? 2. What is it caused by? 3. What is the illness characterized by? 4. What age may be affected? 5. How is the disease transmitted? 6. What period of whooping cough is communicable? 7. How long does the incubation period last? 8. W hat stages is the clinical course divided into? 9. What are the symptoms of the catarr hal stage? 10. How long does the paroxysmal stage last? 1 1 . What are the manifestations of the paroxysmal stage? 12. What does the treatment of whooping cough consist of? 13. What complications may follow the disease? 14. Is whooping cough followed by lasting immunity?

II. Translate into Russian paying attention to the underlined werds.

1. A series of 5 to 10 short rapid coughs are given on one expiration followed by a sudden inspiration associated with whoop. 2. Little by little the number and severity of paroxysms decrease.

3. The clinical diagnosis is strongly suggested by the paroxysmal nature of the cough. 4. The course of antibiotics treatment averages 8-12 days. 5. As a rule, one attack of whooping cough is followed by lasting immunity. 6. Little or no immunity is transferred from the mother to the newborn infant.

III. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to a)"it".

1. Whooping cough is highly contagious. It is caused by the Hemophilus pertussis. 2. During the catarrhal stage it is usually impossible to differentiate whooping cough from the common cold. 3. "It is whooping cough, no doubt", said the doctor. 4. It is in early life that most people have whooping cough.

b) Subjective Infinitive:

1.The characteristic clinical manifestations of whooping cough are known to be the paroxismal cough and severe vomiting during the attack.

2.Second attacks of whooping cough have been reported to occur rarely.

3.Whooping cough is thought to be effectively treated by antibiotics. 4.The patient appears to suffer from whooping cough.

5.High white blood count is considered to confirm the diagnosis.

6.The severity of the paroxisms is sure to have decreased during the convalescence stage.

7.He was supposed to have been discharged from the hospital.

8.One attack of whooping cough is certain to be followed by lasting immunity.

c)Translate into English:

1.Коклюш, как известно, поражает все возрастные группы.

2.Коклюш у этого ребенка, как сообщают, был осложнён поражением центральной нервной системы.

3.Маловероятно, чтобы приступы кашля при коклюше возникали чаще на улице.

4.Кажется, его уже осмотрел доктор.

IV. Match the corresponding statements:






a very dangerous disease.


The room



well aired.

3.The convalescent stage is marked by cessation of whooping.

4.It is important to make blood analysis during the catarrhal


5.It is necessary to isolate Hemophilus pertussis from the

nasopharynx during the catarrhal






The sooner an antibiotic




better the









1. The white blood count

may help





Whooping cough can be effectively treated with


3.It may be complicated by serious involvement of the respiratory tract and the central nervous system.

4.The attacks occur more frequently in a stuffy room.

5.Little by little the number and severity of paroxysms decrease.

6.It is usually impossible to differentiate whooping cough from common cold or bronchitis.

V.Group the following pertussis manifestations according to 3 stages of the disease:catarrhal, paroxismal and convalescent

1.This stage is characterized by the appearance of the typical whoop.

2.There may be from 5 to 10 coughs in rapid succession during an expiration.

3.The onset comes insidiously.

4.There is a dry hacking cough.

5.The vomiting ceases

6.It is difficult to distinguish the early symptoms from those of

ordinary cold or bronchitis.

7.A typical paroxism may consist of several whoops.

8.During the attack the face becomes congested, the eyes teary.

9.The paroxysms decrease in number and severity.

10.This stage begins with symptoms of upper rsspiratory infection.

11.The tongue at times hangs from the mouth.

12.The eyeballs protrude.

VI. Using the Table of Infectious Diseases on p. 95 write down the facts about Influenza, Pneumonia. Comparing the facts speakabout a) the symptoms of influenza and pneumonia; b) the characterof cough in pneumonia and whooping cough; c) the duration ofincubation period in influenza and whooping cough; d) treatmentof influenza and pneumonia, pneumonia and whooping cough; e)complications of influenza and pneumonia, pneumonia and whoopingcough, etc.

VII. Translate into Russian

Cough is a protective reflex, its purpose being expulsion of respiratory secretions or foreign particles from air passages. It occurs due to stimulation of mechanoor chemoreceptors in throat, respiratory passages or stretch receptors in the lungs. Cough may be useful or useless. Useless (unproductive) cough should be suppressed. Useful (productive) cough serves to drain the airway. Its suppression is not desirable, it may even be harmful, except if the amount of expectoration achieved is small compared to the effort of continuous coughing.

VIII. Translate into English

1.Коклюш вызывается бактерией. Причина коклюша – бактерия.

2.Коклюш может поражать в любое время года. Ребёнок может быть поражён в любое время года.

3.Пароксизмальная стадия характеризуется специфическим кашлем, за которым следует рвота. Кашель и следующая за ним рвота характеризуют пароксизмальную стадию.

4.Чтобы подтвердить диагноз, врач назначил анализ крови. Анализ крови назначили больному, чтобы подтвердить диагноз.

5.Коклюш у этого больного сопровождался пневмонией. Пневмония последовала за коклюшем.

6.Маленьким детям нужно делать прививку от коклюша. Медсестра должна сделать прививки этим детям.


Chicken-pox is a very contagious disease of children. The disease occurs in epidemics, especially in children under the age


of ten years. Children ofthe first four years of life are the most susceptible. There is an incubation period of 14—21 days, most frequently 17 days.

The first symptoms are the following: a slight fever and sometimes pains in the back and legs. Almost at the same time (within twenty four hours) a characteristic eruption appears on different parts of the body. It is found very frequently on the scalp (the hairy part of the head).

The eruption consists of red macules quickly progressing to papules and vesicles. Soon they become crusted. The brownish crusts dry up and fall off in two – three weeks. The child remains infectious until the scabs scale.

The number of vesicles is very variable. In a slight case there may only be eight or ten of the vesicles, but sometimes in severe cases their number may amount to six or seven hundred.

In the vast majority of cases there is no difficulty in making a diagnosis, but a doctor must learn how to differentiate it from other skin disorders especially from smallpox.

Chicken-pox is one of the mildest of acute infectious diseases of children. Children remain feverish for 2 – 3 days, while new vesicles still appear and after that feel well.The recovery is usually complete. Complications are rare. Encephalitis may occur in uncommonly severe cases..

In the majority of cases no other treatment beyond isolation is required. The child should be kept in bed during the eruptive

stage and as long as


is any fever. The lesions should be

treated with a disinfective solution.





Words to be memorized


N o u n s :

vomiting, eruption,

crust, scab, disorder,







Verbs: to appear, to burst to amount, to dry up, to

fall off,

to scale, to include, to require.




A d j e c t i v e s :

contagious, susceptible, slight, brownish, variable,

severe, complete,

rare, eruptive, common. .



O t h e r

words a n d

e x p r e s s i o n s :

















macule ['maekjul] — пятно, vesicle ['vesikl]


пузырек, smallpox ['smo:lpoks]

— ocna





— ветряная оспа



nephritis [ne'fraitis] — нефрит (заболевание почек), encephalitis [en,sefo'laitis]— воспаление головного мозга (энцефалит)




I. Answer the

following questions:


What kind of disease is chicken-pox?


What is the most characteristic symptom?


What age

is affected by the disease?


Is the incubation period long?


What are

the first symptoms?


When does the eruption appear?



What does the eruption consist



On -what part of the body does

the eruption appear?

9.How many vesicles may be on the skin?

10.What is the duration of this disease?

11.What treatment is required?

12. Is it difficult to make a diagnosis?

13.What must the doctor keep in mind making a diagnosis?

14.Is chicken-pox usually mild or severe? What shows this?

II. Ask him



chicken-pox is an infectious disease




the disease affects


under ten

the incubation period of chicken-pox is long


is accompanied

by an eruption



necessary in

case of chicken-pox

Ask him

(her) what



is characterized by


the disease affects




how long

the incubation




what the symptoms of the disease are



the eruption








consists of




the eruption





how many vesicles

appear in

a slight case

(in a














recovery begins.


III. Translate the following sentenses:

a)1.No special treatment is required in case of chicken-pox. 2.Chicken-pox does not occur in adults.

3.Chicken-pox is not a dangerous disease.

4.The doctor found no eruption on the back of the patient.


sick boy did not attend school during

5 days.


6.As a

rule chicken-pox has

no complications.


7.The patient was not taken

to the hospital

because he



no symptoms of any infectious disease.





patient had no symptoms of scarlet

fever. There



no rash on his neck, chest or extremities.





child felt no pain in

the throat.



b)1.There should be an immunity after a spontaneous attack of chicken-pox.

2.There may or may not be a preceding upper respiratory infection with cough.

3.In a mild case of chicken-pox there may be eight or ten vesicles, but in a severe case there may be six or seven hundred of them.

4.There may occur such complications as nephritis, pneumonia and encephalitis.

5.If there is chicken-pox, there must be skin eruption.

c)1.Chicken-pox is known to be transmitted by droplets.

2.Treatment of chicken-pox must be aimed at controlling the fever and relieving the itching.

3.Where is Dr.Brown? He may be examining a child with some rash admitted to the hospital.

4.She must have been treated in hospital because of the severe complication after chicken-pox

5.Chicken=pox may be a serious disease for adults who may have been infected with AIDS; it may be treated with ciclovir..

IV. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Сегодня у больной не болит голова.

2. Мой друг сейчас не в больнице, он в санатории.


Я не пойду в палату, так как у

меня нет халата.


У нас вчера не было практики




Больной не чувствовал никакой

боли в пояснице.


Я не болел пневмонией в раннем возрасте.

7.У меня не было осложнений после гриппа.

8.Я не буду принимать это лекарство.

9.Врач вчера не оперировал.

10.У нас не будет лекции по анатомии в понедельник.

11.В кабинете врача никого не было.

V. Read the text and say what new information it contains as compared with the previous text:

In the vast majority of cases of chicken -pox the eruption is the first sign of the disease and the rash is not preceded by a prodromal illness.

Mothers usually state that the first symptom to attract attention was the rash. There may be some mild constitutional symptoms, such as malaise and a slight temperature. These may vary in duration from a few hours to two or three days. The child may appear restless and slightly feverish the night before the rash appears. Adults, on the other hand, are very apt to -have a welldefined series of prodromal symptoms, such as chill, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, backache, etc.

VI. a) Speak about the symptoms of chicken-pox.

b)Describe the period of eruption.

c)Read what a crust, or a scab, is and explain it in English: Crust is a formed outer layer< especially an outer layer of solid matter formed by the drying of a bodily exudate or secretion; it is also called scab.


Scarlet fever is an acute contagious disease characterized by high temperature, rapid pulse, a punctate eruption 'followed by desquamation, inflammation of the throat. It is caused by Hemolitic Streptococcus.

The disease may be transmitted either by various objects — clothing, toys, books and food-stuffs, infected by the patient or by means of droplet infection (during coughing, sneezing or talking).

All children are susceptible, particularly frequently between 18 months and 10 years of age. Adults also contract this illness, but they have only sore throat without the eruption characteristic of scarlet fever.

The incubation period of the disease lasts on an average 4—7 days; sometimes it only jtakes a few hours.

The onset of the disease is sudden. There is generally a very sore throat, a sharp rise of temperature to 39 — 40°C, nausea, vomiting, headache and often chills. The lymphatic nodes of the neck are enlarged. The child' is restless and sleeps badly.

Within a few hours, but more often at the end of the first or in the beginning of the second day a diffuse red rash appears on the neck, chest and back, spreading to the arms and legs. The area around the mouth remains free from rash. The rash lasts one or three days and then fades away. After the disappearance of the rash the period of desquamation begins. Desquamation continues 10—14 days.

If no complications develop and patients feel good

they are allowed out of the bed after the 7t h

day of the

disease. They may be discharged from the



the 12—14th days.






The principal complications are acute nephritis,

adenitis, otitis media,

pericarditis, endocarditis, etc.


Scarlet fever patients should be isolated and stay in


Careful disinfection of

the patient's



important. Antibiotics are prescribed.





to be memorized



N o u n s : scarlet


rash, neck,

desquamation, adult, nausea,



course, disappearance.



V e r b s : to transmit,

to contract, to simulate, to enlarge, to

fade away, to discharge,

to spread.




A d j e c t i v e s : rapid,

direct, sudden, sharp, restless, careful.


O t h e r words a n d

e x p r e s s i o n s : either... or, by means

of, particularly, a few.






Read correctly

adenitis f,edi'naitis] — аденит, воспаление лимфатического узла pericarditis [,perika:'daitis] — воспаление сердечной сумки, пе-



I. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of disease is scarlet fever?

2.What symptoms is it characterized by?

3.How is this disease transmitted?





susceptible to

scarlet fever?


Do adults






How long does the incubation period last?


How does scarlet fever begin?



When and where does the rash appear?


How long does the rash last?


10. What is the eruption followed by?

II. What








measures must be

taken with the appearance of the

first symptoms?










principal complications?




this disease treated?


II. Ask her (him) whether there are any characteristic symptoms

of scarlet fever;




there is always eruption in case of




is any

incubation period

in case of scarlet fever;


is always' a rise in temperature

in case of scarlet fever;



serious complications after

scarlet fever.

III. Translate the following sentences:

1.The rash lasts 1—3 days and is then followed by desquamation.

2.Serious complications such as nephritis, otitis and affections

of the joints may follow any stage of scarlet fever.

3.Even mild cases of scarlet fever may be followed by late complications.

4.In very young children the onset of pneumotia is frequently not associated with any preceding infection (influenza). In other


case history shows



by dyspnea.



in infancy follows a very

diverse course,

ranging from cases with

a mild




toxic or, septic


that are frequently



grave complications.

IV. Read the text

. Say what information is new as compared with the first text about scarlet fever. Scarlet Fever

In this infection, certain Streptococcus bacteria enter the body through the pharynx, or throat, and cause an attack of tonsillitis. Without antibiotic treatment, the bacteria multiply and produce a toxin, or poison, that circulates in the blood. After an incubation period of one to seven days, the amounts of toxin are sufficient to cause the symptoms of scarlet fever.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms do vary slightly from person to person. Here is a typical case of scarlet fever.

On day one the child develops a high fever ( as high as 104 degrees F, or 40 degrees C ), a red, sore throat and tonsils, and a furred tongue. Sometimes a whitish coating covers the tonsils and the child may vomit.

On day two a bright red ( scarlet ) rash appears on the child’s face, except for just around the mouth. By day three this rash, which may itch, has spread to cover the rest of the body and the arms and legs. Meanwhile the child’s temperature starts to fall and the tongue becomes bright, strawberry-red.

By day six the rash has faded. Both skin and tongue may begin to peel, leaving a red, raw surface underneath. Peeling can last another 10 to 14 days.

Scarlet fever now has become rare. The two main risks, both very rare and occurring about two to three weeks after the rash, are rheumatic fever and a form of glomerulonephritis.

Parents of the child should contact the physician if you suspect your child has scarlet fever. Follow the advice of the doctor and you can expect a full recovery with no after-effects.



Speak about

1) the symptoms of scarlet fever



course of the


b)Describe 1) how scarlet fever is transmitted

2)how eruptionappears and spreads


Measles is one of the most communicable and widespread diseases of childhood. All the parents must know that measles is a very grave disease which is dangerous for children especially the young ones.

The disease is spread by infected droplets from the nose and throat sneezed or coughed into the air.

There is an incubation period of 9—10 days. The first symptoms are fever, cough and sneezing. With the appearance of these

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