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10) Syntactical clas. (subjective, objective, transitive, intransitive)

Depending on their combinability with nouns or noun-equivalents serving to express the subject or the object of an action verbs may be classified into subjective and objective. Objective verbs are associated both with the subject and the object, e.g.

He kissed the child.(subject — object)

Subjective verbs are associated only with the subject, e.g. She smiled, (subject)

Objective verbs may be connected with their objects either directly or with the help of prepositions. Cf. 1. He reads many books. 2. She depends on him.

Objective verbs which are connected with their object directly are called transitive. All other verbs both subjective and objective are intransitive.

- transitive which can take:

a) a direct object

b)direct and indirect object.

c) prepositional object

intransitive verbscan’t take a direct object

In traditional grammar studies, on the basis of combinability, verbs are divided into transitive and intransitive: transitive verbs denote an action directed toward a certain object; in a sentence they are obligatorily used with a direct object. Constructions with transitive verbs are easily transformed from active into passive, e.g.: He wrote a letter. – The letter was written by him. This subdivision is grammatically relevant for such languages as Russian, because in Russian only transitive verbs can be used in the passive. In English the use of passive forms is much wider; almost every verb can be passivized, e.g.: to walk is an intransitive verb, but it is possible to say She was walked out of the room. In English, transitive or intransitive uses of verbs are distinguished rather than separate groups of transitive and intransitive verbs.

11)The categories of the verbs The verb is usually characterized as the most complex part of speech, because it has more word-changing categories than any other notional part of speech. It is changed according to the categories of person and number, tense, aspect, voice and mood

Number - count verbs have singular and plural forms. The plural form is marked by the inflexion -(e)s.

Correlation - an action expressed by a perfect form, proceeds some moment in time. /perfect, non-perf/

Aspect - shows the way or manner in which an action is performed, that is whether the action is: perfective, imperfective, momentary (однократное), durative. /common, continuous/

Voice - denoting the relationship between the action expressed by the verb and the person or non-person denoted by the subject of the sentence. /active, passive/

Mood - expresses the relation of the action denoted by the verb to reality from the speaker’s point of view. /indicat, imperat, oblique moods (Subj I,II; Suppositional)/

Tense - expresses the relationship between the time of the action and the time of speaking. /past, pres, future/

Person - expresses the relation of the action and its doer to the speaker, showing whether the action is performed by the speaker (the 1st person), someone addressed by the speaker (the 2nd person) or someone/something other than the speaker or the person addressed (the 3rd person).