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24(Rus)the numerals

A numeral is a figure, a letter, a word (or their combinations) representing a number. Cardinal numerals indicate number, quantity or amount and are used in counting. Ordinal numerals indicate order, that is, the order of things in a series. Numerals can be written in figures or words (2 or two; 25 or twenty-five; 17th or seventeenth). Numerals function as nouns and adjectives. In a sentence, numerals can serve as the subject, object, attribute, or predicative complement. the numeral is not a part of speech in English

A numeral is a name used for denoting a number. Numerals can be in the form of any symbols denoting a number. In texts of general character, numerals are usually written in the form of digits or words. Examples: the numeral 7; the numeral seven; ordinal numerals; Arabic numerals, Roman numerals. Note that the word "numerals" in English sources usually refers to digits (not words).

Cardinal numerals-Количественные числительные

In formal nontechnical texts, numbers from one to one hundred, round numbers, and any numbers that can be expressed in one or two words are usually spelled out, that is, written out in words. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19);

Ordinal numerals Порядковые числительные

Ordinal numerals that can be expressed in one or two words are usually spelled out. Large numbers are rarely used in the form of ordinal numerals. first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th); Fractions Дроби

The numerator of the fraction is expressed by a cardinal numeral, and the denominator is expressed by an ordinal numeral. The suffixes "rd, th, ths" are not written in the denominator of the fractions written in figures (1/3; 1/5; 3/7), but such fractions are pronounced in the same way as fractions written in words (one-third; one-fifth; three-sevenths). Fractions are generally hyphenated except in those cases where the numerator or the denominator is already hyphenated: "one-fifth" but "one twenty-fifth".The numerals "hundred, thousand, million" do not take the plural ending "s" when they are preceded by other numerals in order to express an exact number. But the words "hundred, thousand, million" can take the plural ending "s" when they are followed by "of" + noun, in which case they are nouns meaning "a great number; a lot of".

25(rus)the pronounsPronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. Pronouns are words like: he, you, ours, themselves, some, each... If we didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a lot of nouns. Types of pronounCommon types of pronouns found in the world's languages are as follows:

Personal pronouns denote an entity of a specific grammatical person: first person (as in the case of I, me, we, etc.), second person (as in the case of you), or third person (he, she, they, etc.)

Subject pronouns are used when the person or thing is the subject of the sentence or clause. English example: I like to eat chips, but she does not.

Second person formal and informal pronouns (T-V distinction). For example, vous and tu in French. There is no distinction in modern English though Elizabethan English marked the distinction with "thou" (singular informal) and "you" (plural or singular formal).

Inclusive and exclusive "we" pronouns indicate whether the audience is included. There is no distinction in English.

Intensive pronouns, also known as emphatic pronouns, re-emphasize a noun or pronoun that has already been mentioned. English uses the same forms as the reflexive pronouns; for example: I did it myself (contrast reflexive use, I did it to myself).

Object pronouns are used when the person or thing is the object of the sentence or clause. English example: John likes me but not her.

Direct and indirect object pronouns. English uses the same oblique form for both; for example: Mary loves him (direct object); Mary sent him a letter (indirect object).

Reflexive pronouns are used when a person or thing acts on itself. English example: John cut himself.

Reciprocal pronouns refer to a reciprocal relationship. English example: They do not like each other.

Prepositional pronouns come after a preposition. No distinct forms exist in English; for example: Anna and Maria looked at him.

Disjunctive pronouns are used in isolation or in certain other special grammatical contexts. No distinct forms exist in English; for example: Who does this belong to? Me.

Dummy pronouns are used when grammatical rules require a noun (or pronoun), but none is semantically required. English example: It is raining.

Weak pronouns.

Possessive pronouns are used to indicate possession or ownership.

In a strict sense, the possessive pronouns are only those that act syntactically as nouns. English example: Those clothes are mine.

Often, though, the term "possessive pronoun" is also applied to the so-called possessive determiners (or possessive adjectives). For example, in English: I lost my wallet. They are not strictly speaking pronouns[citation needed] because they do not substitute for a noun or noun phrase, and as such, some grammarians classify these terms in a separate lexical category called determiners (they have a syntactic role close to that of adjectives, always qualifying a noun).

Demonstrative pronouns distinguish the particular objects or people that are referred to from other possible candidates. English example: I'll take these.

Indefinite pronouns refer to general categories of people or things. English example: Anyone can do that.

Distributive pronouns are used to refer to members of a group separately rather than collectively. English example: To each his own.

Negative pronouns indicate the non-existence of people or things. English example: Nobody thinks that.

Relative pronouns refer back to people or things previously mentioned. English example: People who smoke should quit now.

Indefinite relative pronouns have some of the properties of both relative pronouns and indefinite pronouns. They have a sense of "referring back", but the person or thing to which they refer has not previously been explicitly named. English example: I know what I like.

Interrogative pronouns ask which person or thing is meant. English example: Who did that?

In many languages (e.g., Czech, English, French, Interlingua, and Russian), the sets of relative and interrogative pronouns are nearly identical. Compare English: Who is that? (interrogative) to I know who that is. (relative).

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