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Text b

Appearances are deceptive, as the English proverb says. Are our appearances really so deceptive? Can we judge about a person by his or her appearance? There are special people who can say about a person by the shape of eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, lips, chin, etc., but this question is still highly disputed amongst psy­chologists and other specialists.

It goes without saying, that we like everything beautiful, and try to surround ourselves with beautiful things. We take care of our appearance and try to look our best to be liked by other people and particularly by people of the opposite sex. It is very important for us to look modern (up-to-date) and young, because if we want to have a good and prestigious job, we should look up to the minute, have pleasant manners, particularly if our work deals with other people. On the one hand we think that it is easier to look attractive nowadays, as we have a lot of cosmetics at our disposal which can help us to improve our looks. And various fitness clubs can help us to correct our figures. On the other hand we realize that requirements to a modern person's appearance are much higher. So, a modern person must look at­tractive, slender and self-reliant.

Our heroes, Mary and David are a very beautiful couple. Mary is a young fair-haired woman, very slender. Any Hollywood star could envy her figure. Besides, her face is very nice with blue eyes, a straight nose, and a fair com­plexion. Her lips are pink and fresh. Without any exaggeration we can say that she looks like a morning flower, fresh and beautiful. The main point about her is her smile — open and charming. And as a matter of fact, she uses very little make-up to look better. Sometimes she uses mascara to make her eyes look more expressive.

David is a perfect match. He is also tall and slender, broad-shouldered, very masculine, and strong. You can guess at once that he goes in for sports. He is also blue-eyed, his hair is curly and auburn. A typical handsome young English­man.

But if you ask Mary what it is she loves about David she usually answers that David is handsome, but the main thing is he is unique in every way, in his attitude to her, in his love for her. He has a sense of humour, he is a good mixer and a reli­able friend. She feels he is the man who can devote all his life to her and their would-be children. David, answering the same question, says that Mary is a real find, besides being extremely attractive she is very intelligent, sincere, tender and caring. Sometimes she is a bit too hot-tempered and straightforward, but David treats these qualities as purely female tricks. He is a bit snobbish at times, but not to Mary. Both of them are a little jealous of each other, Mary more than David, as she is more emotional. She is usually jealous of his past, but then she understands that our past cannot be remade and calms down. David is also suspicious when other men (strangers) stare at Mary too long or too frankly. In these cases David usually takes Mary away or tries to do everything so that she could not feel un­comfortable. Sometimes David feels like hitting the man who stares at Mary, but then he understands that it is not a way out. But really it is not a problem and David feels flattered that he possesses such a beautiful wife.

Ask each other questions based on the text. Do it in pairs.

Tell the group whether these statements are true or false.

  1. We can judge people by their appearances.

  2. It is easier to look beautiful nowadays.

  3. Requirements to a modern person's appearance are not high.

  4. Mary is a very beautiful girl, but she is a bit too fat.

  5. David is less attractive than Mary.

  6. Mary loves David, because he is extremely handsome.

  7. All women are intelligent.

  8. David considers his wife very beautiful, but not very intelligent.

  9. Mary and David are not jealous people.

10. Mary and David have no faults.

Find the English equivalents.

Особое время; посвящать друг другу; особенно ценные для них; уступить; все необходимые приготовления шли полным ходом; в свое время; при­гласительные открытки были разосланы; свадебное платье; имеет страсть к пиву и хорошо разбирается в нем; венчание было назначено на 11 утра; жених взял «Роллс-ройс» напрокат по такому случаю; приехали на своих машинах; не могли оторвать глаз от нее; читать проповедь; закончилась в течение часа; восторженные возгласы и крики; произведение искусства; остроумные речи; не желая разрушить творение; а затем в свадебное пу­тешествие в Малайзию, судить о человеке по его внешности; выглядеть по последней моде (ульт­расовременно); иметь дело с людьми; с одной стороны; в нашем распоря­жении; улучшить внешность; с другой стороны; требования к внешности современного человека; уверенный в себе; без всякого преувеличения; са­мое главное в ней; косметика; пользоваться тушью, чтобы глаза были бо­лее выразительными; Дэвид ей прекрасно подходит; он во всем неповто­рим; надежный друг; умный; чисто женские уловки (штучки); ревнуют друг друга; успокаиваться; Дэвид чувствует, что он может ударить; это не выход; чувствовать себя польщенным.

Express the following in one word.

1. hair that grows on a man's upper lip;

2. the lower part of your face that moves when you eat;

3. that part in our mouth for eating, tasting and speaking;

4. the thin line of hair above the eye;

5. the soft round area of flesh on each side of your face below the eye;

6. a small brown spot on your skin, caused by the sun;

7. the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair;

8. one of the five movable parts at the end of your foot;

9. the front part of your body be­tween your neck and your stomach;

10. the part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders

Ask your friend to do the following and say what he is doing.

Model: Lift your eyebrows. — She is lifting her eyebrows.

1. Speak in a loud voice. 2. Press your thumb to your right cheek. 3. Scratch your forehead. 4. Come up to the table on tiptoe. 5. Shrug your shoulders. 6. Whisper two sentences to your neighbour. 7. Put your index fingers to your temples. 8. Part your hair in the middle. 9. Fold your arms on your breast. 10. Do your hair in a knot. 11. Show us your palms. 12. Scratch your crown. 13. Touch the lobes of your ears. 14. Shake your finger in warning.

Paraphrase the words and phrases in italics in the following sentences.

1. His mother-in-law is a stout lady of fifty-seven. 2. Where did I see that blonde girl? 3. She would be beautiful but for her uneven teeth. 4. Mr. MacGregor, the policeman, had a rough featured face and sunken cheeks. 5. The look of her hazel eyes made me uncomfortable. 6. She is an attractive girl and her hair is long. 7. The expression of her face was so stern that I was taken aback. 8. Who is that elderly woman? 9. He forced a smile when he realized that his young wife knew of his past. 10. My mother looks neither younger nor older for her age. 11. My elder sister has brown eyes, a snub nose and rosy cheeks.

Answer the questions.

1. Can you wear your hair in locks if it is short? 2. Can we call an ugly-featured woman beautiful? 3. Can we call a freckled face attractive? 4. Does thin hair need special care? 5. Can tanned people look pale? 6. Can a slender person be bent? 7. Can a strongly-built man be lean? 8. Can you do your hair in a knot (in plaits) if it is short? 9. Can mischievous eyes be intelligent? 10. Can a person, who often frowns, be happy? 11. Can a heavy-shouldered person be thin? 12. Are plump girls in vogue now?

Render the following text in English. Think of the ending of the story.

Я никогда не забуду тот день, когда я познакомилась с Майком. Его внешность и манеры произвели на меня достаточно сильное впечатле­ние. Если честно, то с первого взгляда он показался мне некрасивым, так как у него неправильные черты лица, нельзя сказать, что он крепкого те­лосложения. Но пообщавшись с ним полчаса, понимаешь, насколько он обаятелен. Глядя в его большие серые доверчивые глаза, создается впе­чатление, что он не способен обмануть. Глаза, пожалуй, то, что делает его лицо особенным. Они мечтательные, и в них можно прочесть какую-то тайну. Выражение его лица настолько детское, что с трудом можно поверить, что ему уже тридцать. Нос немного великоват для его неболь­шого лица, губы слишком пухлые для мужчины, но они говорят о чувственности его натуры. Подбородок решительный, это подсказывает, что он обладает волей и добивается того, что хочет. Цвет лица слегка заго­релый, что придает ей здоровый вид. Волосы русые, вьющиеся, но не слишком густые. Обычно люди с такими волосами рано лысеют. Но об этом пока не думаешь. Он несколько хрупок для своих лет, и не слиш­ком высок, точнее среднего роста. Когда он улыбнулся, а улыбка была очень искренней и немного детской, то обнажил ряд белых ровных зу­бов, что придало его лицу еще большее обаяние. Одет он был несколько не по возрасту. Так обычно одеваются подростки: поношенные джинсы, кроссовки, футболка и куртка. Может быть, ему нравилось выглядеть моложе. Поговорив с Майком однажды, я мечтала о следующей встрече. Я тогда не думала, что последующие отношения с ним могут меня раз­очаровать...

Read and translate the text «John Lennon»:

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