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тексты Hydraulics.doc
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Essential vocabulary:

  1. elevation – возвышенность, высота (над уровнем моря)

  2. head – верхняя часть, исток реки, верхушка, вершина, голова

  3. passage - проход

  4. steep - крутой, высокий

  5. transformer – преобразователь, трансформатор

  6. current - поток

  7. transmission - передача

  8. powerhouse - электростанция

  9. to emplace – устанавливать, располагать

  10. to impound – запруживать (воду)

  11. to derive - получать

  12. volume - объем

  13. equal amount – равное количество

  14. flank – сторона, фланг

  15. spillway - водослив

  16. excess - избыток

  17. to discharge – нести воды (о реке), вытекать

  18. gorge – узкое ущелье

  19. flood - наводнение

  20. value – величина, значение

  21. fossil fuel – природное топливо (горючее)

  22. recurring nature – обновляющаяся природа

  23. proximity - близость

  24. favourable – выгодный, благоприятный

  25. to utilize - использовать

  26. large scale – большой масштаб

  27. to contribute – содействовать, способствовать

  28. proportion – количественное соотношение, соразмерность, часть, доля

I. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is hydroelectric power?

  2. What happens when hydroelectric power is generated?

  3. What are the transformers needed for?

  4. Where is the powerhouse usually constructed in dams?

  5. What cases are pumped-storage hydroelectric stations used in?

  6. What advantages does hydroelectric power have?

II. Find the English equivalents of the following phrases in the text:

  • быстрый поток воды

  • объем воды

  • поднимать уровень воды

  • горные районы

  • период повышенного спроса

  • избыток воды

  • течь по узкому ущелью

  • вращать турбину

  • источник энергии

  • вырабатывать энергию

  • одна сторона дамбы

  • равное (одинаковое) количество энергии

  • близость к промышленным зонам

  • вырабатывать дополнительную энергию

  • иметь определенные преимущества

  • превращать механическую энергию в электричество

  • поток высокого напряжения

  • благоприятное месторасположение

  • использовать в больших масштабах (на больших территориях)

  • стекать вниз

I. Discuss the following questions before reading the text:

  1. What is a truck?

  2. What is the function of the industrial truck? Where is it used?

  3. What loads do the trucks usually carry?

  4. Would you like to drive such a vehicle?

Industrial truck

Industrial truck is a carrier designed to transport materials within a factory area with maximum flexibility in making moves. Most industrial trucks permit mechanized pickup the loads, eliminating manual work in lifting as well as transporting. Depending on their means of locomotion, industrial trucks may be classified as hand trucks or power trucks.

Hand trucks with two wheels permit most of the load to be carried on the wheels, but some of the load must be assumed by the operator to balance the truck during movement. Common two-wheel hand trucks include the barrel, box, drum, hopper, refrigerator and tote-box trucks. Four-wheel hand trucks are found in many more varieties, including dollies, high- and low-bed flat trucks, carts, wagons, and various hand-lift trucks having mechanical or hydraulic lifting mechanisms for raising and lowering a load.

Power trucks are propelled by batteries and an electric-motor drive or by an internal-combustion engine with a generator and electric-motor drive. Propane and diesel engines are used in place of gasoline engines on some types. The non-lift platform truck is used simply for hauling, but other power trucks are provided with mechanisms, usually hydraulic, for lifting the loads. Forklift trucks are equipped with a forklike mechanism on the front end designed to pick up loads on specially designed platforms, called pallets, elevate the load to the desired height, transport it, and deposit it at the desired location and height.