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СтилистикаТипы выдвижения.doc
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Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the definition of foregrounding?

  2. How were the main principles of foregrounding formed?

  3. What are general functions of foregrounding types?

  4. What are the main types of foregrounding?

  5. What is convergence? Name the stylistic devices available in the first example and explain their interaction?

  6. Does convergence presuppose a certain stylistic redundancy or scarcity? Illustrate it using other examples from the lecture.

  7. What is redundancy of stylistic devices?

  8. What does coupling facilitate?

  9. Is the similarity of positions a syntagmatic or paradigmatic category?

  10. Prove that parallelism is an example of foregrounding using the examples from the lecture.

  11. What is the most characteristic type of coupling?

  12. How may phonetic similarity in coupling be implemented?

  13. What is rhyme, according to Zhirmunsky?

  14. What type of foregrounding draws on predictability or violation of predictability of certain textual elements?

  15. What do you expect in the first example of defeated expectancy and what really happens?

  16. What do you expect in the second example of defeated expectancy and what really happens?

По Арнольд – раздел 11: Типы выдвижения