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  1. academic (A) – университетский; academic institute – учебный институт; academic school – академическая гимназия; academic staff – профессорско-преподавательский состав; academic year – учебный год

  2. advanced (A) – передовой, продвинутый

  3. annual (A) – ежегодный

  4. attention (N) – внимание

  5. associate professor – доцент

  6. branch (N) – филиал

  7. campus (N) – кампус, территория университета

  8. considerable (A) – значительный

  9. do practical work – проходить практику

10. employ (V) – нанимать на работу; employability (N) – занятость

11. enroll (V) – зачислять (в университет и т.п.)

12. establish (V) – учреждать, основывать

13. exhibit (V) – выставлять; демонстрировать

14. experience (N) – опыт

15. facilities (N, Pl.) – удобства, средства обслуживания, условия

16. field practice –полевая практика

17. focus (V) – сосредоточивать (внимание и т.п.)

18. gain (V) – получить (знания и т.п.)

19. have at one’s disposal – иметь в своем распоряжении

20. hostel (N) – общежитие

21. improve (V) – улучшать

22. institution (N) – учреждение (don’t mix with institute – институт); higher educational institution – высшее учебное заведение

23. lecturer (N) – преподаватель; senior lecturer – старший преподаватель

24. leisure (N) – досуг

25. range (N) – диапазон

26. participate (V) – участвовать

27. prominent (A) – известный, выдающийся

28. publishing house – издательство

29. refresher courses – курсы повышения квалификации

30. representative centre – представительство

31. significant (A) – важный, значимый

32. suburb (N) – пригород, окраина

33. undergo (V), underwent, undergone – претерпеть (изменения и т.п.)

34. variety (N) – разнообразие

35. volume (N) – том

2.1 Answer the following questions:

1 What do you know about Tyumen State University?

2 Why did you decide to study at Tyumen State University?

4 Do you remember your first day at the University? What were your impressions?

2.2 What does a “university” mean? Study the factfile:

The word “university” comes from the Latin word “universitas” meaning “the whole”. Later, in Latin legal language “universitas” meant “a society, guild or corporation”. Thus, in mediaeval academic use the word meant an association of teachers and scholars. The modern definition of a university is “an institution that teaches and examines students in many branches of advanced learning, awarding degrees and providing facilities for academic research”.

2.3 Read the following words. Mind reading rules:

Establishment, considerable, decision, branch, opportunity, access, spacious, cataloged, unique, theoretical knowledge, experience, through, library, scientific, technology, leisure, facilities, museum, suburbs, technology, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, archaeology, ethnography environmental, purification, modernization, institution, European, company, industry, undergraduate, globalized, resources, employability.

2.4 Skim Letter 2 through and find out which paragraph contains the information below.

a) leisure facilities


b) the academic year


c) the University structure


d) the international contacts of the University


e) the history of the University development


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