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5.4 Fill in the correct adjectives (a, b or c):

1 The most…..parts of Tyumen are in the centre of the city.

a) hectic b) busting c) picturesque

2 Tyumen is very…..at night because so many young people live there.

a) crowded b) elegant c) lively

3 Tyumen is one of the Region’s most…..towns.

a) historic b) magnificent c) deserted

4 The city centre is quite…..at weekends.

a) clean b) shabby c) hectic

5 The streets of the town are….., particularly in the rush-hour.

a) spacious b) animated c) deserted

5.5 Say what are the best and the worst things about living in the city. Use the following word-combinations:

plenty of things to do dirty and polluted air

many different shops smoke and petrol fumes

lots of cinemas and theatres to be crowded (full of people)

variety of sport centres to be noisy

bus service and taxi rank to be dangerous

health centres and chemists to be stressful

traffic jam in the rush-hour

Model 1: The best thing about living Model 2: The worst thing

in a city is that there is lots of nightlife. about living in a city is that

there are too many people everywhere.

5.6 Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of living in Tyumen. Give two columns. Use the following adjectives:

historic, noisy, crowded, fashionable, pleasant, enormous, elegant, picturesque, modern, crooked, expensive, cheap, striking, shabby, dangerous, attractive, smart, memorable, broad, clean, narrow, ugly, terrible, terrific, busy, colourful, colourless, unforgettable, spectacular, old, famous, successful, industrial, dirty, bad, beautiful, small, excellent.

Model: Advantages: Disadvantages:

full of history busy streets

5.7 Say what features and facilities Tyumen has and hasn’t got.

Model: It has got a cathedral, but it has not got the Opera House.

5.8 Complete the dialogues in a suitable way. Fill in the gaps with the following words and word-combinations:

nightlife, wide range, commuters, cultural activities, cope, whatever (or anything), opportunities, cosmopolitan.

1 A: The town is full of people from different countries and cultures.

B: Yes, it’s very…...

2 A: There are cinemas, theatres, museums, art galleries and everything.

B: Yes, I know, there are lots of…...

3 A: There is a …... of shops.

B: Oh yes, you can buy ..…. you want.

4 A: There is plenty to do in the evening.

B: Yes, the …... is great.

5 A: There is a better chance of finding work.

B: Yes, there are more job …..

6 A: The transport system has to ..… with the people who live in the country but work in town.

B: Yes, I know, there are too many ….

    1. Read the statements about the text. Are they true or false?

1 Due to its advantageous geographical location Tyumen developed rather quickly.

2 Modern Tyumen is a place of exile.

3 Tyumen is a gate to Siberia.

4 Tyumen is located on the right bank of the Tura River.

5 Nowadays Tyumen is a modern city, the centre of a large oil and gas-producing province.

6 There are three theatres in Tyumen: the Puppet Theatre, the Drama Theatre, the Comedy Theatre.

7 The best way to see the historic sights of Tyumen is to start with the monument to V. Lenin.

8 Many industrial enterprises are located in the suburbs of Tyumen.

9 Tyumen is an ancient town, more than five hundred years old.

10 The permanent population of Tyumen is 600 thousand.

11 The street traffic in Tyumen is not heavy.

    1. Complete the following sentences:

1 Tyumen, the first Russian town in Siberia, was founded…..

2 It was a good idea to locate a fortified town…..

3 In 1944 the city became the…..

4 Nowadays Tyumen is…..

5 The industrial development of Tyumen began…..

6 The town has…..

7 Tyumen is a city of…..

8 The best way to see the town is…..

9 Tyumen is famous for…..

10 The citizens are proud of…..

    1. Translate the following sentences into English:

1 Тюмень – это первый сибирский город.

2 Тюмень расположена на живописном берегу реки Туры.

3 Сейчас Тюмень – современный город, столица нефтегазодобывающего (oil-and-gas-bearing) региона.

4 В настоящие дни Тюмень – это город с высокоразвитой промышленностью.

5 В Тюмени находится большое количество высших учебных заведений.

6 Выпускники вузов работают в различных отраслях экономики нашей страны и за рубежом.

7 Жители Тюмени гордятся историей своего города.

8 Тюмень – культурный центр региона.

9 В Тюмени много библиотек, театров, музеев и новых красивых зданий.

    1. Answer the following questions:

1 When was Tyumen founded? How old is it now?

2 Where is Tyumen situated?

3 Why was this place chosen by voivodes Sukin and Myasnoy?

4 When did Tyumen become the capital of the Region?

5 Why did Tyumen begin to develop?

6 What is the historic centre of the city?

7 What higher educational establishments do you know in Tyumen?

8 Can you name all famous places of interest in Tyumen?

9 What is the population of Tyumen?

10 Are you proud of your city? Why?

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