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10.2 Простое прошедшее время (PastSimple)

Используется для описания действия, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом. Обычно на это есть ссылка ("yesterday," "last night," etc.):

I knew your aunt when she was young.

Yesterday, they bought a car.

We rented a car last week.

He saw the U.S. Capitol while he was in Washington.

Для того чтобы образовать форму простого прошедшего времени, к большинству глаголов достаточно добавить окончание "-ed":

borrow - borrowed

close - closed

open - opened

cash - cashed.

1. К глаголам, оканчивающимся на "-e," добавляют "-d" ("hope" - "hoped")

2. Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на гласную или согласную:

A. Если глагол состоит из одного слога, то последняя согласная удваивается:

stop - stopped

rob - robbed

B. Если глагол состоит из более чем одного слога, то просто добавьте "-ed":

rain - rained

dreamed - dreamed (также, dreamt)

C.Если глагол состоит из двух слогов и ударение падает на последний, то последняя согласная удваивается:

prefer - preferred

control - controlled

3. Если глагол оканчивается на "согласная + y", то "-y" меняется на "-i", а затем добавляется "-ed":

try - tried

study - studied

4. К глаголам, оканчивающимся на "-ie", просто добавляется "-d":

die – died

Упражнение 1. Употребите глагол в скобках в простом прошедшем времени.

1. He (wait) for his friend for two hours.

2. Our teacher (study) in the university for 6 years.

3. The nice man (smile) at me.

4. Yesterday it (rain) for two hours.

5. The car (stop) at the red light.

6. I (rub) my forehead because I had a headache.

7. She (fold) the clothes and put them away.

8. I (stay) at home yesterday.

10.3 Неправильные глаголы в простом прошедшем времени

В английском языке не все глаголы образуют форму простого прошедшего времени по вышеперечисленным правилам. Некоторые имеют особую форму. Вот список наиболее часто употребляемых неправильных глаголов (уточните их значение по словарю):



ate (eat)

became (become)

began (begin)

bit (bite)

blew (blow)

bought (buy)

broke (break)

brought (bring)

came (come)

caught (catch)

chose (choose)

cost (cost)

cut (cut)

did (do)

drank (drink)

drew (draw)

drove (drive)

dug (dig)

fell (fall)

felt (feel)

flew (fly)

forgot (forget)

found (find)

gave (give)

got (get)

had (have)

knew (know)

lay (lie)

let (let)

made (make)

paid (pay)

put (put)

ran (run)

read (read)

said (say)

sat (sit)

sold (sell)

spent (spend)

spoke (speak)

stood (stand)

taught (teach)

took (take)

was (be)

wrote (write)

Упражнение 1. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола “to be” в простом прошедшем времени.

Charles Darwin

1) Charles Darwin [was were] born on February 12, 1809.

2) He [was were] a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection.

3) In South America, Darwin found that fossils of extinct animals [was were] similar to modern species.

4) Many people [was were] strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.

5) Throughout his life, Darwin [was were] a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar.

Albert Einstein

6) When Albert Einstein [was were] young, his parents worried about him.

7) Einstein's parents [was were] concerned that Albert was "slow."

8) Albert [was were] a terrible student who didn't want to attend classes regularly and take exams.

9) Einstein's best-known work, the theory of relativity, [was were] published in 1905.

10) Unfortunately, the theory of relativity [was were] used to create the atomic bomb.

Упражнение 2. Дано: 12 глаголов (в рамке), 12 предложений (ниже). Подумайте, который из глаголов подставить вместо многоточия в каждое предложение. Внимание! Каждый глагол может быть употреблен только один раз. Подсказка: не забывайте о том, что правильные и неправильные глаголы образуют Past Participle по-разному!

die, enjoy, happen, snow, want, start, buy, drink, know, meet, play, close

  1. It was cold in the room and I . .. the window.

  2. When I was a child I . .. to be an actress.

  3. The accident .. . last week.

  4. My father .. . of cancer last year.

  5. My sister . .. the holidays.

  6. The show .. . at 7 p.m. yesterday.

  7. The weather is fine today but 2 days ago it . .. all day.

  8. Yesterday I . .. a very nice shirt.

  9. I can still remember that night when I .. . too much beer.

  10. Alex .. . he was wrong.

  11. They . .. basketball all Sunday.

  12. It was 1988 when I . ..him.

Упражнение 3. Выберите правильную форму простого прошедшего времени. Только один вариант является верным!

1) BEGIN - A) beginned B) began C) begined D) begon

2) FORGET - A) forgetted B) forgeten C) forgot D) forgott

3) SELL - A) selled B) sold C) selld D) seld

4) TAKE - A) tooken B) talked C) taked D) took

5) TEACH - A) teached B) teachen C) taught D) tought

6) GO- A) went B) goedC) goen D) gotten

7) BUY - A) buyed B) buyen C) baught D) bought

8) THINK - A) thought B) taught C) thinked D) thank

9) DRINK - A) draught B) drunked C) drinked D) drank

10) READ - A) read B) red C) readed D) readded

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