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Exercise 55 Read this student's report on space travel. There are eleven mistakes in the use of the future. Find and correct them

Both astronauts and space tourists will traveling in space, but tourists going to have a much different experience. Space tourists is going to travel for fun, not for work. So, they willn’t have to worry about many of the technical problems that astronauts worry about. For example, space tourists will need not to figure out how to use a screwdriver without gravity. And they isn't going to try new experiments outside the space shuttle. For the most part, space tourists will just going to see the sights and have a good time.

Still, there will be similarities. Regular activities be the same for astronauts and space tourists. For example, eating, washing, and sleeping will turned into exciting challenges for everyone in space. Everyone is going to doing exercises to stay fit in zero gravity. And both astronauts and space tourists will going to have many new adventures!

Exercise 56 Complete the text by putting one of the time expressions into each space. Use each one at least once. Some can be used several times

Ago since for many years when recently very

often two weeks ago for ages

I think bicycles are great! In fact, I’ѵе been riding a bicycle safely (1) __________, but (2) __________ I had a silly accident. It happened about (3) __________. I went off the road and hit a tree and broke my arm and (4) __________ then I haven't been able to ride, of course. So I shall have to take a bus (5) __________ I go to work. I'm not looking forward to this, as I really hate it! Actually, I gave up buses about five years (6) __________ (7) __________ I started cycling everywhere. (8) __________ that time I have very rarely been ill, and I am much slimmer than I was. If you have been trying to lose weight (9) __________, why not try cycling? You might end up with a broken arm like me, but that kind of thing doesn't happen (10) __________. At least, not if you are careful!

Exercise 57 Put each verb in brackets into either present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect simple, or will and going to

Last week while I (1 cycle) __________ to work I (2 have) __________ an accident and all because of the weather! It (3 rain)__________ and there were a lot of wet leaves on the road. My bike (4 slip) __________ on the wet road, and I (5 fall) __________ off. Luckily a passing motorist (6 stop) __________ to help me. “(7 you hurt) __________ yourself?” she asked me. “I think I (8 broke) __________ my arm,” I told her. “(9 not worry) __________ ,“ she said, “I (10 take) __________ you to hospital.” At the hospital they (11 give) __________ me an X-ray and (12 ask) __________ me a lot of questions. “(13 you eat) __________ anything today?” a nurse asked me. “What (14 you mean) __________?” I said. “(15 you have) __________ any breakfast before you (16 leave) __________ home?” she said. “Why?” I said, feeling worried, “(17 I have) __________ an operation?” “Of course not,” said the nurse. “I (18 just make) __________ some tea. Would you like a cup?”

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