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английский язык Маклакова.doc
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2.Практические упражнения.

2.1Переведите, обращая внимание на эквивалент русских слов нужно, надо.

1.Вам нужно там быть ровно в пять», - скачал


2.Не нужно было ездить на станцию. Можно был

заказать билеты по телефону.

3.Не нужно было ей говорить. Вы расстроили ее

4.Мне нужно быть в конторе в 7.45.

5.Нужно нам переписывать текст?

- Нет, не надо. Но вам нужно выписать незнакомые слова.

6.Мне нужно приходить на эту лекцию?

- Нет, не нужно. Вы уже сдали экзамен.

7. Когда тебе надо явиться в аэропорт?

- Мне сказали, что я должна там быть не позднее трех часов.

8.Давайте не будем спорить об этом сейчас. Мы должны сначала решить первый вопрос.

2.2. Перепишите предложения, вставляя модальный глагол can или его эквивалент able to или must – have to.

1. My sister.....................drive but she hasn't got a car.

2. I can't understand my chief. I've never.................understand him.

3. I used to....................stand on my head but I can't do it now.

4. Ask the manager about this problem. She..............help you.

5. I'm afraid I ... come to your party next week.

1.Last night he became ill suddenly. We..................call a doctor.

2.You...............work harder if you want to pass the test.

3. I'm afraid I can't come. I..........work late.

4. My brother doesn't like his job. Sometimes he.......work at weekend

5. We couldn't repair the computer ourselves. We........call a specialist.

3.Текст для чтения и перевода.

Задание. Прочитайте и переведите текст, выпишите модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

Traveling on the "Tube"

If you don't know London very well, you have to travel by 'Tube' - this is the easiest way is. The first thing that you must do is to find one of the 279 tube stations. All of them are clearly marked in the streets with the Underground symbol (on the left) . Next, you can study a map of the tube, to choose your route. For the needs of the tourists there is a large map in every station.

In London tube we can see eight lines which go to the different parts of the city. Each line has a different color on the map. You may decide which line you have to take and remember if you have to change from one line to another.

Now you are ready to buy your ticket. Tell the man at the ticket office where you want to go, and he will tell you the fare. If you know the fare and you have the exact change, you can get a ticket from a machine.

There are several platforms at most tube sta­tions. You should be sure that you go to the right one otherwise you can catch the wrong train. First look for the platforms, which serve the line on which you want to travel: there are usually two plat­forms for each line. They are marked, for example, Central Line, Eastbound or Central Line, West­bound. If you don't know in which direction you are going, look at the list of stations on the platform.

Now you can get in the train. When you get in it you should watch the lighted indicator board: it tells you where each train is going.

4.Итоговый тест

4.1 Дополните предложения используя might.

1 Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It .…..rain later.

2 Don't make too much noise. You...........disturb the workers.

3 Be careful of that dog. It....................bight you.

4 I don't think we should throw that letter away. We..........use it later.

5 Be careful. The stairs are icy. You............slip.

4.2 Дополните предложения используя must

1.It’s getting late. I…… go now

2.He left an hour before the end of the working day. He …..to leave to Paris.

3.My sister wears glasses. She …….to wear it because she doesn’t see well.

4.It’s urgent. You ……. Do it quickly!

5.I’m sorry I couldn’t come in time. I …..help my mother.