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XII. Заполните пропуски одним из слов, приведенных ниже.

1. Mr. Doran was an ... for thirteen years in a great Catholic wine-merchant’s office.

a) baker

b) priest

c) employee

2. Publicity would mean for him, perhaps, the loss of his job. The ... in his job would be inevitable.

a) success

b) refusal

c) approval

3. It is ... to give up a good safe job.

a) banality

b) tremendous

c) madness

4. Stephenson was an engineer of many other railways in the midlands, he was also a ... to many foreign companies.

a) enemy

b) consultant

c) promoter

5. He scarcely knew what he was eating feeling her ...

a) illiteracy

b) closeness

c) curiosity

XIII. В приведенных ниже многоактных производных выделите производящую основу и словообразовательные компоненты,

определите модель-схему и переведите слова на русский язык.

Образец: prepayment – pre+pay+ment – prefix+v+suffix=n предоплата

Dictatorship, discouragement, musicianship, impossibility, enslavement, disrespectfulness, friendliness, unemployment, ineffectiveness, imperfection, misplacement, interrelation, girlishness, incivility, carelessness, removal, disarrangement, disapproval, disappearance, indifference, inequality, outvoter discolouration, undeterminable, immortality, impersonality, overproduction, sentimentality, reconstruction, ownership, supernaturality, unfashionable.

XIV. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов по одной из моделей, приведенных ниже.

v + ment = n v + ant/ent = n v + ance/ence = n

v + age = n v + ure = n v + al = n

to observe, to treat, to apply, to compose, to remove, to attend, to govern, to convince, to marry, to approve, to establish, to equip, to assist, to legislate, to astonish, to dissolve, to mix, to excite, to enclose, to exist, to refuse, to store, to interfere, to appoint, to persist, to propose, to depend, to appear, to demand.

XV. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите производные слова и объясните как они образовались и какой частью речи являются. Mathematical challenges to the Neo-Darwinian

Interpretation of evolution

This book reports the proceedings of a Symposium attended both by mathematicians and biologists in the hope of some useful exchange of ideas. The title is really a misnomer; since only three of the seven papers discuss possible difficulties in Neo-Darwinian theory. The remainder are concerned rather with the mathematical information of the theory than with its validity.

It is regrettable that the mathematicians who presented papers were so ill-informed on the current state of biological thought and experimentation. As a result they either neglected relevant facts or merely rediscovered well-known results. Thus Dr. Eden argued that evolutionists explain away difficulties by assigning arbitrary values to unknown parameters, such as intensity of selection. In fact, a great deal is known about the value of such parameters in present-day natural populations, and this certainly influences our view about the value (that) these parameters had in the past.


challenge - основное значение этого слова вызов. В научной литературе оно имеет значение сложная задача, проблема.