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2 Lesson 2

2.1 Прочтите слова согласно транскрипции

interchange; whereas; intelligence; impression; medium; mechanis; natural; benefit; therefore; convey; through; use; usually; broaden; primarily; although; acoustics; efficiency; meteorology; cristallography; negligible; distribute; amount; suitable; process; analysis; fundamental.

2.2 Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на смещение ударения

Combine-combination; similar-similarity; utilize-utilization ; foundfoundation; modulate - modulation; communicate -communication; magnet - magnetic; define -definition.

2.3 Сгруппируйте антонимы

efficient, include, definite, low, indefinite, high, inefficient, exclude.

2.4 Сгруппируйте синонимы

amount, appreciable, primarily, through the use, require, fundamental, differ, utilize, basses, similar, regard, produce, define, fundamentals, mainly; determine, vary , by means of the use, demand, like, generate, principal, employ, consider, quantity, notable .

2.5 Прочтите и переведите текст

Basis of radio communication

1. Radio communication may be defined as the interchange of signals, symbols, intelligence, impressions between two or more points, employing electromagnetic waves as the medium of transmission. Engineering may be defined art and science by which natural forces and materials are utilized in structures, machines, or mechanisms for man's benefit. Radio engineering - that branch of engineering which deals with radio communication — may, therefore, be defined as the art science by which natural forces and materials are utilized for man's benefit in mechanisms intended to convey for interchange of intelligence between two or more points through the use of electromagnetic waves as the transmission medium.

2. Both in theory and in practical application, a very large part of radio engineering may be regarded as a broadened and generalized field of electrical engineering although, in addition, some phases of radio engineering include other branches of physics such as acoustics, optics, meteorology, crystallography, and similar fields. Radio engineering practice differs from electrical engineering practice primarily in


two important aspects. The radio engineer is nearly always interested in transforming the maximum amount of power from the transmitting to the receiving ends of the system, whereas the electrical engineer is usually more interested in the transmission of power between two points with a maximum of efficiency. Radio engineering practice also differs from electrical engineering practice in the much greater range of frequencies employed and in the utilization of certain electrical phenomena whose effects are negligible at the comparatively low frequencies at which electric phenomena generated, distributed and utilized.

3. Modern radio communication rests on two fundamental bases (1) the analysis, formulation, and manipulation of the intelligence to be conveyed, in a form suitable for transmission by radio means, and (2) the fundamentals of those branches of physics (primarily electromagnetism) by which electromagnetic waves maybe produced, modulated in accordance with the intelligence to be transmitted, propagated through space, and received at a distant point where the intelligence is extracted.

2.6 Переведите словосочетания

a)radio engineer, radio engineering, electrical engineering practice, transmission medium, wide range of frequencies, maximum amount of power, power transmission, radio engineering practice, frequency range;

b)to transmit power, to transmit signals; to employ electromagnetic waves, to employ electronic devices, to employ radio-receiving and radio-transmitting devices; to employ greater range of frequency, to be propagated through space , to achieve results through such measures.

2.7 Ответьте на вопросы

1. How may radio communication be defined? 2. What radio engineering deal with?3. What must be used to convey the interchange of intelligence between two or more points?4. In what way may a very large part of radio engineering be regarded? 5. What is the difference between radio electrical engineering? 6. What does radio engineering require a wide range of frequencies for? 7. What does modern radio communication rest on?

2.8 Переведите предложения

1. In this case visual images are to be transmitted by electrical means. 2. Scientists had to make a great number of investigations to improve radar equipment. 3. The radio operator was able to determine the exact location of a distant object. 4. We shall be allowed to switch on a radio set in a few minutes. 5. This important information should be transmitted by wireless. 6. Every radio engineer ought to master the fundamentals of radio engineering. 7. You should have switched off the device in time. 8. You ought to have used these data in your experimental work. 9. They will have to listen to this lecture. 10. They were to obtain the necessary data in time.


3 Lesson 3

3.1 Прочтите слова согласно транскрипции

toward , thrust, change , magnitude , hold, iron

3.2 Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на смещение ударения

experiment—experimenter; magnet—magnetic; indicate — indication; metal

— metallic; polar — polarity.

3.3 Сгруппируйте эквиваленты

electrical machinery, bar magnet, sensitive current indicator, motionless, connecion, with respect to , magnitude, opposite polarity, lines of forces, at right angle, to cut the line

противоположная полярность, неподвижный, силовые линии, электрическое оборудование, магнитный брусок, по отношению к , под прямым углом, пересекать линию, соединение, величина, чувствительный индикатор то

3.4 Прочтите вопросы перед каждым абзацем текста и найдите отве-


1. What did Faraday produce? 2. What happened when a bar was thrust into the coil? 3. What are the facts underlying Faraday's discovery? 4. Is there any discovery in electrical engineering which has been so important as Faraday's?

Faraday’s discovery

1. The important discovery on the way toward present day electrical machinery was that of the celebrated English .experimenter, Faraday. He produced rotation of a wire carrying electrical current, around a magnetic pole. The experiment may be repeated by anyone who has a coil of wire, а|.,т magnet and a sensitive current indicator.

2.Faraday's experiment was the following: when the bar magnet, or the coil carrying the current, was motionless there was no motion of the needle. When a bar was thrust into the coil the needle moved in one direction. The motion of the bar being reversed, the needle reversed its motion too. There was no metallic connection between the two coils, or between the coil and the bar magnet—and yet changing position of one with respect to the other, or changing the direction or magnitude of current one coil produced some electrical effect in the other circuit.

3.The facts underlying. Faraday's experiment are these an electric voltage was generated or induced in the coil when the bar magnet was thrust into it. A voltage of opposite polarity was generated when the magnet was removed. This voltage sent a


current through the coil and the galvanometer so that the needle moved. The same explanation holds when two coils are used, one of them carrying a current, taking the place of the iron bar. Whenever lines of force are cut by a conductor, a voltage is generated in that conductor. So long as the conductor moves so that it cuts the lines i.e., does not move parallel with them a voltage is set up. The more lines per second, and the more it cuts the lines at right angles, the greater the voltage.

4. There is no discovery in electrical science which has been so important. Almost every application of electricity to modern life depends upon this discovery of Michael Faraday.

3.5 Переведите словосочетания

a) electrical machinery, bar magnet, metallic connection, electrical effect, lines of force, sensitive current indicator;

b) to induce a current, to generate a current, to send a current, to carry the current, to change the position, to change the direction, to change the polarity, to reverse the motion ,to produce some electrical effect, to produce the rotation, to move the needle, to cut the lines of forces, to set up voltage.

3.6 Ответьте на вопросы

1. What was Faraday famous for? 2. Was he an English or French scientist? 3. What is needed for repeating Faraday's experiment? 4. When was there no motion of the needle? 5. Was there any metallic connection between two coils? 6. What is generated in the conductor when lines of force are cut in it? 7. What does almost every application of electricity in modern life depend upon?

3.7 Переведите предложения

1.The larger the size of the electrodes, the more current capacity they supply.

2.The lower the voltage of one battery, the greater the required number of batteries.

3.The Ore the positive and negative plates, the greater is the charge.4 The higher the voltage used to charge the condenser, he more energy it will store.

3.8Переведите предложения

1.Faraday's discovery being very important, every application of electricity in modern life depends upon it. 2. There are some facts underlying Faraday's discovery.

3.The needle moving in one direction, a bar magnet was thrust into the coil. 4. Having made his discovery Faraday produced rotation of a wire carrying electric current.

5.While making this experiment he used a sensitive current indicator.6.The device being applied at our plant is quite modern There are many kinds of vacuum tubes now in use, the simplest being the diode. 8. Amplifying the current, the scientist got the necessary results. 9. Flowing through the local resistance R this current produces varying amounts of IR drops. 10. Oscillating waves are produced by means of oscilla-


tion. 11. Being tested this device showed the desired results.

3.9 Переведите предложения

l.When rubbed many substances become electrified. 2.When tested this device showed the desired results. 3.When this device was tested it showed the desired results. 4. We tested this device, it showing good results. 5. These devices have been tested in our laboratory. 6. The device tested showed the desired results. 7. Unless tested these devices should not be used at our plant.

3.10 Прочтите диалог в ролях


A:Have you ever heard of Faraday?

B:Certainly I have. He was a celebrated English experimenter.

A:Can you tell me a few words about his discovery?

B:With pleasure! He produced rotation of a wire carrying, electric current

around a magnetic pole.

A: Can anybody repeat this experiment?

В: I suppose so. Anyone who has a coil of wire, a bar magnet and a sensitive current indicator

may repeat Faraday experiment.

A: What was his experiment based on?

В: When the bar magnet or the coil carrying the current was motionless there was no motion of the needle. When a bar was thrust into the coil the needle moved in one direction.

A: What do you think? Is there any discovery in electrical science which has been so important as Faraday's?

В: No, there isn't any. Almost every application of electricity in modern life depends upon the discovery of Michael Faraday.

A: Thank you for your interesting information. В: You are welcome.

3.11 Переведите текст , не пользуясь словарем

A few words about some discoveries

Faraday himself made a machine which could general electricity. He also made an electric motor but these were only scientific instruments and much work had to be done by engineers before a practical machine could be produced.

Faraday's machines and those of others which were in/vented afterwards were built up with permanent magnets, and it was not until 1845 that Wheatstone produced a ma-'chine in which an electromagnet was used, the electricity being supplied from a