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  1. Тема: Страдательный залог

  1. Their car is at the garage. It _______ now.

  1. is being repaired

  2. is repairing

  3. is repaired

  4. has repaired

  1. The hall _______ before the academic year began.

  1. had been painted

  2. was painted

  3. was painting

  4. painted

  1. This story is worth reading. Who wrote it? – It _______ by Jack London.

  1. was written

  2. is written

  3. was being written

  4. wrote

  1. We can’t give refunds on articles of clothes that …

  1. have been worn

  2. are wearing

  3. are being worn

  4. have worn

  1. Most of Shakespeare’s plays _______ in London.

  1. were written

  2. have been writing

  3. were being written

  4. wrote

  1. Their car is at the garage. It _______ now.

  1. is being repaired

  2. is repairing

  3. is repaired

  4. has repaired

  1. Wages _______ to workmen by the day or week.

  1. are paid

  2. is paid

  3. pay

  4. pays

  1. Books ___ for centuries to preserve and distribute information.

  1. have been used

  2. are used

  3. are being used

  4. have been using

  1. Shall I send the letter? – No, don’t worry about it. It …

  1. has already been sent

  2. has already sent

  3. is already sending

  4. was already sending

  1. The son and heir of the monarch _______ the title «Prince of Wales».

  1. is given

  2. give

  3. gives

  4. is being given

  1. Though the report lasted for a long time, the speaker _______ to with great attention.

  1. was listened

  2. listened

  3. was listening

  4. had been listening

  1. Тема: Модальные глаголы

  1. Headmaster to student: «That was terrible behaviour! You ________ apologize to your history teacher».

  1. must

  2. should

  3. may

  4. can

  1. They ________ go to the theatre together because Nelly had agreed to baby-sit for them.

  1. were able to

  2. had to

  3. can

  4. were allowed to

  1. He speaks French like a Frenchman, he _________ by an excellent teacher.

  1. must have been taught

  2. had to be taught

  3. was to be taught

  4. may have taught

  1. I bought everything we need yesterday so I ________ go shopping today.

  1. don’t have to

  2. mustn’t

  3. shouldn’t

  4. ought not to

  1. Quite luckily, Nick’s departure was delayed by one day and so we ________ to spend one more evening together.

  1. were able

  2. had

  3. ought

  4. might

  1. You ________ wash the car. The paint is still wet.

  1. mustn’t

  2. needn’t

  3. don’t have to

  4. have to

  1. Aren’t you afraid we have too little petrol? – So what? It’s so close from here that we ________ use the car.

  1. needn’t

  2. mustn’t

  3. can’t

  4. shouldn’t

  1. The forecast says it’ll rain. You _________ take your umbrella.

  1. should

  2. must

  3. can

  4. needn’t

  1. We ___to hurry or we’ll be late.

  1. were

  2. ought

  3. shall be allowed

  4. had

  1. Mary ________ use the dictionary when she reads Spanish books. She knows Spanish very well.

  1. doesn’t have to

  2. mustn’t

  3. can’t

  4. isn’t to