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Unit 5.doc
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I. Translate the following sentences into Russian according to the given model:

  • I wanted him to be present at the meeting.

  • Я хотел, чтобы он присутствовал на встрече.

  1. She wanted the child to wash his hands before dinner.

  2. The teacher wanted the pupils to rewrite the composition.

  3. I wanted my son to do his home task before going for a walk.

  4. The governor wanted the man to tell everything about himself.

  5. Her uncle wanted us to join the excursion.

  • I wanted the work to be done properly.

  • Я хотел, чтобы работа была сделана должным образом.

  1. She wanted the question to be raised again.

  2. They wanted the operation to be performed as soon as possible.

  3. I didn’t want my report to be discussed there.

  4. The student wanted the dictionary to be given to him at the exam.

  5. The teacher wanted the book to be read in three days.

  • I know him to live in N street.

  • Я знаю, что он живет на улице Н.

  1. He knows his neighbour to be a cruel woman.

  2. I know the performance to be a success.

3. We know that man to work at our fac­tory.

4. We know this professor to travel much.

5. I know this girl to be fond of music.

  • I know him to have lived in N. street.

  • Я знаю, что он жил на улице Н.

1. He knows them to have met by accident.

2. I know the delegation to have left for Moscow.

3. We know this politician to have studied at our institute.

4. I know her to have brought that magazine.

5. They know Carla to have left the city many years ago.

  • I made her help mother to cook dinner.

  • Я заставил её помочь матери приготовить обед.

1. He made me tell them about my adventures.

2. I could not make them agree.

3. They made him enter the house.

4. I made my brother take the raincoat.

5. She made us sing the song again.

II. Translate the following sentences Into English re­placing the object clauses by Complex Object.

  1. Я хочу (желаю, хотел бы),

- чтобы все хорошо провели время.

- чтобы никто не опаздывал.

- чтобы мы пошли в театр.

- чтобы вся семья сегодня вечером была вместе.

- чтобы ты последовал моему совету.

  1. Я видел (слышал, наблюдал, заметил)

- как он вошел в дом и закрыл дверь.

- как девушка играла и пела.

- как они разговаривали.

- как дети бегали и прыгали.

- как братья ссорились.

  1. Я считаю (нахожу)

- что он вполне здоров.

- что эта работа слишком трудна для него.

- что Ник не очень способный студент.

- что отец должен пойти туда.

- что этот фильм очень интересный.

  1. Я попросил (приказал, велел, разрешил)

- им остаться дома и подождать меня.

- детей играть в саду.

- студентов принести словари.

- её не опаздывать.

- всех занять места.

III. Translate the following sentences into Russian Pay attention to Complex Object.

1. I must have my shoes repaired.

2. We want to have the floor and windows washed.

  1. Where did you have your hair cut?

  2. She had this dress made last month.

  3. He wanted to have his bad tooth pulled out.

  4. I want my TV set repaired.

  5. You must have this coat cleaned.

  6. When do you want to have tea prepared?

  7. He would like his things brought upstairs.

  8. He made his sister come home in time yesterday.

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