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Unit 3 foundations

Text: Foundations


  • Modal verbs (Синявская, p. 404 – 406)

  • The verb "to be" (Синявская, p. 361– 362)

  • That of / those of (Синявская, p. 400)

Word-building models:

  • Word-forming suffix of nouns: – (i)ty

  • Word-forming suffix of adjectives: – ive

New words:

  1. basement, n. [´beısmqnt] основание, цокольный этаж

  2. buoyancy, n. [´bOıqnsı] плавучесть

  3. caisson, n. [´keıs(q)n] кессон

  4. grillage, n. [´griılıG] решетка

  5. impose, v. [ım´pqVz] оказывать (зд. давление)

  6. in situ, adj. [ın´sıtju:] монолитный (уложенный на месте)

  7. levelling,n. [´lev(q)lıN] выравнивание

  8. preliminary, adj. [prı´lımın(q)rı] предварительный

  9. reinforced, adj. [ri:ın´fO:st] армированный (железобетонный)

  10. rest, v. [rest] опираться

  11. slab, n. [slæb] плита

  12. settlement,n. [´setlmqnt] усадка

  13. stratum, n. [´stra:tqm] пласт, основание (грунт)

  14. deep foundation фундамент глубокого заложения

  15. shallow foundation фундамент мелкого заложения

  16. box footing фундамент стаканного типа

  17. raft (mat) foundation сплошной фундамент

  18. strip (continuous) footing ленточный фундамент

  19. pile foundation свайный фундамент

  20. diaphragm wall стена в грунте

  21. raft ростверк

  22. prebored hole предварительно просверленное отверстие

  1. Translate the derivatives according to the models.

Model 1: adjective stem + -(i)ty  noun

Regular – регулярный  regularity – регулярность

Durable  durability; beautiful  beauty;

Simple  simplicity; necessary  necessity.

Model 2: verb stem + -ive  adjective

To communicate – общаться  communicative – общительный

To regulate  regulative; to prevent  preventive;

to attract  attractive; to act  active.

  1. Read the following international words and give all Russian equivalents.

To act, base, classification, column, to excavate, exploitation, ideally, isolated, normally, parallel, practically, principle, stratum, term, universal.

  1. Find the synonyms.

  1. footing a) to lie

  2. to transmit b) immediately

  3. to rest c) to lessen

  4. directly d) to pass

  5. to impose e) strengthened

  6. to carry f) equal

  7. to reduce g) to force upon

  8. corresponding h) to support

  9. reinforced i) foundation

  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the usage of "that, those".

  1. Various methods constructing reinforced concrete houses include wide use of large sections which are manufactured in highly mechanized factories and those of cast on site.

  2. To increase the cost of construction and this of maintenance of buildings means to low down the living standards of people.

  3. To develop new methods means to speed up the whole process of building and that of assembly work in particular.

  4. Great attention is given to new methods of building and those of finishing work.

  5. This new building is being assembled of prefabricated elements and those of cast on site.

  6. Non-traditional buildings employs new techniques which increase the speed of building and that of finishing operations.

  1. Mark the number of a sentence where "to be" is translated as "должен".

  1. The main function is to provide a basement.

  2. The prevailing type is the reinforced concrete square footing.

  3. Mat footing is to provide a foundation equal to the whole area of the substructure.

  4. The problem is to choose a suitable type of a footing.

  1. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to different functions of the verb "to be".

  1. A foundation is the supporting part of a structure.

  2. Foundations are divided into spread and deep foundations.

  3. A lighter type is used if the main function is to provide a basement.

  4. There is an isolated footing in the new building.

  5. The number of students was growing and there were many difficulties with classrooms.

  6. Spread foundations are classified into several types.

  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to modal verbs and their equivalents.

CAN = to be able (иметь физическую возможность)

MAY = to be allowed (разрешение)

MUST = to have to, to be to, should (долженствование)

1. We must read much. 2. We have to read much. 3. They are to be here in time. 4. You should know all this by heart. 5. He had to guess of one more meaning of this word. 6. We should recognize these international words. 7. You may ask any questions on this problem. 8. Finally we shall be able to read easily. 9. He may come at any moment. 10. You are allowed to use this laboratory. 11. They are note allowed to miss lectures. 12. After school we might work or study. 13. We could enter any institute.

  1. Say and write the following sentences in:

a) Past Indefinite; b) Future Indefinite.

Model 1: He must learn the new words.

He had to learn the new words.

He will have to learn the new words.

Model 2: He can skate well.

He could skate well.

He will be able to skate well.

Model 3: You may smoke in the corridor.

You were allowed to smoke in the corridor.

You will be allowed to smoke in the corridor.

  1. The reinforced concrete continuous footing can have greater width and smaller height than the mass concrete footing.

  2. They must be highly mechanized.

  3. A building must be made of the reinforced concrete units.

  4. Prefabricated units may be classified into two main groups: for residential and industrial buildings.

  5. The house can be assembled of precast concrete elements.

  6. Present–day designs for housing must give greater attention to the size of dwellings.

  1. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the modal verbs.

  1. These techniques are to increase the output of better structures at lower cost.

  2. The buildings erected at present can be divided into two general classes: buildings for housing and industrial buildings.

  3. Floors may be either of timber or of reinforced material.

  4. The walls may be solid and hollow.

  5. The materials used for construction of footings can be brick, stone, concrete and other natural or artificial materials.

  1. Suggest the Russian equivalents.

  • to reach the ground through walls, piers, or columns;

  • the ground surface;

  • preliminary leveling;

  • to spread the loads more widely;

  • shallow excavations;

  • grillages of steel beams;

  • exploitation of the buoyancy principle;

  • to displace a weight of earth comparable with the total weight of the building.

  1. Read the text and translate it in Russian.