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52. Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions.

  • When was the last time you went shopping? Where? Who with?

  • What sort of things did you buy?

53. Some people like shopping, others don’t but they all have to go shopping at least once a week because they need food and other things for their life. However, there are people who are addicted to shopping. They are crazy about looking around and choosing things. For them shopping is a hobby. What about you?

  1. Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?

  2. What do you like to shop for?

  3. What kind of shops do you like most of all? Why?

  4. Is it better to go shopping on your own or with friends/family? Why?

  5. How much do you spend each month?

  6. Do you usually shop around before buying clothes?

  7. When you go to a shop or supermarket, do you ever buy items that you hadn’t planned to buy before you entered the shop?

  8. What sort of things do you buy like this and why do you buy them?

54. Explain the meaning of the following words and collocations.

to do the shopping

to go to shops in order to buy the things that you need regularly such as food

to go shopping

to go to shops to look at and buy things, often for enjoyment

to shop around

to go to several different shops comparing goods and their prices before deciding which ones to buy

to get

to get something by buying it, especially ordinary things such as food, clothes, or things for your house

shopping centre / mall

a specially-built large covered area where there are a lot of shops

department store

a large shop which is divided into several parts, each of which sells one type of thing, for example men’s clothes, children’s toys, or kitchen equipment

supermarket; grocery store

a large shop that sells food and other things that people regularly need


movable articles (e.g. clothes, food, etc.) which can be owned, bought, or sold


someone who buys goods or services


1) buying; 2) an act of buying; 3) an article that has just been bought


something bought or offered cheaply



55. Express the following in one word.

stall, shop / store, chemist’s / drugstore, market,

kiosk, greengrocer’s, baker’s, butcher’s

  1. a building where goods are sold to the public

  2. a place outside where you can go to buy things

  3. a table, especially outdoors, where goods are sold

  4. a small hut on a street that sells things such as newspapers, cigarettes, and drinks

  5. a shop selling vegetables and fruit

  6. a shop where medical goods are sold

  7. a shop where meat is sold

  8. a shop where bread is sold

56. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Some words may be used more than once.

stall, buying, shopping, goods, shopping mall, shelves, markets

  1. Renaissance Centre is a huge steel and glass ... in downtown Detroit.

  2. This shop sells a variety of ... .

  3. On Saturdays we usually do the ... and clean the car.

  4. I really like that tie – I was thinking of ... it for my husband for his birthday.

  5. The ... tend to be cheaper, especially for fruit and vegetables.

  6. Janet has a fruit and veg ... on the market.

  7. There’s an ever greater variety of goods to be found on supermarket ... .

  8. I’m just going ... . Do you want anything?

  9. I did all my ... yesterday.

  10. You’ve been ... a lot of clothes recently. Have you decided to change your image?

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