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Vocabulary practice

I. . Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

Поддержка и любовь, гармоничная семья, семейные ценности, родительская власть, стабильная брак, целомудрие, забота о престарелых, нуклеарная семья, расширенная семья, поколение, члены семьи/домочадцы, здоровое общество, стабильная семейная жизнь, упадок, неполная семья, высокий уровень разводов, два основных типа семьи, реклама, недостаток дисциплины, воспитывать детей, кровь.

II. Make up word combinations and use them in sentences or situations of your own.





the only


to spoil


to bring up

a child

to run


to get



family life






a divorce



  1. Explain in English by matching A and B parts.



nuclear family

the adults have divorced and remarried, bringing children from other unions together to form a new nuclear family

immediate family 

a family which only has one parent (because the parents are divorced, or because one of the parents has died):

step family

parents and their children living in the same residence or sharing the closest bonds

adopted family

includes all relatives ( grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins) living together and sharing daily household duties

single-parent / one-parent family =

your closest relative

foster family

two parents may adopt a child to whom they share no blood relationship, or one parent may adopt the child of the other parent.

extended family

one or more adult parent who serves as a temporary guardian for one or more children to whom they may or may not be biologically related.

IV. Write out all words and word combinations related to family. Add them to your topical vocabulary . Study the examples. Expressions with family

family gathering = a meeting / celebration of family members: "There's a small family gathering next week."

family resemblance = where members of the family look / act similar: "You can see a distinct family resemblance between the father and the son."

to start a family = to start having children: "They want to wait a couple of years before starting a family."

to run in the family = a characteristic that is common among family members: "Baldness runs in his family."

to bring up / raise a family = to have and look after children: "It's difficult to raise a family on one income."

a family car = a car big enough to transport a family: "The Volvo Estate is a popular family car."

family-size = large quantity item: "We need to buy family-size packets of biscuits!"

family-friendly = a policy that favours families: "This hotel is family-friendly."

family doctor = a doctor who looks after general medical needs: "There are a number of good family doctors in this area."

family man = a man who prefers to spend his time with his family: "John is a family man."

family values = traditional ideas about what a family should be: "Some political parties often emphasise family values and the importance of marriage."

family name = surname: "What's your family name?"

( From http://www.english-at-home.com/vocabulary/talking-about-your-family/

  1. Phrasal verbs. Consult the dictionary.Look up the as many word combinations as you can with the verb ‘ to get’.

  2. Talking about the past. Study the mind map. Make up sentences.

  1. Grammar . Study the theory about nouns in Grammar Guide. How can nouns be distinguished from other parts of speech?Find nouns in the text.

Speaking and writing

Discuss the following.

I. The All Nations English Dictionary gives the following definition of the family: “family – any group of people related by blood or marriage, especially parents and their children”. Use the text and your own ideas to extend this definition. Try to view the notion ‘family’ from different points of view.