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5. Praise. - Похвала.

direct praise ofpersonality - прямая похвала за личностные


realistic (idealized) picture ofsmb.’s personality - реалистическое

(идеализированное) представление о чьем-либо характере;

to exaggerate praise out ofall proportion - хвалить без


to give a realistic picture ofa child’s accomplishments - дать

правдивую/реалистичную картину достижений ребенка;

to concentrate on a child’s strength and not weakness - сосредоточить

внимание не на слабых, а на сильных сторонах


to keep away from general remarks about anyone’s personality

- не переходить на личности.

6. Punishment. - Наказание.

to scream and yell at - кричать на;

not to hit children - не бить детей;

to be bound to lose - быть обреченным на неудачу;

spanking - шлепки;

to cause mental illness (psychological damage) - вызывать

психические расстройства (наносить психологический


to beat the daylights out ofsmb. - избить кого-либо до полусмерти;

to shake the life out ofsmb. - вытрясти из кого-либо душу;

to be ashamed ofoneself - стыдиться самого себя/своего


the best way to criticize - лучший способ высказать пори-


to say nothing of - не говоря уже о;

a direct reprimand - прямой выговор;

to answer back - огрызаться, дерзить кому-либо в ответ;

a beating - избиение; трепка; порка;

to lock children up - запирать детей;

not to speak with a child deliberately - специально не разговаривать

с ребенком;

to ignore a child - игнорировать ребенка;

an undesirable form of punishment - нежелательная форма


sarcasm - сарказм;

to work out all sorts ofschemes for revenge - придумывать

всяческие способы мести;

to tell smb. off(to give smb. a telling off) - ругать, отчитывать


7. Discipline. Behaviour. Manner. - Дисциплина. Поведение.


to discipline smb. - дисциплинировать/обучать кого-либо;

a way ofteaching politeness - способ научить вежливости;

to be punctual - быть пунктуальным/точным;

to interrupt a conversation - перебить/прервать разговор,

влезть в разговор;

to get quarrelsome - стать вздорным (задиристым);

the art of living together - умение/искусство жить вместе;

to lead to frayed nerves for days on end - день ото дня действовать

всем на нервы/нервировать всех;

to develop a conscience in smb. - пробудить в ком-либо


not a word ofblame - ни одного худого слова;

not to impose anything on children - ничего не навязывать


to encourage inner development - способствовать развитию


to give children a choice - дать детям выбор;

to heighten smb.’s self-confidence - укрепить чью-либо

уверенность в себе;

a beneficial and corrective influence on smb. - благотворное

воздействие на кого-либо, способствующее исправлению


to leave a decision to the child - оставить решение на усмотрение

ребенка; предоставить ребенку самому принять


to teach smb. manners - научить кого-либо хорошим манерам.

8. Children’s reaction. - Реакция детей.

to live up to smb.’s expectations - оправдать чьи-либо

( ожидания (надежды);

to do smth. on purpose - сделать что-либо нарочно (намеренно);

to give admonitions and warnings - делать внушения и


to encourage to ask questions - способствовать тому, чтобы

ребенок задавал вопросы;

to be curious and inquisitive - быть любознательным и


to learn by imitation - учиться, подражая другим/с помощью


to feel part of the family - чувствовать себя частью семьи;

to hate questions which try to trap - не выносить каверз-

ных вопросов;

to be pushed into making up lies - быть вынужденным


to choose between telling a lie and giving embarrassing

answers - выбирать между ложью и ответами, от которых

окружающим станет неловко;

to appreciate smth. - оценить что-либо (по достоинству);

to become full ofresentment - преисполниться негодования


to become a nuisance - стать занудой (настоящим мучением);

to become resentful - стать обидчивым; разозлиться, обидеться;

to become spiritless - стать вялым/робким;

to become delinquent - стать правонарушителем/пре-



Exercise 1, p. 137-138

Possible variants

1. Steve is awfully stubborn (упрямый). Mother can’t do a thing with him, try as she would. 2. Mary is obstinate (упрямая)

as a mule. I can’t do a thing with her no matter how hard I try.

3. Where did you find this brute of a dog (этого здорового

пса)? I can'l do a thing with it however hard I try to teach it some

tricks. 4. I wasted no time. I listened and did some thinking.

5. Where did you go for your holidays? Did you do any skiing?

6. Even the police were afraid ofhim. He was no ordinary thief,

he was a bom killer. 7. You seem to forget that we deal with no

ordinary cases. After all, we are in charge of X-files. It is the supernatural

we look into. 8. There is something fishy about the whole

thing. This is no ordinary breaking and entering (кража со взломом).

9. I’d never have believed that Jack would prove the serial

killer all the police had been looking for. 10 The young actress had

no premonition (плохое предчувствие) that the performance

would prove (to be) such a flop. 11. They had to leave India

before the year was over. The climate proved too much for them

(too bad for Mrs. Greene's health). 12. Why do you mind his coming

so much? - I just supposed that it might cause some difficulties

under the circumstances, that's all. 13. Don’t be angry with

me. I just tried to follow the rules of this game, as I understood

them, that's all. 14. He is not to blame. He just tried to help as best

he could, that's all. 15. You know how much I look forward to

your letters. Try and write more often, will you? 16. It is a very difficult

sound. Try and pronounce it. 17. The task is urgent. Try and

do/perform it as quickly as possible. 18. I’d like to suit your convenience.

Let’s make it Monday. 19. It’s a go then [(Значит, идет!

(по рукам! /решено!)]. Let’s make it the 1st of April. 20. Could you

spare the time to come twice a week? - Sure. - Good. Let’s make

it Tuesday and Friday.

Exercise 2, p. 138

1. Ты потерял бы меньше времени, если бы перестал

болтать и топать ногами и для разнообразия занялся немного

живописью 2. Мартин извинился, - перед обедом

ему нужно было кое-что написать. 3. Сама миссис Стрикленд

печатала мало, все время уходило на исправление

ошибок тех четырех девушек, которые у нее работали.

4. Она была поражена, когда узнала, что из них двоих любит

не одна она, что ее любовь взаимна. 5. Соме хотел чтобы

Босини проникся сознанием того, что его дом должен

стать чем-то необыкновенным. 6. У Гейнсборо был хороший

сух, и он отлично играл на скрипке (indifferent – по-

средственный). 7. Я не была какой-нибудь робкой девицей

и не собиралась обращаться в бегство из-за того, что

никто не оказал мне радушного приема (никто не был

мне рад). 8. Ее заявление не было голословным. Чтобы

подкрепить его, она привела факты и цифры. 9. Я был

просто-напросто заворожен. Не стилем, нет. Пишет он

очень сухо/академично. Меня очаровали его идеи, те связи,

которые он находит между человеком и средой его


Exercise 3, р. 138

Model: I think it’s up to you to do the explaining.

1. One afternoon Beatrice asked me if I rode, and I explained

i hat I had done some/a little riding but was far from proficient

i n the art. 2. Mrs. Kettle is not the kind ofwoman to do the washing

(ofher clothes) herself. 3- Her eyes were red and swollen, it

was clear that Mary had done some crying. 4. I used to do some

(a lot of) fishing in my younger days. 5. He did all the talking, and

I hey thought he was stupid. 6. I’ve done a good deal of(a lot of)

thinking about it.

Model: I can't do a thing with him. He won't do his lessons.

1. I can’t do a thing with Paul. He won’s go to school.

2. I can’t do a thing with Nelly Like a naughty child she won’t

listen to me and put on her winter coat. 3. Mary’s mother couldn’t

do a thing with her. She wouldn’t take up music. 4. I can’t do

a thing with him no matter how hard I try. He won’t tell the

truth. 5. I can’t do a thing with her. She just won’t eat porridge

in the morning.

Model: We had no premonition that the trip would prove so


1. I had not expected that the film might prove (to be) so

thrilling. 2. I’d never have believed that Jacob would prove

a hero. 3. Before the month was over Nick proved a bright pupil.

4. I won’t be surprised of Morris proves (to be) an excellent

scholar. 5. We abandoned the attempt as the experiment proved

to be) dangerous.

Model: He showed no great skill,

1. I have no great respect for her. 2. This was no ordinary

case. 3. It was no mere slip of the tongue. 4. He expressed his

opinion in no uncertain terms. 5. Rebecca’s dress excited no

mean admiration (mean - скудный, жалкий). 6. Hilary was a

scholar ofno mean ability (mean - посредственный, слабый,


Exercise 5, p. 139

Going out ofthe house/Leaving the house/Leaving

home/When leaving the house (home) Rosemary never suspected

that the next two hours ofher life would prove so unusual


«Madame, could you give me some money for a cup oftea?»

Rosemary looked back. She saw a little creature, a girl (of) her

own age who was squeezing her coat collar with reddened

hands and shivering with cold.

«Have you no money at all?» asked Rosemary.

«No, madame,» the girl said and burst into tears/burst out


How unusual/extraordinary! It was like a scene from a novel.

She was no ordinary/common beggar. Why not take her home?

[Supposing (What if) she took her home?]. And Rosemary imagined

herself saying to her friends later, «I just took her home

with me, that’s all,» and said aloud, «Would you like to come and

have a cup oftea at my place?»

A light breakfast completely transformed the girl/changed

the girl out ofrecognition. She had stopped feeling awkward

and was lying back in a deep armchair (Her embarrassment

gone, she was lying/sinking back in a deep armchair). To look at

her (Looking at her) it was hard to believe that just a short time

ago she had been shedding tears/crying. Rosemary went

on/kept watching her out of the corner ofher eye stealthily.

Suddenly Rosemary’s husband came into the room/entered the

room. Excusing himself/Apologizing he asked Rosemary to

come into the library with him.

«Explain who she is» said Philip. «What does all that


Rosemary said, laughing, «I’ve picked her up in Curson


«But what are you going to do with her?»

«I just want to be kind to her. Take care ofher, that’s all!»

«But,» Philip uttered slowly, «she is amazingly beautiful.»

«Beautiful?» Rosemary was so taken aback/astonished that

the blushed to the top ofher ears/to the roots of her hair. «Do

you really think so?»

Half an hour later Rosemary returned to the library.

«I just/only wanted to tell you that Miss Smith isn’t

dining/isn’t having dinner with us today. I couldn’t do a thing

with her. She wouldn’t even take the money (She even refused

to take the money)».


p. 144

1. jerkwater (Am. coll.) - маленький, незначительный; захолустный

(от полустанков, где поезд останавливается для

забора воды);

4. rot (coll., not si.) - вздор, чушь;

5. bosh (coll.) - вздор, чушь;

6. umph - хм! хм!

8. by gum - Бог ты мой;

7. poppycock (coll.) - вздор, чушь, глупость;

10. elfish - проказливый;

14. gob - комок (грязи, слизи, краски и т.п.);

15. admonish - 1) наставлять; 2) журить, корить; 3) убеждать.


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