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III. Speaking

l. Can you do these tasks on your own?



Need more information

Tell how many teeth (eyes, ears, tongues, fin­gers, knees, thumbs, arms, shoulders, wrists, feet, cheeks, lips, chins, gums, lungs, kidneys, extremities) man has

Tell what the organ of thinking (sight, hearing, smell, taste) is

Explain what we do with- our eyes (ears, nose, tongue, fingers)

Say if the liver (heart, gullet, stomach, blad-" der, lung, spleen, gall bladder, kidney, intes­tine) is an internal or an external organ

Say if the thigh (calf, ankle, foot, knee, wrist, elbow, hand, shoulder, forearm) is a part of the upper or the lower extremity

2. Tell about the functions of the organs as in the example.

With the eyes we




are able to

are capable of


The eyes

are used

to see.

have the ability

for seeing.

A Bit of Humour

"The doctor said he'd have me on my feet in a fortnight." "And did he?"

"Sure, I've had to sell my car."

Dentist (to a talkative patient): "Open your mouth and shut up."

"It's one thing to itch for something and another to scratch for it."

44. The Musculoskeletal System. Кістково-м'язова система.

I. Vocabulary.

1. Read and learn the topical vocabulary.

bone — кістка;

cartilage — хрящ;

tendon — сухожилля;

ligament — зв'язка;

joint — суглоб;

skull — череп;

jaw — щелепа;

sternum (breastbone) — грудина;

rib — ребро;

vertebra — хребець;

pelvis — таз;

coccyx — куприк;

limb — кінцівка;

extremity — кінцівка;

humerus — плечова кістка;

ulna — ліктьова кістка;

radius — променева кістка;

clavicle — ключиця;

scapula — лопатка;

femur — стегно;

tibia — великогомілкова кістка;

fibula — малогомілкова кістка;

соха — тазостегновий суглоб;

muscles — м'язи.

2. Read and memorize some interesting facts about the human skeleton.

  • The longest bone in your body is your thigh bone (the femur) — it's about 1/4 of your height.

  • The smallest is the stapes in the middle ear which is only 2.8 millimeters long.

  • You have over 230 movable and semi-movable joints in your body.

Did you know that humans and giraffes have the same number of bones in their necks? Giraffe neck vertebrae are just much, much longer!

3. Match the following English word combinations with the Ukrainian ones:

1. connective tissue

а) кістковий мозок

2. pectoral girdle

b) тазовий пояс

3. pelvic girdle

с)сполучна тканина

4. hematopoietic system

d) грудний пояс

5. bone marrow

е) система кровотворення