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Английский язык.Батенко

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9.A sport ground – in the University yard.

10.Eight faculties – at the University.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные реплики и воспроизведите диалоги.

1.A – Excuse me, sir, …?

B – Yes, there is a pizzeria in this street. A – ...?

B – It’s not far from here.

2.A – …, Mr. Nesterov?

B – I’m from Yekaterinburg.

A – Is Yekaterinburg a big city? Are there many theatres, museums there?

B – … .

3.A – Is Andrew in? B – I’m sorry, … . A – …?

B – He is at the stadium. A – …?

B – There is an interesting football match there.

V. Вы снимаете квартиру. Задайте вопросы сдающему квартиру, используйте оборот there + be или глагол to be.

1.… a lift in the building?

2.How many floors ... in the building?

3.… the flat on the third floor?

4.… the kitchen large?

5.… a refrigerator in the kitchen?

6 … a central heating in the house?

7.How many radiators … in the flat?

8.How many rooms … in the flat?

9.… the rooms large?

10.… a TV antenna on the roof?

11.The bathroom … small, isn’t it?

12.… the flat expensive or cheap?

13.Where … the mailbox?

VI. Опишите свою комнату в общежитии (дома).


VII. Переведите диалоги и воспроизведите их.

1.– В Кемерово нет метро, не так ли?


2.– Много магазинов в центре города?

Да, много.

3.– Есть ли книжный магазин на этой улице?

Да, есть хороший книжный магазин недалеко отсюда.

4.– Есть ли парк в этом районе?

Да, здесь есть большой парк.

5.– На столе много документов. Они ваши?

Да, там много документов. Некоторые из них мои.

6.– В читальном зале есть англо-русские словари?

Да, в читальном зале много разных словарей.

7.– В вашей подгруппе по английскому языку только 12 студентов. 8 – мальчиков и 4 девочки.

Да, ты прав. Подгруппы по английскому языку всегда маленькие.

8.– Сколько комнат в вашей новой квартире?


А балкон есть?

Да, есть. Квартира очень удобная. Она мне нравится.

Рад это слышать.

9.– Сколько дней в этом году,


10.– Почему так много людей у стадиона сегодня?

Сегодня интересный футбольный матч.

11.– В холодильнике что-нибудь есть?

Да в холодильнике есть сыр, колбаса, масло, молоко.

А фрукты есть?

Да, есть яблоки и бананы.

А есть минеральная вода?

Нет, воды нет.

VIII. Переведите английский пословицы и поговорки.

1.There are two sides to every question.

2.There is nothing to be done.

3.There is no place like home.

4.There is no smoke without fire.


5.There is a skeleton in every house.

6.There is no rule without exceptions.

7.There is no rose without a thorn (шип).

8.There are more ways than one to kill a cat.

9.Where there is life, there is hope.

10.Where there is a will, there is a way.

Unit 4. To have / have got – (иметь, обладать)







Present Indefinite


Past Indefinite

Future Indefinite







shall have

I’ we,



I, we,

I, we

you, they

have got

you, they

will have













He, she, it

he, she, it







will have

he, she, it





you, they



has got



1.Have you






















Did you have a car

Will you have a lecture

2. Do you



last year?





















1. I haven’t got any













I didn’t have

We will not (won’t) have





any free time

a lecture tomorrow.

2. I














have a









N.B.: have got используется преимущественно в устной речи и только в настоящем времени. Сокращенная форма употребляется с have got, и не употребляется с have.

I’ve got a sister. / I have a sister.


Глагол to have в сочетании с существительным не имеет своего собственного значения, а обозначает действие.

have breakfast – завтракать have dinner – обедать

have supper – ужинать have a snack – перекусить have a drink – попить have a meal – поесть

have some water – выпить воды

have a cup of coffee – выпить чашку кофе have a cold – простыть

have a talk – поговорить have a rest – отдохнуть

have a good / pleasant time – хорошо провести время have a bath – принимать ванну

have a wash – помыться have a look at – взглянуть

have an idea about smth. – иметь представление о чем-то have a walk – гулять, прогуляться

have fun – веселиться, развлекаться have faith – верить, доверять

have on – быть одетым в …

Функции глагола to have


Смысловой глагол в

They have a large family. We


значении иметь, обладать

have a cottage in the country.


Вспомогательный глагол в

I have known him for a year.


группе времен Perfect



Модальное значение

We have to take 3 exams.


должен have + инфинитив с

We had to take 3 exams.


частицей to

We will have to take 3 exams.

I. Закончите предложения, используя формы глаголов to be или to have.

1. My brother __ lucky. He __ a large house.


2.Tom __ a second year student. He __ a Bachelor’s degree in 2 years.

3.They __ at the cafe. And they __ a pleasant time there.

4.My grandmother __ in her seventies, but she __ young face, and she __ not any white hair.

5.My brothers and sisters __ very similar to look at. They __ blue eyes and dark hair.

6.She always __ old clothes on at home.

7.She __ always elegant. She __ a very elegant long black dress.

8.We __ great fun playing volleyball on the beach and __ happy.

II. Употребите have или have got в нужном времени. Model:

There are no dictionaries in the shop.

They have no dictionaries in the shop.

They have not got any dictionaries in the shop.

1.There is no bread at home.

2.There will be a lecture on maths in our group tomorrow.

3.There is a good library at the University.

4.There are no rivers here.

5.There will be a consultation on Monday.

6.There was a party in our group on Sunday.

7.There were some interesting shows in the city.

8.There is a salute in Kemerovo on the City Day.

9.There is a balcony in the flat.

III. Выразите удивление. Для контроля проверьте построение вопросительных форм по таблице.

Model: – I have got three lectures today.

Have you really?

1.I usually have some juice for breakfast.

2.She has a headache.

3.They had a rest in the mountains.

4.We had fun with the comic strip.

5.His mother has faith in him.

6.They have runs every morning.

7.We’ll have a busy program in Moscow.

8.He will have a Master’s degree soon.


IV. Эндрю и Майкл учатся в одной группе. Расскажите, как они занимаются в университете.

1.Andrew and Michael are groupmates. Andrew has lectures and seminars 5 days a week. Michael … too.

2.Andrew has laboratory works three times a week. Michael … too.

3.Andrew has English classes twice a week, Michael … too.

4.Andrew has no classes on Saturday. Michael … either.

5.Andrew has no lectures on chemistry this term. Michael … either.

6.Andrew has got a good time-table. Michael … too.

7.Andrew has difficulties with maths. Michael … too.

8.Andrew has good interpersonal relations with his group-mates.

9.Michael … too.

10.Andrew has not much free time. Michael … either.

V. Спросите своего собеседника о занятиях в университете. Model:

Do you have difficulties with speaking English?

VI. Разыграйте диалоги. Используйте подстановки.

Model 1:

Do you have a cat?

No, I have no cat.

Подстановки: a dog, any musical instruments at home, a red pen, classes on Saturday, any money, a cottage in the country.

Model 2:

Do we have any coffee?

Just a moment. Let me see. It’s a pity. We have no coffee. Will you buy some?

Подстановки: you-tea, we-mineral water, we-oranges, you-biscuits (печенье),we-milk, we-butter and cheese, you-white bread.

Model 3:

Does he have a wife and a son?

Yes, he does. He has a good family. His wife has a nice character. Подстановки: a sister, two brothers-elder brother, many relativesuncle, she-a husband and a child, she-a husband and a daughter, a son and a daughter.


Model 4:

– You have got a new motor-cycle, haven’t you? − Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. You are wrong.

Подстановки: digital camera, umbrella, job, flat, phone, sweater, friend.

Model 5:

You haven’t any idea about jazz, have you?

Why? I have some idea about jazz.

Подстановки: football, ancient Russian architecture, Russian composers, English writers, modern business, British holidays.

VII. Поинтересуйтесь здоровьем своего партнера, и сделайте выводы о том, насколько он здоров.

How healthy are you?

1.How many hours’ sleep __ you normally have?

2.__ you usually __ a good breakfast in the morning?

3.How many cups of coffee __ you normally __ every day?

4.How often __ you __ alcohol?

5.How often __ you __ a smoke? __ you a heavy smoker?

6.__ you __ a rest every summer?

7.__ you often __ walks?

8.You __ no difficulty sleeping at night before an examination, do you?

9.__ you __ a cap on in cold weather?

VIII. Дайте словосочетания существительных с глаголами have или have got, имеющие следующие значения:

1. eat, drink

have a coffee, have an ice cream

2. illnesses

have a headache, have flu

3. physical activity

have a run, have a drive

4. take

have a shower, have a break

5. possess

have got a new computer, have


got a large flat


IX. Обсудите следующие вопросы парами.

1.When do you have the things in the “eat and drink” section?

2.What kinds of physical activity do you often do?

3.How often do you do the things in the “take” section?

4.What things in the “possess” section have you got?

X. Переведите и воспроизведите диалоги.

1.– У него большая семья?

Да, у него мама, папа, сестра и два брата.

2.– У тебя много друзей?

У меня несколько друзей. Но у меня есть один близкий друг, у него очень хороший характер.

3.– Пора перекусить.

Я бы лучше пообедал.


4.– Ты простыла?

Боюсь, что у меня грипп.

5.– У меня болит голова. У тебя есть аспирин?

Да, есть.

6.– Взгляни на эти фотографии.

О, они замечательные.

7.– Когда вы обычно обедаете?

Мы обедаем около 2 часов.

8.– Вы доверяете этой фирме?

Я думаю, я не доверяю ей.

9.– Вы носите джинсы на работу?

Да, это удобно.

10.– У нее талант рассказывать истории.

– Да, у нее действительно талант.

XI. Составьте диалоги в соответствии со следующими ситуациями:

1.You are interested if your partner has a large family.

2.Your friend has some experience in swimming. He is a good swimmer.

3.Your cousin had a nice holiday.

4.Your groupmate has a cold.

5.During the break you are going to have some coffee.


6.You are not sure if to have faith in that bank.

7.Your partner doesn’t have good relations with some groupmates.

8.You have no idea about the climate in the Arctic. You want to know something about it.

9.Your group had a good journey to the country.

Unit 5. Degrees of comparisons

I. Изучите таблицу, сделайте вывод о том, как образуются степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.











the oldest






the wettest





the heaviest




the largest


на – y









more popular










good (well)


the best





bad (badly)


the worst





many (much)


the most







the least







the furthest






the farthest

II. Напишите данные ниже прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.

Bright, long, casual, little, comfortable, formal, bad, happy, sad, far, dark, cold, cheap, good, expensive, hot, practical, big, many, interesting, active, high.

III. Сравните. Следуйте модели.

Model: this town / that town (big)

This town is bigger than that town.

1.Our house / your house (large)

2.Ann’s dress / Mary’s dress (nice)


3.The Don / the Volga (long)

4.His report / my report (interesting)

5.December / September (cold)

6.Madonna / Britney Spears (popular)

7.Rugby / tennis (dangerous)

8.Russian grammar / English grammar (difficult)

9.To live in the city / in the country (good)

10.This film / that one (bad)

IV. Поставьте прилагательные в нужную степень сравнения. Переведите предложения.

1.This blouse is too small. I need a … size. (large)

2.She looks about 30, but in fact she is … . (old)

3.Health is … than money. (important)

4.It’s … today (warm), than it was yesterday.

5.Your work isn’t very good. Next time do it … (good)

6.Travelling is becoming … (expensive)

7.Do you think he is … (lazy) than his brother?

8.“Of” is one of … (common) words in English.

9.It’s … (bad) film I have ever seen.

10.Who is … (talented) person in your group?

N.B.: Способы выражения сравнения с помощью союзов:

1)as … as (такой же … как) – для двух предметов одинакового качества.

This book is as interesting as that one.

2)not so … as (не такой … как) – для выражения неравной степени качества двух предметов.

My bag is not so heavy as yours.

3)The … (прилагательное в сравнительной степени), the … . (прилагательное в сравнительной степени)

The longer the days are, the shorter the nights are.

V. Сравните всеми возможными способами:

1.CD disc, a pen, a bar of chocolate (expensive)

2.Steel, wood, glass (strong)

3.To go by bus, to go by train, to go by air (fast)