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Особые случаи соответствия страдательного залога в английском и русском языках

X + be + -ed + (prp)

  1. Предлог, стоящий после глагола в страдательном залоге и не относящийся к следующим за ним словам, при переводе на русский язык ставится перед тем словом, которое в английском предложении является подлежащим:

The results can be relied upon.

На эти результаты можно положиться.

Запомните значения следующих глаголов с предлогами:

agree upon (on)

arrive at

depart from

depend on (upon)

do away with

insist on (upon)

look at

look after

refer to

rely on (upon)

send for

speak, talk about (оf)

think about (of)

work at

– договориться, условиться о

– приходить к (заключению, решению)

– отклоняться; уклоняться от

– зависеть от

– покончить с; отказаться от

– настаивать на

– смотреть на

– наблюдать за

– ссылаться на; упоминать о

– полагаться на

– посылать за

– говорить о (об)

– думать о

– работать над

  1. Выделите сказуемые в пассиве, перевод которых необходимо начинать с предлога.

    1. 1 is agreed upon, 2 am being spoken about, 3s have been carried out, 4 is being thought about, 5 will be translated into, 6 had been arrived at, 7s were being talked about, 8 was placed on.

    1. 1s are being founded in, 2 has been worked at, 3 am sent for, 4s are equipped with, 5 was being relied on, 6 will have been insisted on, 7s were added to.

  1. Дайте русский эквивалент речевым отрезкам, учитывая особенности перевода глаголов с предлогами в пассивном залоге:

  1. the invention is referred to (has been referred to, is being referred to, will have been referred to);

  2. the method was insisted on (had been insisted on, was being insisted on, will be insisted on);

  3. the data were relied on (have been relied on, are relied on, were being relied on);

  4. the properties are spoken about (are being spoken about, had been spoken about, will be spoken about).

  1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих предложений. Помните правила перевода глаголов в страдательном залоге с предлогами, стоящими после них.

  1. This date will be insisted on.

  2. The terms were agreed upon.

  3. The matter was referred to.

  4. The new discovery is being much spoken about.

  5. Many materials now in common use were not even thought of thirty years ago.

  6. The properties of these systems were much spoken about.

  7. A new modern computer is looked after by a programmer.

  8. When something went wrong with the computer, the designer was sent for.

  9. The figures were attentively looked at.

  10. The phenomenon is referred to in many articles.

  11. These rectifiers are usually spoken of as full-wave rectifiers.

  12. This concept is also referred to by some network security people.

  13. These rules were arrived at independently.

  14. All the machines were looked at with great interest.

  15. The new model of the device will be worked at in the plant laboratory.

  1. При переводе страдательного залога английских переходных глаголов, которым в русском языке соответствуют глаголы, принимающие предложное дополнение, предлог ставится перед словом, которое в английском предложении является подлежащим.

The results were affected by the presence of impurities.

На результаты повлияло присутствие примесей.

Запомните следующие переходные глаголы:

to address (smb.)

to affect (smb., smth.)

to answer (smth.)

to follow (smb., smth.)

to influence (smth., smb.)

to watch (smth., smb)

– обращаться к кому-либо

– влиять, воздействовать на кого-либо, что-либо

– отвечать на

– следовать, следить за кем-либо, чем-либо;

следовать чему-либо

– влиять, оказывать воздействие на что-либо, кого-либо

– следить за чем-либо, кем-либо, наблюдать что-либо

  1. Выделите сказуемые в пассиве, перевод которых необходимо начинать с предлога.

  1. 1 was transmitted, 2s were influenced, 3 had been watched, 4 is being translated, 5 will be followed, 6 is reported, 7 am being affected, 8s have been received.

  2. 1 will have been watched, 2s were asked, 3 has been affected, 4 am addressed, 5s are stopped, 6s are being followed, 7 was being obtained, 8s had been answered.

      1. Переведите речевые отрезки, учитывая особенности перевода глаголов to follow, to influence, to watch в пассивном залоге:

        1. the pattern is influenced (was influenced, is being influenced, will be influenced);

        2. the report was followed (has been followed, will have been followed, was being followed);

        3. the experiments were watched (are being watched, will be watched, had been watched);

        4. the results are affected (were being affected, have been affected, will have been affected).

      1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих предложений, учитывая особенности перевода глаголов в пассивном залоге:

  1. This paper was shortly followed by another by the same author.

  2. There are circuits which are not influenced by the temperature.

  3. The experiment will be followed by testing the end product.

  4. The level of oxygen is constantly watched by the operator.

  5. Methods employed in solving a problem are strongly influenced by the research objective.

  6. Every thing is affected by its relations to everything else.

  7. The reaction was followed by measuring temperature.

  8. The first question is readily answered.

  9. The properties of metals are strongly influenced by even small admixtures of other metals.

  10. The rates and molecular weights are affected by lowering the temperature.

  11. The question arises as to how the behaviour of metals is affected by the changes in temperature.

  12. Annealing is followed by very slow cooling.

  13. The qualitative examination of organic compounds is followed by a quantitative analysis.

  14. The first steam engine appeared in 1763.

  15. It was followed by the universal double-acting several improved steam engine constructed by James Watt.

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