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Плещёв ВУМИП 2012-07-06.doc
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3D 130


abort 270

Abort 67, 106

Aborted 106

AbortOnKeyViol 202

AbortOnProblem 202

abs 258

Abs 68

AbsoluteIndex 137

Abstract 61

acosl 259

ActionList 132

ActivateHint 104

Active 100, 104, 139, 151

ActiveControl 100, 105

ActiveForm 105

ActiveMDIChild 100

ActivePage 135

ActivePageIndex 135

ActiveX 210

Add 107, 109, 114, 119, 128, 131, 140

AddImages 128

AddObject 109, 119

Addr 34, 85

AddString 119

AddStrings 109

ADO 203

ADOCommand 206

ADOConnection 204

ADOQuery 206

ADOStoredProc 206

After 152

AfterClose 177

AfterOpen 177

AfterPreview 168

AliasName 201

Align 95, 124, 333

AlignButton 127

Alignment 114, 122, 132, 169, 180

AllocMem 85

AllowAllUp 122, 134

AllowDelete 155

AllowEdit 186

AllowGrayed 122

AllowInsert 155

AlphaSort 137

Alter Table 161

And 36

Animation 138

ANSIChar 26

AnsiCompare 263

AnsiCompareIC 263

AnsiCompareStr 71, 264

AnsiCompareText 71

AnsiExtractQuotedStr 264

AnsiLastChar 263

AnsiLowerCase 71, 264

AnsilString 244

AnsiPos 263, 264

AnsiQuotedStr 264

AnsiStrComp 265

AnsiStrIComp 70, 265

AnsiString 32, 243

AnsiStrLComp 265

AnsiStrLIComp 70, 265

AnsiStrLower 70, 265

AnsiStrPos 265

AnsiStrScan 265

AnsiStrUpper 70, 265

AnsiUpperCase 71, 264

Append 79, 151, 165

AppendRecord 151, 165

ApplayUpdates 203

Application 104

Application.CreateForm 102

Application.MessageBox 73, 74, 77

ApplicationEvents 133

Apply 203

ApplyUpdates 201

Arc 111

ArcCos 259

ArcSin 259

ArcTan 68

ArrangeIcons 101

Array 27

ArrowKeys 127

asin 259

asinl 259

Asm 55

Assert 76

Assign 99, 107, 109, 112

Assigned 61

AssignFile 77

AssignPrn 79

Associate 127

AsText 107

atan 259

atanl 259

atoi 260

atoi64 260

atold 260

auto 250

AutoEdit 164

AutoEnabled 138

AutoExpand 137

automatic 250

AutoOpen 138

AutoPopup 96, 132

AutoRewind 138

AutoScroll 100, 124, 125

AutoSelect 114

AutoSessionName 201

AutoSize 95, 127, 142, 333

Available 167

Avg 159, 160

Axis 130


Back 138

BackColor 94, 129

Band 181

Bands 167

Bar Code 180

BatchMove 202

Beep 74, 270

Befor 152

BeforeClose 177

BeforeOpen 177

BeforePrint 168

Begin 39, 106

BeginUpdate 109

Between 161

BeveInner 124

Bevel 114, 128

Beveled 125

BevelEdges 134

BevelInner 134

BevelKind 134

BevelOuter 124, 134

BevelWidth 124, 134

BitBtn 121

Bitmap 110, 131, 134, 135, 180

BlockRead 80

BlockWrite 80


Bof 151

bool 243

Boolean 26

BorderIcon 100

BorderStyle 94, 101

BorderWidth 124

break 253, 254

Break 54, 131, 135

BringToFont 104

Browser 89

BrushCopy 111

Build 46

Button 121

ButtonHeight 133

Buttons 186

ButtonWidth 133

Byte 25

ByteBool 26


c_str 244

CalAlignment 119

CalcController 182

CalcOp 181

CalcText 181

CalcTotal 181

Calculated 153

Cancel 152, 165, 168

CancelHint 104

CanModify 151, 153, 164

Canvas 106, 127

Canсel 121

Capabilties 106

Capacity 107, 108

Caption 94, 123, 124, 131, 142, 333

Cascade 101

Case 53

Cast 160

ceil 258

Cells 116

Center 127

cexit 270

Change 99

ChangedCount 202

ChangeDelay 137

ChangeFileExt 82

char 243

Char 26

CharCase 114

Chart 129, 200

ChDir 82

Check 124

CheckBox 122, 285

CheckBoxes 136

Checked 131, 136

CheckListBox 124

CheckTabStop 102

ChildActiveForm 100

Chord 111

cin 274

class 277

Class 58

Clear 99, 108, 109, 120, 128, 131, 153, 187

clearerr 273

ClearFields 151

ClearSelection 115

Click 131

ClientDataSet 218, 219

ClientHeight 101

ClientWidth 101

ClipRect 110

Clone 205

close 275

Close 101, 107, 138, 152, 177, 201

CloseDatanase 201

CloseDataSource 189

CloseFile 77, 78

CloseQuery 102, 189

Col 116

ColCount 116, 155

Collaps 137

Collate 141, 187

Color 109, 110

ColorDialog 140

ColoredButtons 138

Colors 180

Column 124, 136

ColumnClick 136

Columns 120, 123

ColWidths 116

COM 215

Combo Box 285

ComboBox 120

CommandText 205

CommandType 205

CommaText 108

Commit 165, 201

CommitCount 202

CommonAVI 138

Comp 25

CompareStr 265

CompareText 265

Complete 205

Concat 71

ConfigMode 201

Connected 201

Connection 205

ConnectionString 205

Const 24, 39

ConstrainErrorMessage 153

Constuctor 61

continue 254

Continue 54

Control 135

ControlBar 134

ConvertNulls 186

CoolBar 134

Copies 106, 141, 187

Copy 71

CopyFrom 81, 276

CopyMode 110

CopyParams 202

CopyRest 111

CopyToClipboard 115

cos 259

Cos 68

cosl 259

Cotan 259

Count 107, 108, 119, 131, 137, 159, 160

cout 274

cprintf 273

Create 58, 61, 64, 81, 99

Create [Unique] Index 161

Create Table 161

CreateDir 83, 267

CreateFmt 64

CreateFmtHelp 64

CreateHelp 64

CreateMessageDialog 73, 269

CreateRes 64

CreateResFmt 64

CreateResFmtHelp 64

CreateResHelp 64

CreateSize 128

CreateTable 152

cscanf 272

Ctl3D 95

Currency 25, 243, 245

CurrentColumn 167

CurrentHelpFile 104

CurrToStr 71, 261

CurrToStrF 261

Cursor 96, 105, 142

CursorLocation 205

CursorType 205

CustomColor 140

CutToClipboard 115


Data 136, 137

Data Source 130

Data View Dictionary 180

DataBand 181

Database 201

DatabaseCount 201

DatabaseName 201

DataBaseName 151

DataCycle 181

DataField 154

DataMemo 181

DataMirrorSection 181

DataSet 152, 167, 189, 203, 205

DataSetProvider 218

DataSets 187, 201

DataSize 153

DataSource 152, 154, 189

DataText 181

DataType 153

Date 69, 119, 262

DateFormat 119

DateMode 119

DateTimePicker 119

DateTimeToFileDate 83

DateTimeToStr 69

DateTimeToString 69, 262

DateTimeToSystemTime 262

DateToStr 69, 262

DayOfWeek 69, 262

DBChart 156

DBCheckBox 155

DBComboBox 155

DBCtrlGrid 155

DBEdit 155

DBGrid 154

DBImage 155

DBList 155

DBLookupComboBox 156

DBLookupListBox 156

DBMemo 155

DBNavigator 154

DBRadioGroup 155

DBRichEdit 155

DBText 155

Dcc32 44

DCOM 215

DCOMConnection 219

DDV_MaxChars 287

DDX_CBString 287

DDX_Check 287

DDX_Radio 287

DDX_Text 286

dec 274

Dec 27

Decision Cube 198

DecisionCube 199

DecisionGraph 200

DecisionGrid 199

DecisionPivot 199

DecisionQuery 198

DecisionSource 199

DecodeDate 69

DecodeTime 69, 262

Default 59, 121, 131

DefaultColWith 116

DefaultDest 177

DefaultDrawing 116

DefaultExt 139

DefaultIndex 151

DefaultRowHeight 116

DefocusControl 102

delete 258, 276

Delete 71, 108, 109, 114, 120, 128, 131, 137, 151, 152, 165, 244, 263

Delete From 161

DeleteChildren 137

DeleteFile 83, 267

DeleteRecord 205

DeleteSQL 203

DeleteString 287

DeleteTable 152, 163

Deleting 137

Description 167

DescriptionsAvailabel 202

Designer 187

DesignReport 188

DeskTopHeight 105

DeskTopLeft 105

DeskTopTop 105

DeskTopWidth 105

Destination 202

Destroy 61, 102

Destuctor 61

Detailed Map File 39

Device 140

DeviceMode 106

DeviceType 138

Dictinct 159

Dinamic 60

DirectoryExists 83, 267

DirectoryListBox 142

DisableAlign 106

DisableControls 152

DisabledImages 133

DiskFree 83, 267

DiskSize 267

Display 138

DisplayLabel 153

Dispose 85

DisposeStr 71

Distinct 160

Div 35

div_t div 258

DLL 207

do while 254

DoDataExchange 286

double 243

Double 25

Down 134

DragCursor 95

DragMode 95

Draw 111, 128

DrawFocusRect 111

DrawGrid 117

Drawing 180

DriveComboBox 141

DriverName 201

Drop Index 161

Drop Table 161

DropDownCount 121

DropdownMenu 134

DroppedDownCount 121

Duplicates 109


Eabort 62

EabstractError 62

EAccessViolation 62

EArrayError 62

EAssertionFailed 62

EBDEngineError 63

EBitsError 62

ECacheError 62

EClassNotFound 64

EComponetError 62

EControlC 62

EConvertError 62

ecvt 260

EDatabaseError 62

EDateTimeError 63

EDBClient 62

EDBEditError 63

EdgeBorder 133, 134

EdgeInner 133, 134

EdgeOuter 133, 134

EDimensionMapError 63

EDimIndexError 63

Edit 115, 152, 164

EditMask 153

EditMode 155

Editor 128

EDivByZero 63

EExternalException 63

EFCreateError 64

EFilerError 64

EFOpenError 64

EInOutError 63

EIntError 63

EIntfCastError 63

EIntOverflow 63

EInvalidArgument 63

EInvalidCast 63

EInvalidGraphic 63

EInvalidGraphicOperation 63

EInvalidGridOperation 63

EInvalidImage 64

EInvalidOp 63

EInvalidOperation 63

EInvalidPointer 63

Eject 138

EListError 63

Ellipse 111

ELowCapacityError 63

EMathError 63

EMCIDeviceError 63

EMenuError 63

EMethodNotFound 64

Empty 112

EmptyTable 152

EnableAlign 106

EnableControls 152

Enabled 95, 131, 142, 188

EncodeDate 69, 262

EncodeTime 69

End 106

endl 274

EndPos 138

ends 274

EndUpdate 109

Engine 176, 187

EngineOptions 186

ENoResultError 63

enum 247

eof 275

Eof 77, 151

EOleCtrlError 63

EOleError 63

EOleException 63

EOleSysError 63

Eoln 79

EOutLineError 63

EOutOfMemory 63

EOutOfResources 63

EOverFlow 63

EPackageError 63

EParserError 63

EPrinter 63

Eprivilege 63

EPropertyError 64

EPropReadOnly 63

EPropWriteOnly 64

ERangeError 63

Erase 77

EReadError 64

EReconcileError 63

ERegisteryException 64

EReportError 64

EResNotFound 64

Error 138

ErrorMessage 138

Errors 187

EStackOverFlow 64

EStreamError 64

EStringListError 64

EThread 64

ETreeViewError 64

EUnderFlow 63

EUnsupportedTypeError 64

EUpdateError 63

EVariantError 64

EWin32Error 64

EWriteError 64

Except 65

ExceptAddr 76

Exchange 108, 109

Exclude 37

Exclusive 151, 201

execl 270

execle 270

execlp 270

execlpe 270

ExecProc 202

ExecSQL 203

Execute 177, 201

ExecuteOptions 205

ExecuteReport 177

execv 271

execvp 271

ExeName 104

Exists 151

exit 270

Exit 41

Exp 68

Expand 108, 137

Expanded 137

ExpandFileName 83

ExpandUNCFileName 83

expl 258

Explore 159

Export 188

ExportToFilter 168

Extended 26

ExtendedSelect 119

external 250

Extract 160

ExtractFileDir 83

ExtractFileDrive 83

ExtractFileExt 83

ExtractFileName 83

ExtractFilePath 83

ExtractRelativePath 83

ExtractShortPathName 83

eхp 258


fabs 258

fabsl 258

False 35

fastcall 281

fcvt 260

feof 272

ferror 273

fflush 273

fgetc 272

fgets 272

FieldAliases 189

FieldByName 152

FieldChange 205

FieldCount 151

FieldList 151

FieldName 153

FieldNo 153

Fields 151

FieldValues 151, 153

FildKind 153

FileAge 83, 267

FileClose 82

FileCreate 82

FileDateToDateTime 83

FileEditStyle 140

FileExists 83, 267

FileGetAttr 83, 267

FileGetDate 82, 267

filelength 267

FileName 138, 139, 187

FileOpen 82

FilePos 77

FileRead 82

Files 139

FileSearch 83, 267

FileSeek 82

FileSetAttr 83, 267

FileSetDate 82

FileSize 77

FileWrite 82

FillRect 111

Fills 180

Filter 139, 163

FilterIndex 139

Finalization 43, 65

Finally 65

Find 109

FindCaption 136

FindClose 83, 268

FindData 136

FindDialog 141

FindExecutable 75

FindField 152

findfirst 268

FindFirst 83, 268

FindKey 164

FindNearest 164

findnext 268

FindNext 83, 268

First 108, 163

FixedBackground 135

FixedColor 116

FixedCols 116

FixedHeight 134

FixedOrder 134

FixedRows 116

Flat 133

float 243

FloatToDecimal 261

FloatToStr 71, 261

FloatToStrF 71, 261

FloodFill 111

floor 259

floorl 259

flush 274

Flush 79

FlushBuffers 152

FmCreate 276

fmod 259

fmodl 259

fmOpenRead 276

fmOpenWrite 276

fmShareDenyNone 276

fmShareDenyRead 276

fmShareDenyWrite 276

fmShareExclusive 276

FmtStr 261

fnmerge 268

fnsplit 268

FocusControl 102, 153

Focused 136, 137

Font 95, 111, 140, 169

FontDialog 140

FontMaster 181

Fonts 106

fopen 271

For 54, 255

ForceDirectories 83, 268

ForeColor 129

Form 100

Form Wizard 166

Format 69, 130, 244, 261

FormatBuf 261

FormatCount 107

FormatCurr 261

FormatDateTime 263

FormatDateTimeToString 69

FormatFloat 71, 261

FormCount 105

FormStyle 101

Forward 42

Found 151

fprintf 273

fputc 273

fputs 273

Frac 68

Frame 124, 167, 169

FrameCount 139

FrameHeight 139

Frames 138

FrameWidth 139

FramRect 111

fread 272

Free 59, 99, 102

FreeMem 85

Frequency 126

Friend 280

FromPage 141

frxADOComponents 190

frxBarcodeObject 190

frxBDEComponents 190

frxChartObject 190

frxCheckBoxObject 190

frxCrossObject 190

frxDBDataSet 189

frxDesigner 189

frxDialogContols 190

frxGradientObject 190

frxOLEObject 190

frxPreview 190

frxReport 186

frxRichObject 190

frxUserDataSet 188

fscanf 272

fseek 272

fstat 268

fstream 274

fterPrint 168

FullCollapse 137

FullExpand 137

FullName 179

FullRepaint 124

Function 41

fwrite 273


Gauge 127, 129

gcvt 260

General 130

get 275

Get 222

Get First 137

Get Next 137

GetCaption 283

GetCaretPos 118

getch 272

getchar 272

getcurdir 268

GetCurrentDir 84

GetCurSel 287

getcwd 268

GetDatabaseNames 201

getdcwd 267

GetDir 84

getdisk 268

GetFieldNames 152

GetFormatSettings 261

GetFormImage 102

getftime 268

getline 275

GetMem 85

GetNextItem 136

GetPrinter 106

GetReportList 177

GetResults 202

gets 272

GetSelText 118

GetSelTextBuf 115

GetStaticRect 140

GetTablebaseNames 201

GetText 109, 287

GetTextBuf 107

Global Page Catalog 179

Glyph 121

GoForward 102

goto 254

Goto 53

Graphic 112

GridLines 136

Group By 161

GroupBox 123

Grouped 134

Grouped On 159

GroupIndex 122

Grouping 159


Halt 76

Handle 95, 104, 106

HandleMessage 105

HasAsParent 137

HasChildren 137

HasFormat 107

Having 161

Hcw.exe 229

HCW.Hlp 229

Height 95, 106, 110, 112

HelpCommand 104

HelpContext 64, 96, 104

HelpFile 104

hex 274

Hi 76

Hide 100, 102

HideScrollBars 118

HideSelection 114, 136

High 27, 76

High Bound 33

Hint 104, 131

HintColor 104

HintFont 106

HintHidePuse 104

HintPause 104

HintShortCuts 104

HintShortPause 104

HistoryList 140

HorizontalOnly 135

HorzScrollBar 124

HorzScroolBar 101

HotImages 133

HotKey 132

HotTrack 135, 136

HotTrackStyle 136

HoverTime 136

HPalette 112

HTTP 220


i64toa 260

Icon 101, 104, 112

IconFont 106

IconOption 136

if 253

If 53

ifstream 274

Image 127

ImageIndex 134, 135, 137

ImageList 128

Images 95, 133, 134

Implementation 43

In 161

Inc 27

Include 37

IncludeTrailingBackSlash 84

IncMonth 263

Increment 125, 127

IncrementalDisplay 127

Indent 133, 137

Indeterminate 134

Index 134, 136, 137

IndexDefs 151

IndexFieldCount 151

IndexFieldNames 151, 165

IndexName 151

IndexOf 108, 109, 120, 137

IndexOfObject 109

Inherited 60, 61

InitialDir 139

Initialization 43

Inner 160

InputBox 72, 269

InputQuery 72, 269

Insert 72, 108, 109, 114, 120, 128, 151, 152, 165, 244, 263

Insert Into 161

InsertObject 109

InsertRecord 151, 165

InsertSQL 203

Inspector 88

int 243

Int64 25

Integer 25

Interface 43

InternalCalcField 153

Interval 138

IntPower 259

InTransaction 201

IntToHex 72

IntToNex 262

IntToStr 72, 262

IOResult 77

ios 274

isalnum 265

isalpha 265

isascii 265

iscntrl 265

IsDelimiter 263, 264

isdigit 265

IsEmply 263

IsEmpty 152, 244

isgraph 265

IsIndexFileld 153

IsLeapYear 263

IsLinkedTo 152

islower 265

IsNull 153

IsPathDelimiter 84, 264

ispunct 265

isspace 265

IsSQLBased 201

isupper 265

IsValidChar 153

IsValidIdent 72

IsVisible 137

Item 137

ItemIndex 119, 123

Items 107, 119, 123, 124, 131, 136

itoa 260

itow 260


KeepConnection 201

KeyExclusive 151

KeyFieldCount 151, 164

KeyPreview 101

KeyViolCount 202

Kind 119, 122, 125, 129


Label 39, 113

labs 258

LargeChange 126

LargeImages 136

Last 108, 163

Last Child 137

LastDelimiter 244, 263, 264

Layout 122

LB_ERR 287

ldexp 259

Ldexp 259

ldexpl 259

ldiv_t ldiv 259

Left 95, 160

LeftCol 117

Legend 130

Length 28, 72, 138, 263

Level 137

Like 161

Lines 116, 118, 180

LineStar 266

LineTo 111

List 133

ListBox 120

ListView 135

Ln 68

Lo 76

LoadFrom 112

LoadFromFile 99, 177, 187, 271

LoadFromStream 187

Locate 164

Lock 111

LockCount 111

LockTable 163

log 259

log10 259

log10l 259

Log2 259

logl 259

long 243

long _lrotl 258

LongBool 26

LongInt 25

Longword 25

Lookup 157

LookUp 164

Low 27, 29

LowerCase 244, 263

ltoa 260


main 249

MainForm 104

MainMenu 132

MakeVisible 137

Mappings 202

Margin 122, 125

Marked 134

Marks 130

MarshalOptions 205

MaskEdit 115

master/detail form 166

MasterField 151

MasterFields 165

MasterSource 151, 165

MatchesMask 84

max 259

Max 125, 159, 160

MaxDate 119

MaxFontSize 140

MaxHeight 135

MaxIntValue 29, 76

MaxLength 114

MaxPage 141

MaxValue 29, 76, 129

MDIChildCount 101

MDIChildren 101

MediaPlayer 138

Member Variable 285

Memo 116, 180

Menu 101

MenuFont 106

MenuItem 134

Merge 132

Message 64

Message Maps 286

MessageBeep 74, 270

MessageBox 269

MessageDlg 73, 269

MessageDlgPos 73, 269

Metafile 181

min 259

Min 125, 159, 160

MinDate 119

MinFontSize 140

Minimize 105

MinIntValue 29, 76

MinPage 141

MinSize 125

MinValue 29, 125, 129

MinWidth 135

MkDir 84

Mod 35

ModalResult 101, 121

Mode 110

modf 259

modfl 259

Modified 114

Modify 151

ModifySQL 203

MouseToCell 117

Move 108, 109, 120

MoveBy 163

MoveCount 203

MoveTo 111

mtAny 222

mtGet 222

mtHead 222

mtPost 222

mtPut 222

MTS 217

MultiLine 135

MultiSelect 119, 136

mutable 281


Name 94, 110, 142, 186, 333

namespace 280

NestedTable 203

new 258, 276

New 85

NewColumn 168

NewPage 106, 168

NewStr 72

Next 102, 138, 163

Nil 34

NormalizeAllTopMosts 105

NormalizeTopMosts 105

Now 70, 263

Null 32

Numbering 118

NumGlyph 122

Nаmes 109


Objects 109

oct 274

Odd 68

OEMConvert 114

ofstream 274

OLE 212

On Fetch 205

On Record 206

OnActivate 105

OnActive 102

OnActiveControlChange 106

OnActiveFormChange 106

OnAfterPrint 188

OnBeforePrint 188

OnCalcFields 150, 152

OnChange 109, 126

OnChanging 109, 127

OnCheckEOF 189

OnClick 97, 127, 131

OnClickObject 188

OnClose 102, 189

OnCloseQuery 102

OnCreate 102

OnDataChange 152

OnDblClick 97

OnDeactivate 103, 105

OnDeleteError 152

OnDestroy 103

OnDragDrop 98

OnDragOver 98

OnDrawCell 117

OnEditError 152

OnEndDrag 98

OnEndOfRecodset 205

OnEndPage 168

OnEnter 99

OnException 105

OnExecute 133

OnFetchProgress 206

OnFilterRecord 152

OnFirst 189

OnGetEditText 117

OnGetValue 188

OnHelp 103, 105

OnHide 103

OnHint 99, 105, 133

OnHScroll 288

OnHTMLTag 225

OnIdle 105

OnKeyDown 98

OnKeyPress 98

OnKeyUp 98

OnLoadReport 190

OnLogin 202

OnManualBuild 188

OnMessage 105

OnMinimize 105

OnMouseDown 97

OnMouseMove 97

OnMouseOverObject 188

OnMoveComplete 206

OnNewRecord 152

OnNext 189

OnOpen 189

OnPaint 103

OnPostError 152

OnPreview 168

OnPrint 169

OnPrior 189

OnReplace 141

OnResize 103

OnRestore 105

OnSaveReport 190

OnScroll 126

OnSetEditText 117

OnShortCut 105

OnShow 103, 190

OnShowHint 105

OnStartDrag 98

OnStartPage 168

OnStateChange 152

OnTimer 138

OnUpdate 133

OnUpdateData 152

OnUpdateError 203

OnUpdateRecord 203

OnUserFunction 188

OnWillChange Field 206

OnWillMove 206

open 274, 275

Open 107, 138, 139, 152, 201

OpenDatabase 201

OpenDataSource 189

OpenDialog 139

OpenDir 189

OpenPictureDialog 140

Option 140, 141

Options 117, 139, 140, 141, 167

Or 36

Ord 27

Order BY 161

Orientation 106, 125

Overload 42

Override 60

Owner 61

OwnerData 136


Pack 108

Packed 30

Page 167

PageControl 135

PageCount 135

PageHeight 106

PageList 179

PageNumber 106, 167

PageNumbers 187

PageNumInt 181

PageRect 118

Pages 135, 187

PagesCount 187

PageScroller 125

PageSize 126

PageWidth 106

Paging 130

PaintBox 128

Palette 112

PaletteModify 112

Panel 124, 130

PAnsiString 34

Paragraph 118

ParamBindMode 202

ParamByName 202

ParamCheck 205

ParamCount 76, 202

Parameters 179

Params 201, 202

ParamStr 76

ParentXXX 97

PasswordChar 114

PasteFromClipboard 115

PathInfo 223

Pause 138

PbyteArray 34

PCurrency 34

peek 275

Pen 111

PenPos 111

Perform 99

PExtended 34

Pi 68

Picture 127, 134

Pie 111

Pithc 109

PIVars 179

Pixels 111

PlainText 118

Play 138, 139

PlaySound 74, 270

Point 130

Pointer 34

POleVariant 34

Polygon 112

Polyline 112

PopupMenu 96, 132

Pos 72

Position 81, 101, 125, 138, 141, 276

Post 152, 165, 222

PostMessage 76

pow 259

Power 259

powl 259

Precision 153

Pred 27

Prepare 168, 202

Prepared 202, 205

PrepareReport 188

Preview 167

PreviewModal 167

PreviewModeless 167

PreviewOptions 186

PreviewPages 187

Previous 102, 138

Print 102, 168, 188

PrintDialog 141

Printer 179, 187

PrinterIndex 106

Printers 106

PrinterSetting 167

PrinterSetupDialog 141

printf 273

Printf 248

PrintIfEmpty 167

Printing 106

PrintOptions 187

PrintPages 187

PrintRange 141

PrintScale 101

PrintToFile 141

Prior 163

ProblemCount 203

Procedure 41

ProcessMessages 105

ProcessPath 84

Program 39

Progress 129, 288

ProgressBar 127

Project Manager 89

ProjectFile 176

Property 59

PShortString 34

PString 34

PTextBuf 34

put 274

putchar 273

puts 273

PVariant 34

PVarRec 34

PwideString 34

PwordArray 34


QRBand 168

QRChart 169

QRChildBand 168

QRCompositeReport 169

QRCSVFilter 169

QRDBImage 169

QRDBRichText 169

QRDBText 168

QRExpr 168

QRExprMemo 169

QRGroup 168

QRHTMLFilter 169

QRImage 169

QRLabel 168

QRMemo 169

QRPreview 169

QRRichText 169

QRShape 169

QRStringsBand 168

QRSubDetail 168

QRSysData 169

QRTextFilter 169

Query 158, 203

QueryFields 222

QuickRep 166


Radio Button 285

RadioButton 123

RadioGroup 123

RadioItem 131

RaggedRight 135

Raise 66

random 259

Random 68

randomize 259

Randomize 68

RangeBegin 189

RangeEnd 189

RangeEndCount 189

RDSConnection 206

read 275

Read 78, 79, 81, 276

ReadLn 79

ReadOnly 96, 151, 153, 154, 164, 201

Real 25

Real48 25

Realign 106

RecNo 151, 188

Record 30

RecordCount 151, 203, 205

RecordSetState 205

RecordSize 151, 205

RecordStatus 205

Rectangle 112

Refresh 99, 106, 112, 142, 152, 164

Region 181

register 250

Register 112

Reintroduce 61

Release 102

remove 268

Remove 108

RemoveDir 268

rename 268

Rename 77

RenameFile 84, 269

RenameTable 152, 163

Repeat 54

Repetitions 139

Replace 128, 265

ReplaceDialog 141

Report 180

Report Library 178

ReportTitle 167

Repository 90

Requery 205

Request 222

RequestLive 164

Require 153

Required 153

Reset 78, 139

ResetFonts 106

ResetPageFooterSize 168

Resize 99

ResizeStyle 125

Resourcestring 43

Response 222

Restore 105

RestoreTopMosts 105

Restrictions 189

Result 41

Resum 138

return 249, 253

returnType 280

Rewind 138

ReWrite 78

RichEdit 118

rmdir 267

RmDir 84

Rollback 201

RollBack 165

Round 68

RoundRect 112

Row 116

RowCount 116, 133, 155

RowHeights 116

RowSelect 136

RowSize 134

RvCustomConnection 178

RvDataSetConnection 178

RvNDRWriter 178

RvProject 176

RvQueryConnection 178

RvRender 178

RvRenderPreview 178

RvSystem 177

RvTableConnection 178


Save 138, 177

SaveDialog 139

SaveDir 189

SavePictureDialog 140

SaveTo 112

SaveToFile 99, 177, 187, 271

SaveToStream 187

Scale 101

Scanf 248

Script 187

ScriptLanguage 186

Scroll 152

ScrollBar 117, 126

ScrollBars 116

ScrollBox 124

ScrollInView 100

ScrollOpposition 135

Section 180

Seek 78, 80, 81, 139, 205, 276

SeekEof 79

SeekEoln 79

seekg 275

seekp 275

SelAttributes 118

SelCount 119

Select 159

SelectAll 115

SelectDirectory 74, 269

Selected 119, 136, 137

SelectedIndex 137

Selection 117

SelectNext 102

SelectReport 177

SelEnd 126

Self 61

SelLength 114

SelStart 126

SelText 114

SendCancelMode 102

Sender 61

SendMessage 76

Series 130, 131

ServerGUID 219

Session 200, 201

SessionAlias 201

SessionName 201

Set 243, 244

SetCaption 315

SetComponent 107

SetCurrentDir 84, 269

setdisk 269

SetDlgItemTex 283

SetDlgItemText 287

SetFields 152, 165

setfill 274

SetFocus 100, 102

SetLength 29, 264

SetLineSize 288

SetPageSize 288

SetParams 126, 203

SetPos 288

setprecision 274

SetPrinter 106

SetRange 163, 288

SetSelTextBuf 115

SetSize 81

SetStart 114

SetText 109

SetTextBuf 79, 107

SetTicFreq 288

Shape 128

ShellExecute 75, 77, 333

Shl 36

short 243

short _rotl 258

short_rotr 258

ShortCut 131

ShortInt 25

ShortString 32

Show 100, 102

ShowAccelChar 96

ShowButtons 137

ShowCaptions 133

ShowCheckbox 119

ShowDialog 187

ShowException 105

ShowFocus 155

ShowHint 96

ShowLines 137

ShowMainForm 104

ShowMessage 73, 269

ShowMessageFmt 73, 269

ShowModal 102

ShowProgress 167

ShowReport 188

ShowRoot 137

ShowText 129, 134

Shr 36

SilentMode 186

sin 259

Sin 68

Single 25

sinl 259

Size 81, 110

SizeOf 76

Slider 288

SliderVisible 126

SmalImages 136

SmallChange 126

SmallInt 25

SmallString 243, 244

Smooth 127

SnapToGrid 167

soAllowPrintFromPreview 177

SocketConnection 219

soPreviewModal 177

Sort 108

Sorted 109, 119, 124

SortType 136

soShowStatus 177

Source 202

soUseFiler 177

soWaitForOK 177

Spacing 122

SpeedButton 122

Spin 285

SpinButton 123

SpinEdit 127

Splitter 125

sprintf 273

SQL 159

SQLHourGlass 201

Sqr 68

sqrt 259

Sqrt 68

sqrtl 259

ssAllowCollate 178

ssAllowCopies 178

ssAllowDestFile 178

ssAllowDestPreview 178

ssAllowDestPrinter 178

ssAllowDuplex 178

ssAllowPrinterSetup 178

ssAllowSetup 178

sscanf 272

Standard 180

StartFrame 139

StartPos 138

StartRecording 138

StartTransaction 165, 201

State 122, 124, 151, 152, 167

StateImages 136, 137

StateIndex 136

static 250, 251

Static Text 285

StaticText 114

StatusBar 114

stdin 271

stdout 271

Step 125, 127, 138

Step Over 48

Stop 138

StopFrame 139

StoredProc 202

StoredProcName 202

Str 72

StrAlloc 70

StrBufSize 70

strcat 266

StrCat 70

strchr 266

strcmp 266

strcmpi 266

StrComp 70

StrCopy 70, 266

strcpy 266

strcspn 266

StrDispose 70

strdup 266

StrECopy 70, 266

StrEmt 262

StrEnd 70, 266

Stretch 128

StretchDraw 112

StrFmt 70

String 32, 243, 244

StringGrid 116

StringOfChar 264

Strings 109

StringToWideChar 70

StrLCat 70, 266

StrLCopy 70, 266

StrLEmt 262

strlen 266

StrLen 70

StrLFmt 70

strlok 267

StrMove 71

strncat 266

strncmp 266

strncmpi 266

StrNew 71

strnnset 266

strpbrk 266

StrPCopy 71, 266

StrPLCopy 71, 266

StrPos 71, 266

strrchr 266

strrev 266

StrRScan 71, 267

StrScan 71, 267

strset 267

strspn 267

strstr 267

StrToCurr 72, 262

strtod 260

StrToDate 70, 263

StrToDateTime 263

StrToFloat 72, 262

StrToInt 72, 262

StrToIntDef 72, 262

strtol 260

strtold 260

StrToTime 263

strtoul 261

struct 246

Style 110, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 128, 134, 135

Styles 187

SubString 264

Succ 27

Sum 29, 159, 160

SupportClipboard 113

Supports 205

Swap 76

switch 253

system 271

SystemOptions 177

SystemPreview 177

SystemPrinter 177

SystemSetups 177

SystemTimeToDateTime 263


TabControl 135

TabHeight 135

TabIndex 135

Table 151

TableName 151

TableType 151

TabOrder 96

TabPosition 135

Tabs 135

TabStop 96

TabWidth 135

Tag 96

Tan 259

tanhl 259

TBrush 110

TCP/IP 219

TdataSetPageProducer 223

TdataSetTableProducer 223

TDateTime 26, 243, 244, 263

tellg 275

tellp 275

TempDir 186

Template 280

Temporary 201

Terminate 105

Terminated 104

Text 109, 116, 135, 137, 180

Text Box 285

Text,Value 153

TextExtent 112

TextOut 112

TextRect 112

TextToFloat 262

TField 153

TFieldDef 153

TFileStream 276

TFont 109

TGraphic 112

Thousands 127

ThumbLength 126

TickMarks 126

TickStyle 126

Tile 101

Time 70, 119

TimeFormat 138

Timer 137

Timers 139

TimeToStr 70, 263

Title 104, 106, 140

TitleMode 101

Titles 130

TList 107

TNotifyEvent 61

ToDouble 244, 264

ToInt 244, 264

ToIntDef 264

tolower 265

ToolBar 133

ToolsTips 137

ToolTipText 96

Top 95

ToPage 141

TopIndex 120

TopRow 117

toupper 265

TPen 110

TPicture 112

TqueryTableProducer 222

TraceFlags 201

TrackBar 126

TransIsolation 201

Transliterate 203

Transparent 95, 112, 133, 142, 333

TreeView 136

Trim 72, 160, 244, 264, 265

TrimLeft 72, 264, 265

TrimRight 264, 265

True 35

Trunc 68

Truncate 78

Try 65

try catch -_finally 281

TryLock 112

TStringList 108

TwebActionItem 222

TwebBrowser 227

TWebDispatcher 222

TwebRequest 222

TWebResponse 222

TWinControl 102

Type 39

typedef 245


ui64toa 260

ultoa 261

ultow 260

union 246

Unit 43, 167

unlink 267

Unlock 111

UnLockTable 163

UnPrepare 202

UnregisterGraphic 113

unsigned 243

unsigned char 243

unsigned short 243

UpCase 76

Update 161

UpdateData 283, 288, 334

UpdateSQL 203

UpDown 126

UpperCase 244, 263

UserName 189

Uses 43


Val 72

ValidateName 201

Value 96, 125, 142, 153

Values 109

Var 39

VarArray Low 33

VarArrayCreate 33

VarArrayOf 33

Variables 187

Variant 32, 243, 244

VarIsArray 33

VarIsNull 33

VarType 32

Vertical 134

VertScrollBar 101, 124

ViewStyle 136

virtual 279

Virtual 60

Visible 95, 131, 142, 333

VisibleColCount 117

void 243, 249

volatile 281


Walls 130

WantReturns 116

WantTabs 116

wchar 243

wcstod 261

wcstol 261

wcstold 260

wcstoul 261

WebConnection 220

WebDispatcher 221

WebModule 221

Where 160

while 254

While 55

WideChar 26, 264

WideCharLenToString 71

WideCharToString 71

WideString 32

Width 95, 106, 110, 112

WindowMenu 101

WindowState 101

WinExec 76

With 55

Word 25

WordBool 26

WordWrap 95

Wrap 127, 134

Wrapable 134

write 275

Write 78, 79, 81, 276

Writeln 79

wtof 260

wtoi 260

wtoi64 260

wtol 260

wtold 260


Xor 36


Zoom 167, 180



_exit 270

_с_exit 270


-> 277


!= 251


? 253


.bpg 38

.cfg 38

.dcu 38

.dfm 38

.dof 38

.dpr 38

.pas 38

.res 38


{$A+} 45

{$B+} 36, 45

{$D ‘текст’} 45

{$D+} 45

{$G+} 45

{$H+} 45

{$I+} 45

{$J+} 45

{$L файл} 45

{$M n,k} 45

{$M+} 45

{$P+} 45

{$Q+} 45

{$R файл} 45

{$R+} 45

{$RunOnly On} 45

{$T+} 45

{$V} 42

{$V+} 45

{$С+} 45

{B} 36


@<переменная> 34


/long_lrotr 258


&& 252


#define 247

#Include 247


% 68


<< 274


= 35

== 251


>> 274


|| 252


базовый запрос 159


Битовые поля 246


вторичный ключ 143


деструктор 277


Динамические SQL-запросы 162

Динамические поля 150

Добавление записей 165

Доступ к значению поля 153

Доступ к полю 153


Изменение таблицы 164

Индекс 143

Инкапсуляция 18, 56

Интервальные типы 27

Интерфейс COM 215

Использование закладок 163


Клиент COM 215

Конструктор 277

Контроль значения поля 154


Массив 27, 245

Метка 39

Механизм транзакций 165

Множество 31


Наследование 56

Наследование и подклассы 18


Объединять меню 132

ООП 17


Перемещение по записям 163

Перечисляемые типы 26

Подзапрос 162


подклассы 56


Поиск записей 164

Полиморфизм 18, 56

Порядковые типы 27

Постоянные поля 150

Проверка типа поля 154


простой ключ 143


Разъединять меню 132

Редактирование текущей записи 164


Сервер COM 215

Создание таблицы 162

Сортировка таблицы 163


составной ключ 143


Структурное программирование 13, 15, 17


Технология COM/DCOM 217

Технология CORBA 217

Технология MIDAS 217


Удаление таблицы 163

Указатель 33, 35, 257


Фильтрация по выражению 163