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Text 10 forests, trees and wood

If forests, trees and wood were suddenly not available, the life of people would have to change greatly. Think for a moment how dependant our way of life is upon forests and forest products. Without lumber, how many people would have no dwelling houses to live in? Without lumber and veneer, how well would the houses be furnished? Without our forests, what would happen to the million of hours of recreation that are now spent hunting, hiking and sightseeing? Wood enters into other activities in the form of boats, sports equipment, toys and musical instruments.

Great variability of wood is actually one of the main reasons for its wide utilization. There are hundreds of species possessing different properties. Another reason wood is such an important material is that it has always been readily available. The greatest advantage that wood has – it is a renewable resource. With proper management and utilization, the forests can provide the country with wood infinitely.

Words to remember:

1. available – имеющийся

2. to change – менять

3. to possess – обладать

4. property - свойство

5. lumber – пиломатериалы

6. veneer – шпон, однослойная фанера

7. recreation – развлечение, отдых

8. sightseeing – осмотр достопримечательностей

9. resource – ресурс

10. advantage – преимущество

11. equipment – оборудование

Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

  1. Would our life change without forests?

  2. How does wood enter people’s life?

  3. What is the main reason for the wide utilization of wood?

  4. Can forests provide people with wood infinitely?

  5. Is wood a renewable resource?

Exercise 3. Read, translate and learn the following sayings.

  1. If you cut down a forest, it doesn't matter how many

sawmills you have if there are no more trees. (Susan George)

  1. Sadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest. ( James Lovelock)

  1. The death of the forest is the end of our life.( Dorothy Stang)