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Кейс-задания History of the Written Language

1. The first type of messages that we find in the history records were a series of pictures that told a story known as pictographs. From pictographs developed more

sophisticated ways of communicating through ideographs. Ideographs substituted symbols and abstractions for pictures of events. A symbol of a star represented the heavens or a peace pipe represented peace. Native Americans and Egyptians are examples of some folks who used ideographs. Chinese alphabets are still based on ideographs. From ideographs developed a system pioneered by the Egyptians known as hieroglyphics.

2. At around 1200 BC, the Phoenicians gained their independence from the Egyptians and developed their own alphabet that was the first to be composed exclusively of letters. The Greeks adopted the Phoenician language and began to develop the true beginnings of our modern alphabet. The Greeks refined the Phoenician language by adding the first vowels (5 of them). Their language did not have punctuation, lowercase letters or spaces between words.

3. The next great civilization, the Romans further developed the alphabet by using 23 letters from the Etruscans who based their language on the Greek. Charlemagne ordered a system of writing called the Caroline Miniscule which for the first time had the first lowercases that were more than just small versions of uppercase letters. In 1500, a printer by the name of Aldus Manutius for the first time invented the concept of pocket or portable books. He also developed the first italic typeface, one of the first typeface variations.

Содержанию текста соответствует утверждение

  • The Egyptians used drawings to represent ideas or events.

  • Roman letters feature the first examples of thick and thin strokes.

  • The first system of lowercase letterforms was known as the semi-uncial.

  • Spacing between words was not generally adopted until the eleventh century.

Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста.

The Caroline Miniscule system contained lowercase letters

  • differed from uppercase letters

  • were small copies of uppercase letters

  • were in the bold typeface

  • were in the italic typeface

Ответьте на вопрос:

What contribution did the Phoenicians make to the development of the written language?

  • They developed letters.

  • They developed our modern alphabet.

  • They developed the system of punctuation.

  • They developed the first vowels.

Основной идеей текста является

  • Many nations made a contribution to the development of the written language.

  • Cave paintings were artistic and realistic representations of primitive man's world.

  • The origin of modern alphabet dated back to 1200 BC.

  • The Caroline Miniscule system was created under the patronage of Charlemagne.


1. Multiculturalism (or ethnic diversity) relates to communities containing multiple cultures. The term is used in two broad ways, either descriptively or normatively. As a descriptive term, it usually refers to the simple fact of cultural diversity: it is generally applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place, sometime at the organizational level, e.g. schools, businesses, neighbourhoods, cities, or nations.

2. As a normative term, it refers to ideologies or policies that promote this diversity or its institutionalisation; in this sense, multiculturalism is a society «at ease with the rich tapestry of human life and the desire amongst people to express their own identity in the manner they see fit».

3. Despite the fact that multiculturalism has mainly been used as a term to define disadvantaged groups, including African Americans, women and the disabled, many theorists tend to focus their arguments on immigrants who are ethnic and religious minorities, minority nations, and indigenous peoples.

Содержанию текста соответствует утверждения

(два варианта ответа)

  • Cultural diversity can be traced not only at the ideological level but also at the organizational level.

  • Interactions of cultures provide opportunities for the cultural differences to communicate to create multiculturalism.

  • Multiculturalism is characterized by the diversity of cultural groups that strive for expressing their belonging to a certain culture.

  • Cultural isolation can protect the uniqueness of the local culture of a nation and also contribute to global cultural diversity.

Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста. (два варианта ответа)

The differentiation of disadvantaged groups can be based on____

  • health

  • gender ?

  • citizenship

  • wealth

Ответьте на вопрос:

Which groups can be defined by the term «multiculturalism»?

  • Political groups can.

  • Ideological groups can.

  • Economic groups can.

  • Aboriginal groups can.

Основной идеей текста является

  • Multiculturalism can refer