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3) Альтернативные вопросы

Альтернативные вопросы в английском предполагают выбор в ответе. Первая часть вопроса строится по типу общего вопроса, а вторая – альтернатива к одному из членов первой части и присоединяется с помощью союза or:

Are you from the USA or Great Britain? – Вы из США или Великобритании?

Do you like Soccer or Basketball better? – Вам больше нравится футбол или баскетбол?

Do you want to go for a walk or to stay at home? – Ты хочешь пойти погулять или остаться дома?

4) Разделительные вопросы

Разделительные вопросы в английском языке состоят из утвердительного или отрицательного предложения с присоединенным к нему кратким общим вопросом. Разделительные вопросы еще называют вопросы с хвостиком. Этот самый хвостик можно перевести на русский язык как “не так ли?”. Хвостик противоположен началу вопроса:

You don’t believe me, do you? – Вы мне не верите, не так ли?

This is her car, isn’t it? – Это ее машина, не так ли?

You made the whole thing up, didn’t you? – Ты специально все подстроил, не так ли?

Exercise 1. Ask questions so that the answers to them could be the following sentences:

1. I enjoyed skating when I was a child.

2. French.

3. My Mum is a nurse and my Dad is a dentist.

4. I don’t know. She didn’t tell me where she went.

5. No, I was sleeping.

6. I think I can do it.

7. They didn’t know about it, so they didn’t tell me anything.

8. No, I haven’t.

9. Sometimes we do.

10. In the Crimea.

11. He is resting.

12. I prefer black coffee.

13. You choose.

14. My parents will.

Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order to get questions:

1. family the your in you only are child.

2. are you where from.

3. friend computer her games is now playing.

4. America have been to you ever.

5. school there language is a laboratory in our.

6. museums there a lot are Moscow of in.

Exercise 3. Make up questions using the words in the brackets:

Example: I'm reading a book (what...)

-What are you reading?

1. Tom goes to school by bus (how...)

2. Tom's father is working in the garden (who...)

3. Tom's brothers played with their dog (what...)

4. Tom's grandmother is sitting on the bench in the garden (where...)

5. Mike's mother is waiting for a bus at the bus-stop (what...)

6. She is holding Mike's little brother by the hand (whom...)

Exercise 4. Find and correct mistakes:

1. Mr. Brown is work in his office now.

2. Is he go to school every day?

3. Mrs. Smith is have lunch now.

4. He doesn’t do his homework now. He is playing football.

5. Is it often rain in autumn?

6. Your dog is black or white?

7. Ann’s grandfather is a doctor, isn’t she?

8. Who did watch TV yesterday? My grandfather did.

9. Is he do his homework in the morning or in the afternoon?

10. When do you usually your homework?

11. Why are they want to come now?

12. Where they do exercises?

13. Who can do that? They do.

14. Who play in the park yesterday?

§6. Оборот There is / There are

Оборот There is (мн.ч.There are) соответствует русскому имеется, находится и употребляется для выражения наличия или отсутствия какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте. В русском языке соответствующие предложения обычно начинаются с обстоятельства места:

There are many children in the garden. В саду много детей.

There is a big blackboard in this classroom. В этой комнате большая доска.

Если в предложении с оборотом there is (there are) имеется несколько подлежащих, то глагол to be согласуется обычно с первым из них: There is a lamp and three books on the table.

Вопросительные предложения с оборотом there is (there are) строятся следующим образом:

Общий вопрос (глагол is (are) ставится перед there): Is there a book on the table?

Специальный вопрос (вопросительное слово + глагол is(are) + there): What is there in the bag?

Разделительный вопрос: There are some new students in the classroom, aren’t there?

Альтернативный вопрос: Are there 3 or 4 people in your family?

Краткие ответы состоят из слов yes или no и оборота в утвердительной или отрицательной форме: Yes, there is. No, there is not.

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицательного местоимения no (никакой), которое стоит перед существительным; артикль в этом случае не употребляется: There is no lamp on the table.

Отрицательная форма предложений с оборотом there is (there are) образуется при помощи отрицания not, если следующее за глаголом существительное определяется неопределенным местоимением any, many, few, little или количественным числительным: There are not many chairs in the room. There is not any map on the wall.

Обратите внимание на различие следующих конструкций и их перевод на русский язык:

The bag is on the chair. Сумка лежит на стуле.

There is a bag on the chair. На стуле лежит сумка.

Exercise 1. Read and translate into English:

1. There is a box on the chair.2. The box is on the table.3. There is a lamp on the ceiling.4. The lamp is on the ceiling.5. There is a blackboard on the wall.6. The blackboard is on the wall.7. There are twelve new words in the text.8. There are a lot of young women at the shop.9. There are only 120 pages in the book.10. There is little paper in the Xerox machine.

Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the given words and phrases:

There is milk on the wall

There is a (an) bread on the table

There are picture on the chair

old cat in the box

chips in the bottle

computers in the room

Exercise 3. Fill in the proper form of the verb to be:

1. There … a letter on the table. 2. … there any e-mails from Peter? Yes, there … some. 3. ... there a flight to Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there …. 4. There … snow last winter. 5. There … a lot of stars and planets in space. 6. There … a lift in your future house? Yes, there …. 7. Some years ago there … many old houses in our street. 8. … there any lectures yesterday? No, there …. 9. … there a lamp over the table? Yes, there .... 10. … there any interesting stories in this book? 11. … there a test last lesson? No, there …. 12. Soon there … … a new film on.

Exercise 4. Make the following sentences in the past and in the future:

1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are five theatres in our city. 3. There is no lift in our house. 4. There are many new books in our library. 5. There is little milk in the bottle. 6. There are 3 rooms in our flat. 7. There is a map on the wall.

Exercise 5. Translate into English:

1. Книга на столе. 2. На столе лежит книга. 3. В этой коробке лежат чипсы. 4. В папке (a file) есть чистая бумага. 5. В той комнате три окна. 6. В этой квартире 6 комнат. 7. Мороженое в холодильнике (a freezer). 8. В пакете 3 бутерброда.

Exercise 6. Read and translate into Russian:

1. There are no shelves on the wall. 2. There is no clean paper in the bag. 3. There is no doctor in that room. 4. There are no universities in this city.

Exercise 7. Translate into English:

1. В тех папках нет бумаги. 2. В коробке нет кофе. 3. В холодильнике нет пива. 4. В комнате нет окна. 5. На парковке нет машин (parking area). 6. В отеле нет ресторана (hotel).

Exercise8. Give short and full answers: a) affirmative

b) negative:

a) 1. Are there lamps on the ceiling? 2. Is there a blackboard in the classroom? 3. Are there red pens on your teacher’s desk? 4. Is there a bookcase in your classroom?

b) 1. Are there lamps on the walls of your classroom? 2. Is there clean paper in your bag? 3. Is there a spare pen in your bag? 4. Are there many new houses in this street? 5. Are there pictures in this textbook?

Exercise 9. Make up a) general b) special c) alternative d) tag questions:

1. There are some new books in our library. 2. There are many new words in this text. 3. There is chalk on the blackboard. 4. There is a text on the page 12. 5. There are fifteen students in our group. 6. There is no book on the table. 7. There were many old houses in our street. 8. There are 4 seasons in a year. 9. There will be a conference next week. 10. There are many large cities in our country. 11. There was nobody in the room.