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8. Convert into Reported Speech.

  1. “Davis, Davis,” she called, “what’s the time? My watch has stopped.”

  2. “Jebb,” he said, “have you been in many caves?”

  3. “When will Mr Dodson be back, sir?” inquired Mr Pickwick.

  4. “And have you anything else you want to explain to me, Denry?” said Mr Maybold.

  5. The first question on Marianne’s side was, “How long has this been known to you, Elinor? Has he written to you?”

  6. “Who’s that fellow?” said Lord Saxended.

  7. “What are you doing humped that way on the ground? Do you think that is ladylike?” Mrs Bingham said to her daughter.

  8. “Is there anything else on your mind, Erik?” Haviland asked.

  9. “Tom,” she said timidly when they were out of doors, “how much money did you give for your rabbits?”

  10. Arrived at Shropshire house Sir Lawrence said: “Can we see the Marquess Pommett?”

9. Rita is moving to a new flat. Bill has come to see the flat and help her move in. Convert their dialogue into Reported Speech.

Bill: What number is that building?

Rita: Forty-for.

B: I didn’t realize there were only three floors. Which floor is your flat on?

R: The first floor.

B: It's a very nice flat. Which room will be your living-room?

R: This one here, I thought.

B: What colour are you going to paint it?

R: Oh, I don’t know yet.

B: What time is your furniture arriving?

R: Three o’clock, they said.

B: I’ll need some petrol. Where is the nearest petrol station?

R: Turn left at the end of the street.

10. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Он поинтересовался, работала ли я когда-нибудь с компьютером.

  2. Нел спрашивает, понимаешь ли ты ее сейчас.

  3. Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день.

  4. Она хотела узнать, когда я был на выставке последний раз.

  5. Мы его спросили, где он купил словарь.

  6. Он поинтересовался, читала ли я Теккерея в оригинале или в переводе.

  7. Она меня спросила, где я живу.

  8. Я спросила сестру, почему она не хочет идти со мной в театр.

  9. Он спросил меня, видел ли я когда-нибудь его брата.

  10. Она хотела узнать, где я работаю.

  11. Он спросил, почему я отклонила это предложение.

  12. Она спросила, когда приходила Кэт.

  13. Он спросил, люблю ли я драму.

  14. Он хотел узнать, как часто я навещаю родителей.

  15. Он хотел узнать, как долго я занимаюсь волейболом.



1. To report commands, requests, suggestions a reporting verb (advise, ask, suggest, beg, offer, order, tell, etc) followed by a to-Infinitive or a Gerund is used (see Unit 2).

Direct Speech Reported Speech

He said to me, “Come with me.” He told me to go with him.

He said, “Let’s go out.” He suggested going out.

The negative is tell/ask someone not to do something.

“Don’t wear those boots in the house!” I asked you not to wear those

boots in the house.

2.To report exclamations which begin with “What a/an…” or “How…” the verbs exclaim/say that are used.

What anunusual design!” he said. He exclaimed/said thatit

was an unusual design.

But with exclamations such as “Splendid!”, “Great!”, “Good!”, “Excellent!”, “Oh!”, “Oh dear!” etc. the expression give an exclamation of delight/disgust/relief/surprise, etc. is used:

Wow!” he said as he saw her. Hegave an exclamation of

delight as he saw her.

3. Study the following examples:

They said, “Thank you.” Theythankedus.

Happy Birthday!” we said Wewishedhim a happy

to him. birthday.

Congratulations!” they said Theycongratulatedus.

to us.

You fool!” she said. Shecalledhim a fool.

4. Yes/No short answers are expressed in Reported Speech with subject + appropriate auxiliary verb/introductory verb:

“Will you help me?” she asked him. “Yes,”he said.

She asked himto help her and he said he would agree/he agreed.

5. Question tags are omitted in Reported Speech. An appropriate introductory verb is used to convey the same meaning:

“You won’t tell anyone, will you?” she asked him.

She askedhim not to tell anyone.

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