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I. Water Supply.doc
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Text a From the History of Water Supply

Throughout history people have devised systems to make getting and using water more convenient. Early Rome had indoor plumbing, meaning a system of aqueducts and pipes that terminated in homes and at public wells and fountains for people to use. London water supply infrastructure developed over many centuries from early mediaeval conduits, through major 19th century treatment works built in response to cholera threats, to modern large scale reservoirs.

Water towers appeared around the late 19th century, as steam, electric and diesel-powered water pumps became available. As skyscrapers appeared, they needed rooftop water towers.

The technique of purification of drinking water by use of compressed liquefied chlorine gas was developed in 1910 by U.S. Army Major Carl Rogers Darnall (1867–1941), Professor of Chemistry at the Army Medical School. Shortly thereafter, Major William J. L. Lyster (1869–1947) of the Army Medical Department used a solution of calcium hypochlorite in a linen bag to treat water. For many decades, Lyster's method remained the standard for U.S. ground forces in the field and in camps. Darnall's work became the basis for present day systems of municipal water 'purification'.

Desalination appeared during the late 20th century, and is still limited to a few areas.

During the beginning of the 21st century, especially in areas of urban and suburban population centres, traditional centralized infrastructure have not been able to supply sufficient quantities of water to keep up with growing demand. Among several options that have been managed are the extensive use of desalination technology, this is especially prevalent in coastal areas and in "dry" countries like Australia. Decentralization of water infrastructure has grown extensively as a viable solution including rainwater harvesting and storm water harvesting where policies are eventually tending towards a more rational use of water.


      1. Find in the text the sentence in which it is said that…

1). … люди изобретали системы водоснабжения для более удобного использования воды.

2). … водонапорные башни появились, когда стали доступны электрические и дизельные насосы.

3). … работа Дарналла стала основой для создания современной муниципальной системы очистки воды.

4). … опреснение до сих пор ограничивается несколькими областями.

5). … в городах и посёлках традиционная централизованная инфраструктура не способна обеспечить необходимое количество воды.

6). … перспективным решением является децентрализация системы водоснабжения.

      1. Put the sentences in the right order according to the text.

1). London water supply infrastructure developed over many centuries from early mediaeval conduits to modern large scale reservoirs.

2). Decentralization of water infrastructure has grown extensively towards a more rational use of water.

3). Since the ancient times, people have invented systems to make getting and using water more convenient.

4). Desalination appeared during the late 20th century.

5). Water towers appeared around the late 19th century.

6). Early Rome had indoor plumbing, meaning a system of aqueducts and pipes that terminated in homes and at public wells and fountains for people to use.

7). For many decades, Lyster's method remained the standard for U.S. ground forces in the field and in camps.

8). As skyscrapers appeared, they needed rooftop water towers.

9). Among several possibilities that have been managed are the extensive use of desalination technology.

      1. Finish the sentences defining major landmarks in the history of water supply.

1). Throughout history people have devised systems…

2). Early Rome had indoor plumbing…

3). London water supply infrastructure developed from early mediaeval conduits…

4). Water towers appeared…

5). The technique of purification of drinking water by use of…

6). Desalination appeared…

7). During the beginning of the 21st century…

8). Decentralization of water infrastructure has grown extensively as…

      1. Answer the questions.

1). Why have people devised various systems of water supply?

2). What system of indoor plumbing had early Rome?

3). How did London water supply infrastructure develop?

4). When did water towers appear?

5). Who develop the technique of purification of drinking water by use of compressed liquefied chlorine gas?

6). When did desalination appear?

7). Is traditional centralized infrastructure able to supply sufficient quantities of water to keep up with growing demand.

8). What is the alternative to the traditional centralized infrastructure?

      1. Summarize the text using the following beginnings:

The text reports on…

The text touches upon…

A careful account is given to…

It is reported that…

Much attention is given to…

The text points out that…

The text deals with the problem of…

The text provides information on…

The text defines the phenomenon of…

The text covers such points as…

      1. Read text B and choose the headline:

1) Water Consumption

2) Water Shortage

3) Water Supply

Words and expressions:

supply – снабжение, обеспечение foresee - предвидеть

consumption – потребление abundant - обильный

anew – заново household - домашний

shortage – нехватка exceed - превышать

mention – упоминать living standards – уровень жизни

stint – ограничение tap – кран

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