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7. Read Text 7b and answer the following questions.

1. What country is Great Britain like?

2. What are the largest cities of Great Britain?

3. What is Liverpool famous for?

4. When and how did Liverpool become an important city?

5. Why is Birmingham called the capital of “Black Country”?

6. Who was the first historical novelist of England?

7. Where is Glasgow situated?

8. Where is the University of South Wales situated?

9. Why is Windsor a popular town?

10. What is the Windsor Castle connected with?

8. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions; reproduce the context in which they are used.

A seaport, a gateway, to carry on trade, although, to be in the heart of something, no longer, to surpass, to lie on something, works, coalfields, to launch, to be closely connected with something, to make the best use of something, a busy area, suburbs.

9. Say whether you agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasoning. Use the introductory phrases from the previous Units.

1. Windsor is one of the largest cities of Great Britain.

2. Liverpool is a very important seaport of Great Britain.

3. Birmingham is situated in the north of the country.

4. Edinburgh has a population of less than one million.

5. There are no enterprises in Glasgow.

6. There is no industry within Cardiff.

7. Belfast is famous for its shipbuilding industry.

8. Elizabeth II does not have any residence in Windsor.

9. There are very few small towns in Great Britain.

10. New buildings of cities and towns are not properly planned.

10. Put the following headings in a logical order according to the Text.

1. The capital of “Black country”.

2. The main port of Wales.

3. The largest cities of Great Britain.

4. Small towns of Great Britain.

5. The largest port of Scotland.

6. A modern city having a long history.

7. The city surpassed by Glasgow in terms of its population.

8. One of the residences of the Queen.

9. The city in which the first historical novelist of England lived.

10. Shipbuilding industry.

11. Read Text 7b again. Give a brief outline of the information each paragraph contains.


English pubs

Every country has its drinking habits. Most countries also have a national drink. In England, the national drink is beer, and the "pub", where Englishmen go to drink it, is a peculiarly English institution. At tables round a usually not very large room, people will be sitting and in front of each person you will see a pint or half pint mug of beer, or a smaller glass of whiskey, gin and tonic or fruit juice. This room is called the "bar", but the same term is used for the great counter of polished wood, which dominates one end of the room. At this bar, people will be standing again with a drink either in their hands or on a "beer-mat". From time to time, they will take a sip — for Englishmen sip their drinks — and then put down the mug to continue conver­sation. There is a general atmosphere of warmth and cosi­ness. Comfort is essential, for here people do not drop in for a quick drink and go; they generally want to "make an eve­ning of it", talking to friends or strangers, until closing time, when with a cry of "Time, gentlemen, please!" the landlord stops to serve drinks. This is usually at half past ten in the evening. There is an important peculiarity about pubs. They have strictly-limited hours of opening. Roughly speaking one may expect to find a pub open between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and again from about 5:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. but it is almost impossible to get strong drinks in England in the early morning, in the middle of the afternoon or at midnight or later.