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Job Description

Text A. Mathematicians

(1) Mathematicians use advanced mathematics to develop and understand mathematical principles, analyze data, and solve real-world problems. Applied mathematicians use theories and techniques, such as mathematical modeling, to solve practical problems. These mathematicians typically work with individuals in other occupations to solve these problems. Theoretical mathematicians do research to identify unexplained issues in mathematics and resolve them. They are primarily concerned with exploring new areas and relationships of mathematical theories to increase knowledge and understanding about the field.

(2) In this job you will need to be as accurate as possible. You will need to be able to think clearly and pay attention to detail. You will also need to formulate a problem in precise terms, identifying the key issues.

(3) Mathematicians typically need a master’s degree in mathematics. However, there are some positions available for those with a bachelor's degree. However, most people with a degree in mathematics or who develop mathematical theories and models are not formally known as mathematicians. Instead, they work in related fields and professions. In the computer systems design and related services industries, they may be known as computer programmers or systems analysts. In finance, they may be known as quantitative analysts, financial analysts, or statisticians. Computer and information research scientists, physicists and astronomers, economists, actuaries, operations research analysts, and many other occupations also use mathematics extensively.

(4) Applied mathematicians may work with chemists and materials scientists and chemical engineers to analyze the effectiveness of new drugs. Other applied mathematicians may work with industrial designers to study the aerodynamic characteristics of new automobiles.

(5) Mathematicians use mathematical techniques and models to analyze large amounts of data. They must be precise and accurate in their analysis. Mathematicians must interact with and propose solutions to people who may not have extensive knowledge of mathematics. Mathematicians use statistics, calculus, and linear algebra to develop their models and analyses. Mathematicians must devise new solutions to problems encountered by scientists or engineers.

(6) Theoretical mathematicians, who work in education institutions, usually have a mix of teaching and research responsibilities. Some may do individual research or collaborate with other professors or mathematicians. Mathematicians have to apply mathematical theories and techniques to the solution of practical problems in business, engineering, or the sciences, assemble sets of assumptions and explore the consequences of each set, conduct research to extend mathematical knowledge in traditional areas, such as algebra, geometry, probability, and logic, develop new principles, and new relationships between existing mathematical principles, to advance mathematical science.

(7) Research mathematicians are likely to start on salaries in the region of £25,000 - £35,000, depending on background and specialist subjects. With experience, salaries for mathematicians can range from £30,000 to £45,000. At top senior levels, mathematicians can earn £50,000 - £70,000 depending on the sector.

Text B. Physicists

  1. If you are good at science and maths, and you are a logical thinker, being a physicist could be the job for you. Physicists study the world around us and try to uncover the laws which govern how and why objects exist and behave as they do. As well as helping us to answer some of these fundamental questions, their findings act as the scientific basis for developments in all kinds of technology from communications and energy efficiency to space and satellites.

  2. In this job you will need to have an enquiring mind. You will need to be able to work accurately using a step-by-step approach. You will also need to communicate well, for tasks such as giving presentations and writing reports.

  3. To get into this job you will usually need a degree in physics, applied physics or a related science or engineering subject. You may also need a relevant postgraduate qualification such as an MSc, MPhil or PhD.

  4. You could apply your knowledge of physics in a variety of industries depending on your particular area of expertise. For example, you might be involved in: climate forecasting, developing new medical instruments and treatments, development of analytical equipment, working in satellite technology and space exploration, investigating new ways to generate power, exploring robotics and artificial intelligence, teaching in schools, colleges or universities, using your knowledge to work in publishing, broadcasting or journalism.

  5. To be a physicist you should have: good scientific and mathematical knowledge, an enquiring mind, clear and logical thinking, with good problem solving skills, a methodical approach to work, with a high level of accuracy, good communication and presentation skills, report writing skills, the ability to work both as part of a team and on your own, team leadership and project management skills, a good understanding of statistics and relevant computer packages, a willingness to work flexibly and adapt to change.

  6. This job usually involves analyzing data from research conducted to detect and measure physical phenomena; designing computer simulations to model physical data so that it can be better understood; developing theories and laws on the basis of observation and experiments, and applying these theories and laws to problems in areas such as nuclear energy, optics, and aerospace technology; performing complex calculations as part of the analysis and evaluation of data, using computers; reporting experimental results by writing papers for scientific journals or by presenting information at scientific conferences, etc.

  7. In the UK starting salaries can be between £21,000 and £25,000 a year. Research physicists who have recently completed a PhD can earn between £24,000 and £35,000. Senior physicists with project management duties can earn upwards of £45,000. Higher education lecturers can earn up to around £55,000.

    1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What do the mathematicians/physicists do?

  2. What skills do they need?

  3. What education is needed to become a physicist/mathematician?

  4. Where do mathematicians/physicists work?

  5. What does a job of mathematician/physicist involve?

  6. Is this job well-paid? Compare the salary of a scientist in the UK with salaries in Russia.

    1. Match a word / phrase in A with a word / phrase in В. Translate the phrases.




a good attendance


good communication

an industry






a good team

a good decision


good at












working hours


(From The Ferguson Guide to Resumes and Job-Hunting Skills)

    1. Read the following definitions and match to the phrases above.

  1. Working schedule when an employee can work hours that  differ from the normal company start and stop time;

  2. the record of how often a person has attended an institution;

  3. the opportunity of raising to a higher rank, status, degree, etc.; 

  4. the ability to convey information and ideas effectively;

  5. the extent to which a person's hopes, desires, and expectations about the employment he is engaged in are fulfilled;

  6. the ability to the carryout of two or more tasks at the same time by one person;

  7. having good organization; orderly and efficient;

  8. someone who has worked in industry.

    1. Match the transferable skills (1-8) to the examples of professional behaviour (a-h).

1 analytical skills

I have a justified belief in my ability to do the job.

I am able to express my opinion or provide advice when necessary.

I am good at making decisions.

2 creativity

I actively seek feedback on my performance and carefully consider feedback.

I demonstrate an interest in and understanding of my own and other cultures.

I understand my own strengths and limitations.

3 self-confidence

I am good at getting a good deal.

I am good at developing and managing relationships with others.

I am able to persuade, convince and gain support from others.

4 communication


I am able to formulate new ideas to solve problems.

I am able to think ahead to spot or create opportunities.

I set aside thinking time to come up with alternative ways of getting things done more efficiently.

5 independence

I can work with sustained energy and determination on my own.

I can find ways to overcome obstacles to set myself achievable goals.

I strive towards my own targets and refuse to settle for second best.

6 interpersonal


I am good at data analysis.

I am excellent at interpreting data to see cause and effect and am able to use this information to make effective decisions.

7. negotiation


I am able to express myself effectively.

I am able to make my opinions totally clear and am rarely misunderstood.

I produce clear, well-written reports that can be easily understood.

8. self-awareness

I am good at working cooperatively.

I am good at working and communicating within a team to achieve shared goals. I am a good listener.

(From The Ferguson Guide to Resumes and Job-Hunting Skills)

    1. Match the following responsibilities for mathematicians and physicists on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.

  1. to deal with vendors /suppliers/

manufacturers of equipment

  1. perform analysis

  2. define and resolve system issues

  3. develop plans and requirements in the subject-matter area for complex systems

  4. provide scientific assessments of potential technologies

  5. coordinate and manage the preparation of analysis, evaluations, and recommendations for proper implementation of programs and systems

  6. develop and submit actuarial memorandums

  7. assemble the necessary historical experience

  8. perform the experience analysis required to set assumptions

  9. develop the processes of the required annual reporting, and regulatory filings

  10. analyze and interpret research data

  11. present the findings at conferences or in papers for scientific journals

  1. определять и исправлять неисправность системы

  2. координировать и управлять процессом подготовки анализа, оценки и рекомендаций для выполнения плана работ и систем

  3. работать с поставщиками/ производителями оборудования

  4. разрабатывать проекты и требования для сложных систем в определенной области деятельности

  5. проводить анализ

  6. объединять необходимые наработки

  7. развивать процессы необходимых ежегодных отчетов, обязательной отчетности

  8. выступать на конференциях с докладом или публиковать статьи в научных журналах

  9. проводить научную экспертизу потенциальных технологий

  10. разрабатывать и размещать актуарные аналитические доклады

  11. анализировать и толковать результаты исследования

  12. проводить практический анализ, необходимый для установления расчетов

    1. Here is some advice for people looking for a job from an Internet recruitment page. Complete the gaps with the words from the box.

applicants training recruitment appraisal CV interview salary advertisements application benefits relocate vacancies

Looking for a change? Top tips to get you going!

  1. Watch for (1) ….. in different departments of your company/ university/ research institute.

  2. Be ready to apply an up-to-date (2) …..

  3. Look at the (3) ….. in the local newspapers and on the Internet.

  4. Are you prepared to (4) …….. to another country or city?

  5. Send your details to a (5) ……….. agency.

  6. Have an idea of what (6) ……. and other (7) …….. you want.

  7. Choose some well-known companies and send them an (8) …….

  8. Ask your boss for an (9) ……….. to discuss your future.

  9. It’s important to apply for a (10) …………. course to learn new skills.

  10. Despite the small number of (11) …….. , they managed to find the right person for the job.

(Adapted from Business Focus)

    1. Read and complete the covering letter with the words from the box. Answer the questions.

  1. Does Anna have the right qualifications for the job?

  2. Do you think Mr Abraham will be interested in her application? Why? / Why not?

ability opportunity responsibility application

reference team experience response

234 Castle Rise



0144 612398




Mr D Abraham

Network Planning Department

Anglo Telecom

High Row, London

NW12 6PE

18 August 2013

  1. …………………. : application for Network Designer

Dear Mr Abraham

In (2) …………… to the advertised position for a Network Designer in the Telecommunications Engineering Journal on 18 August 2013, I am writing to ask you to consider my (3) ………….. . I am looking for the opportunity to gain experience in this field.

I gained hands-on (4) …………. in switching and transmission while studying for my NVQ in Manchester and was fortunate enough to spend six months in Sweden with Telia as part of an exchange programme. While there, I worked on maintenance and fault-finding at the exchanges as a Network Technician and was given (5) ………. for implementing new systems.

I gained valuable experience of working as part of a (6) ……..and in communicating with others.

I am very interested in joining a leading telecoms company such as Anglo Telecom. My NVQ results show that my technical (7) ………is excellent and I am very conscientious about meeting deadlines. I have excellent computing skills and a very positive attitude to learning new skills.

I would appreciate the (8) …………. to meet you to discuss my application and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Anna Richard

    1. Translate the sentences from the covering letter.

  1. В ответ на ваше объявление о вакансии программиста, размещенное в газете «Вакансии» от 15 мая 2014, прошу рассмотреть мое предложение.

  2. Мне бы хотелось получить опыт работы в этой области.

  3. У меня имеется практический опыт в проведении анализа прибыли и издержек в компании VHT.

  4. Также я получи ценный опыт работы в команде, где развил навыки речевой коммуникации.

  5. Результаты тестов по математике показывают, что у меня отличные математические и аналитические способности.

  6. Я добросовестно выполняю работу в срок. Положительно отношусь к совершенствованию и развитию новых навыков.

    1. When you give information about past work experience and achievements in a CV, use verbs in the past simple without a personal pronoun: Chaired weekly meetings (not I chaired weekly team meetings). Look at the following table of action verbs commonly associated with professional experience. Select five verbs and write sentences suitable for your CV that are true for you. (See Appendix 3)









collaborated researched









developed supervised




























represented trained


    1. Fact File. Employers usually try to squeeze as much information into their job advertisements as possible. However, because advertising is expensive and space limited, they tend to use abbreviations to describe roles in as few words as possible.

  1. CCDL current clean driving licence

  2. CV curriculum vitae

  3. EXP experience

  4. AGY agency

  5. OTE on target earnings

  6. PA per annum

  7. PW per week

  8. POS point of sale

    1. Complete this email to confirm the arrangements for an interview. Use the words below.

do not hesitate to email me or phone me

would like to show you around at 4.30

look forward to seeing you again

have arranged overnight accommodation for you

on Tuesday June 11th

our phone conversation

will reimburse you as agreed

confirm the following details

To: ……….

Subject: Second interview arrangements


Following (1) …….. I would like to (2) …………The interviews will take place here (3) ………… . I (4) ………at the George Hotel, which is right in the centre of town (Tel: 01225 473829). We (5) …………. on Monday and then have dinner

together that evening. You will need to book your flight and we (6) ………..

further questions (7) …………. My direct line is 01225 2341967.

We (8) ………………..

Kindest regards


    1. Read the advertisements and translate the phrases in bold. Pay attention to abbreviations.

Text A. What does abbreviation FT stand for?

  1. For Trade b) Full-Time c) Future Technology


Facility: Cox South

Department: Radiation Oncology

Status: FT

Hours: Days

Job Description: Looking for (PhD.) or (M.Sc.) from a recognized Medical Physics Program. Board certification (ABR or ABMP); Eligibility is required and must be board certified after four years of full time status; Experience with Varian, Nucletron, and BrainLAB equipment preferred. Able to work well with physicians, administrators and radiation oncology staff; Able to work under time constraints for completion of brachytherapy and QA calculations as well as other critical tasks as needed; Able to deal with vendors /suppliers/

manufacturers of equipment and/or services. Hours are 8:30AM - 5:00PM.

Base Salary: Upon Request

Text B. What does abbreviation R and D stand for?

  1. Research and Development b) Reconstruction and Development c) Registered Design

Defense Scientist

Performs the functions of a technical expert in the relevant scientific field in support of major programs or system development. Applies scientific expertise in defining and resolving system issues, performing analysis, and developing plans and requirements in the subject-matter area for complex systems. Provides scientific assessments of current performer activities and potential technologies. Coordinates and manages the preparation of analysis, evaluations, and recommendations for proper implementation of programs and systems.

Basic Qualifications

Bachelor's degree or equivalent combination of education and experience

Bachelor's degree in engineering, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, or related field preferred

Six or more years of experience in application and/or engineering technology development

Experience working with relevant scientific development and engineering principles and practices

Experience working with mathematical, physical, chemical, aerodynamic or biological principles

Other Qualifications

Proven experience in technical writing and briefing preparation

Education: M.S. degree (Ph.D. strongly preferred).

General Experience: Must have 10 years of experience.

Technical knowledge/experience in DoD (or similar Federal) R&D; acquisition, program planning and budgeting

Strong communication skills with experience in dealing effectively with technical performer community and program related government community

Positive attitude and proven ability to excel in fast-paced environments

Prior DoD or DHS experience preferred

Text C. What does abbreviation DoD stand for?

  1. Date of Delivery b) Displacement On Demand c) Department of Defense


Principal Responsibilities Work with LTC product management, Contracts and regulators to achieve approval and implementation of all LTC rate increase filings. Develop and submit actuarial memorandums for the LTC rate increase filings. Respond effectively to all state objections. Assemble the necessary historical experience at the level of detail required for LTC rate increase filings. Perform the experience analysis required to set assumptions for the projected future of the LTC block of business - for use in rate increase filings, GAAP loss recognition testing, statutory cash flow testing, and business plans and projections. Understand the administrative and valuation data and the Triton projection model sufficiently to assemble the data, load the assumptions, and run Triton projections for LTC rate increase filings as well as other projects requiring projections of the LTC block of business. Using the Triton output, develop the premium, claims and reserves for the rate increase filings, as well as for the LTC business plans and projections. Working with LTC product management and Compliance, develop the processes and begin production of the required annual reporting, certifications, and regulatory filings related to past LTC rate increases. Job Requirements 5+ years financial or actuarial related experience. Preferred Competencies: Knowledge of Excel, Access, and SQL is required, knowledge of VBA is desired. Bachelor’s Degree in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Statistics or related discipline. Excellent analytical, mathematical, and organizational abilities. Strong verbal and written communication skills.

    1. Write a similar advertisement. Describe job, responsibilities and duties. Exchange the adverts with other students. Complete the box below. Write a CV and a covering letter to go with it. (See Appendix 3)

JOB TITLE: ……………



LOCATION: ……………..



    1. Role play. Use the advertisements above for some information.

      Role A – Programmer

      You think a programmer is the best job. Tell the others three reasons why. Also, point out advantages and disadvantages of this job.

      Role B – Actuary

      You think an actuary is the best job. Tell the others three reasons why. Also, point out advantages and disadvantages of this job.

      Role C – Physicist

      You think a physicist is the best job. Tell the others three reasons why. Also, point out advantages and disadvantages of this job.

      Role D – Mathematics/ IT/ Physics Teacher

      You think a teacher is the best job. Tell the others three reasons why. Also, point out advantages and disadvantages of this job.

    2. Speak about your future job. Where do you study? Where are you going to work? What does this job involve (responsibilities, skills, qualifications)? Use the following phrases:

I was born in…

I went to school in…where I passed the following examinations…in the following subjects…

I go to University in…where I study… as my major. And… as my minor.

I am currently working for/in…

I am responsible for …

I am in charge of …

I have to …

I have considerable experience in this type of work.

I have basic knowledge of…

I have qualifications in…

I have a diploma in…

I have a degree in…

I spent… years abroad.

I took courses in…

I was trained as a…

I wish to work for a larger organization with international links.

To improve my career prospects…

I am looking for a position with more responsibility.

I wish to work abroad.

I wish to improve my chances of promotion.

I’m looking for a post with better perspectives.

I wish to make use of my knowledge of languages.