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Text: What is Law?

Law is the whole set of rules that are supported by the power of government and that control the behaviour of members of a society. The law itself provides the basic structure within which commerce and industry operate. It safeguards the rights of individuals, regulates their dealings with others and enforces the duties of government.

There are two main kinds of the law – public and private (civil). Private law concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and public law concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another.

Constitutional law regulates the main rights of citizens and state in accordance with the Constitution. A constitution is the political and ideological structure in which a system of laws operates.

Many countries face similar social, economic and political problems. Nations have always made political and economic treaties with each other. International law is created to regulate relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another.

Criminal law deals with wrongful acts harmful to the community and punishable by the state.

Civil law deals with individual rights, duties and obligations towards one another.

As well as defining the powers of government, most constitutions describe the fundamental rights of citizens. These usually include general declarations about freedom and equality, but, also some specific provisions. The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was first adopted in 1950 and has now been signed by every country of Western Europe. Individual citizens of these countries have the right to bring a complaint before the European Commission if they think their government has broken the Convention.


  1. What is law?

  2. What are the main kinds of law?

  3. What is the Constitution?

  4. What does international law regulate?

  5. What does criminal law deal with?

  6. What does civil law deal with?

  7. What does ECHR deal with?

Лексический минимум по теме “spotlight of law” («Основы правоведения»)

  1. a contribution


  1. a federal system of government

федеральная система правительства

  1. a final draft

окончательный проект закона

  1. a legal system

правовая система

  1. a set of certain rules

набор определенных правил

  1. a society


  1. a sovereign

государь, суверен

  1. accordingto

согласно чему-либо, в соответствии с

  1. administration of justice

осуществление правосудия

  1. amendments to the Constitution

поправки к Конституции

  1. an official volume

официальный сборник

  1. apex of legal codification

вершина правовой кодификации

  1. chief constitutional safeguard

основная конституционная гарантия

  1. civil law / criminal law

гражданское право / уголовное право

  1. constant struggle for power

постоянная борьба за власть

  1. constitutional monarchy

конституционная монархия

  1. customs and rules

обычаи и правила

  1. descriptive


  1. duties and obligations

обязанности и обязательства

  1. executive power

исполнительная власть

  1. forms of behavior

формы поведения

  1. free and independent

свободный и независимый

  1. freedom and equality

свобода и равенство

  1. freedom under law

свобода по закону

  1. General elections

всеобщие выборы

  1. harmful to the community

опасный для общества

  1. judicial system

судебная система

  1. law

право, закон

  1. lawful judgment

законное решение

  1. legally binding

юридически обязывающий

  1. legislative power

законодательная власть

  1. matters of law and justice

вопросы права и правосудия

  1. prescriptive


  1. punishable by the state

наказуемый государством

  1. relations

взаимоотношения, связи

  1. representative government

представительная форма правления

  1. revision of law

пересмотр закона

  1. the basis of civil law

основа гражданского права

  1. the greatest achievement

величайшее достижение

  1. the right to justice and liberty

право на правосудие и свободу

  1. the right to vote

право голосовать

  1. the Royal Assent

королевская санкция (согласие)

  1. to affirm


  1. to approve,approval

одобрять, одобрение

  1. to be adopted

быть принятым

  1. to be elected directly by the people

быть избранным непосредственно народом

  1. to be officially recognized

быть официально признанным

  1. to be supported by the government

поддерживаться правительством

  1. to control the social behaviour

контролировать социальное поведение

  1. to dissolve Parliament

распустить Парламент

  1. to elect the representatives

выбирать представителей

  1. to enforce the duties

исполнять обязанности

  1. to enforce the laws

приводить законы в исполнение

  1. to enjoy human rights

пользоваться правами человека

  1. to extend the powers

расширять полномочия

  1. to force

вынуждать, заставить силой

  1. to gain some freedoms

получить некоторые свободы

  1. to have a great influence on

оказать большое влияние на

  1. to impose taxes

облагать налогами

  1. to introduce a new code of laws

представить новый свод законов, кодекс

  1. to issue the Declaration of Independence

выпустить Декларацию независимости

  1. to limit the prerogative of the Crown

ограничивать исключительное право власти монарха

  1. to pass a law

принять закон

  1. to protect the rights of individual citizens

защищать права отдельных граждан

  1. to provide a new code of laws

предоставить новый свод законов

  1. to put the laws into writing

излагать законы в письменном виде

  1. to remain in force

оставаться в силе

  1. to safeguard

охранять, гарантировать

  1. to secure the succession to the throne

гарантировать престолонаследие

  1. to share the power to rule

разделять право власти на управление

  1. to sign


  1. unjust


  1. wrongful acts

незаконные действия

  1. to bring a complaint

подавать жалобу

  1. Magna Carta

Великая Хартия Вольностей