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22. Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

  1. 1. The gallbladder is located … the diaphragm. 2. Air enters the body … the nose. 3. The stomach lies … the liver. 4. The esophagus leads … the stomach. 5. The lungs are located … the diaphragm. 6. Food passes … the mouth … the pharynx. 7. The liver lies … the right ribs.

  2. 1. The scientists met … the conference. 2. He hurt his leg as he jumped … the wall. 3. She walked … the forest to get to the village. 4. He stood … all his friends in the room and felt very happy. 5. We live … the city centre. 6. When he was a student he worked … a pizza restaurant at weekends. 7. Take the books … the table and put them … my bag.

23. Guess the meanings of the words of Latin origin. Practice reading them.

skeleton [’skelitən] scapula [´skæpjulə]

spinal column [‚spainəl’kɔləm] humerus [’hjumərəs]

vertebra [’və:tibrə] (pl.ae [i:]) ulna [´Λlnə]

vertebral [’və:tibrəl] radius [´reidiəs]

cervical ['sə:vikəl] pelvis [´pelvis]

thoracic [θɔ:’ræsik] ischium [´iskiəm]

lumbar [’lÙmbə] ilium [´iliəm]

sacral [’seikrəl] pubis [´pjubis]

coccyx [’kɔksiks] femur [´fi:mə]

coccygeal [kɔk´sidʒiəl] fibula [´fibjulə]

cranium [’kreiniəm] tibia [’tibiə]

cranial [’kreiniəl] carpal [´ka:p(ə)l]

nasal [’neizəl] metacarpal [metə´ka:pəl]

occipital [ɔk´sipit(ə)l] tarsus [´ta:səs]

temporal [´temper(ə)l] metatarsus [metə´ta:səs]

frontal [’frΛnt(ə)l] phalanx [´fælæŋks]

parietal [pə’raiitl] cartilage [´ka:tilidʒ]

sphenoid [´sfi:nɔid] ligament [´ligəmənt]

ethmoid [´emɔid] substance [’sÙbstəns]

zygomatic [‚zaigɔ’mætik] axis [’æksis]

maxilla [mæk´silə] arch [a:t∫]

mandible [’mændibəl] organic [ɔ:´gænik]

sternum [´stə:nəm] viscera [´visərə] (pl.)

clavicle [´klævikl] oral [´ɔ:rəl]

24. Learn the words from the Vocabulary List 2:

Vocabulary List 2

bone [bəun] n кость

framework [´freimwək] n костяк; основа, остов

skull [skÙl] n череп

spine [spain] n позвоночник

spinal marrow [‚spainəl’mærəu] / spinal cord [‚spainəl’kɔ:d] спинной мозг

rib [rib] n ребро

breastbone [´brestbəun] n грудина

girdle [´gə:dl] n пояс

eyeball [’aibɔ:l] n глазное яблоко

various [´vεəriəs] a различный, разный

protection [prə´tek∫n] n защита

surround [sə´raund] v окружать, обступать

attach [ə´tæt∫] v прикреплять, присоединять

fuse [fju:z] v зд. срастать(ся), соединять(ся)

cheek–bone [´t∫i:kboun] скуловая кость

according (to) [ə´kɔ:diŋ] согласно, в соответствии (с)

orbit [´ɔbi:t] n глазная впадина

shoulder-blade [´s∫əuldə´bleid] n лопатка

collar-bone [´kɔləbəun] n ключица

flexible [´fleksəbl] a гибкий

jaw [dʒɔ:] n челюсть

cushion [´ku∫ən] v смягчать

firm [fə:m] a крепкий, прочный

25. Find in exercises 23 and 24 six pairs of synonyms.

26. Translate the derivatives:

1) bone, bony, backbone, tailbone; 2) to protect, protective, protection; 3) vertebra, vertebral, intervertebral, invertebrate; 4) spine, spinal, spineless; 5) frame, framework, frameless; 6) to construct, construction, constructive; 7) firm, firmly, firmness; 8) flexible, inflexible, flexibly, flexibility; 9) fuse, fused, fusion.