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Английский язык учебник

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1.I had a splitting headache. I had to leave the lec ture so soon.

2.The child stopped crying. It was for that funny toy of yours.

3.His departure is all of a sudden. She experiences such severe panic.

4.She wants to speak up in public. She is too shy.

5.He is in a bad mood. The world around him seems more dangerous.

6.I have a stomachache. I like to try new and foreign food.

7.The subjects reacted in a proper way. I had to warn them about the conditions of the experiment.

8.He had a sudden heart attack. He took part in the annual conference.

Exercise 7. Reword the sentences placing were at the beginning of the sentence and omitting if. Follow the model.

Model: If I were 17 years old again, I would enter the Institute of Psychology.

Were I 17 years old again, I would enter the Institute of Psychology.

1.If their supervisor were more strict, their behavior would be predictable.

2.If you weren’t so angry, you wouldn’t hurt him.

3.If he were here, he would take part in this seminar.

4.If it were her fault, she would do her best to help them.

5.If it were a misunderstanding, they would clear it up immediately.

6.If you were less careless, you wouldn’t get into trouble.

7.If he were 20 years older, she would marry him on no condition.


Unit VII

8.If she were a good girl, she would never seek the company of such unpleasant people.

Exercise 8. Reword the sentences placing had/hadn’t at the beginning of the subordinate clause and omitting if. Follow the model.

Model: If I had time, I would come over.

Had I time, I would come over. I would come over, had I time.

If I had known about it, I’d never have done it.

Had I known about it, I’d never have done it. I’d never had done it, had I known about it.

1.If I had been informed that she was ill, I should have visited her.

2.If I had your intuition, what a psychologist I’d be.

3.If he had more willpower, he would be able to cope with the situation himself.

4.If Bob hadn’t interfered in his sister’s marital problems, there would have been peace between them.

5.If we had known his character better, it would be easier for us to deal with him now.

6.If it hadn’t been for the fact that her father had in fluence upon her, she would never have chosen psy chology as her future profession.

7.If he had told me the truth in the first place, I might have avoided a lot of unpleasantness.

8.If you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t have got into such difficulties.

9.If they had any experimental animals at their dis posal at the moment, they could start the research without any delay.

10.If I had a large sum of money, I would buy new equipment for our experimental laboratory.






Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1.Если бы вы приняли лекарство, вы были бы сейчас здоровым.

2.Если бы не вы, я бы никогда не выполнил эту работу вовремя.

3.Если бы я был там, я бы помог ему.

4.Если бы я был на вашем месте, я стал бы изучать психологию более подробно.

5.Будь я там, я бы помог ему.

6.Не будь вы трусом, вы бы не бросили ее одну.

7.Если бы вы были внимательны на лекции, вы бы больше знали сейчас.

8.Если бы не его дурное настроение, мы бы полу чили удовольствие от общения с ним.

9.Мы закончим работу вовремя, при условии, что вы пришлете все необходимые материалы.

10.Если бы люди более осторожно водили машины, было бы меньше несчастных случаев.

11.Если ты не станешь водить машину аккуратно, то ты попадешь в аварию.

12.Предположим, что психологические детерми нанты оказывали свое влияние на поведение именно таким образом, как бы вы объяснили это?




Discuss the following questions.

1.What is motivation to your mind?

2.Do you understand the role and importance of motivation for effective learning?

3.What motivates you to study in the University?

4.Have you set realistic goals for yourself?

5.How important do you think motivation is for success in language learning and life in general?


1.achieve, v – 1. достигать, добиваться; 2. успешно выполнять achievement, n – достижение, успех, победа

achievable, adj – достижимый

2.adversity, n – напастья, несчастья, превратности судьбы

3.apt, adj – 1. подходящий, уместный, соответствующий;

2. склонный, поверженный; 3. способный, понятливый to be apt to do smth. быть склонным что то сделать aptitude, n – 1. склонность; 2. способность

4.challenge, v – 1. вызывать, бросать вызов; 2. сомневаться, отрицать, оспаривать; 3. требовать (уважения, внимания) challenge, n – 1. вызов, сомнение; 2. сложная задача, про блема; 3. возражение

challenging, adj – вызывающий, трудный challengeable, adj – сомнительный

5.commit, v – 1. совершать (чаще дурное); 2. поручать, вверять

commitment, n – 1. обязательство; 2. вручение, передача

6.competent, adj – 1. компетентный, знающий; 2. надлежа щий, достаточный, отвечающий требованиям

to be competent быть компетентным

competence, n – 1. умение, способность, компетенция

7.confront, v – 1. стоять против; 2. сталкиваться, встретиться лицом к лицу






8.cope (with), v – справиться, совладать

9.demean, v – унижать, ронять достоинство demeaning, adj – роняющий достоинство

10.dominate, v – 1. господствовать; 2. доминировать, преобла дать; 3. сдерживать (эмоции)

11.endeavour, v – 1. прилагать усилия, стараться; 2. стре миться, добиваться

endeavour, n – попытка, старание, усилие

12.engage, v – 1. нанимать на работу; 2. заниматься; 3. привле кать (внимание)

to be engaged in заниматься (чем либо) engagement, n – дело, занятие, обязательство

13.engender, v – порождать, вызывать, возбуждать

14.enhance, v – 1. увеличивать, усиливать, усугублять; 2. по вышать

enhancement, n – повышение

15.excel ( in, at), v – 1. превосходить; 2. выделяться, отли чаться

16.exert, v – 1. прилагать (усилия), напрягать (силы); 2. про являть

17.facilitate, v – облегчать, помогать

18.focus (on), v – сосредотачивать (внимание и т.п.) focus, n – 1. фокус; 2. средоточие, центр

19.frustrate, v – 1. расстраивать, срывать, нарушать; 2. делать тщетно, сводить на нет

20.goal, n – цель, задача

21.harm, v – вредить, причинять вред, наносить ущерб harm, n – вред, ущерб

22.improve, v – 1. улучшать(ся), совершенствовать(ся); 2. с толком использовать

23.inclined, adj – 1. наклонный; 2. склонный, предрасполо женный

inclination (for), n – 1. наклонение, наклон; 2. влечение, склонность

24.lower, v – 1. спускать, опускать; 2. снижать(ся), опускаться

25.manage, v – 1. ~ smb., smth. руководить, управлять; 2. спра виться, суметь ~ to do smth

manageable, adj – поддающийся управлению, легко упра вляемый, выполнимый

26.match, v – 1. подходить под пару, соответствовать; 2. проти востоять

27.motivation, n – мотивация



intrinsic ~ внутренняя мотивация, achievement ~ мотивация достижения, extrinsic ~ внешняя мотивация

28.nurture, v – 1. воспитывать, обучать; 2. выращивать; 3. пи тать

29.obstacle, n – препятствие, помеха

30.persist (in), v – 1. упорствовать, настойчиво продолжать;

2.оставаться, существовать, сохранять persistence, n – упорство, настойчивость persistent, adj – упорный, настойчивый

31.procrastination, n – промедление, оттягивание

32.pursuit, n – 1. преследование; 2. поиски, стремление; 3. за нятие

33.rekindle, v – вновь зажечь, разжечь

34.self efficacy, n – самоэффективность

35.shrink, v – (shrank, shrunk) 1. сжиматься, съеживаться;

2.уменьшать, сокращать, сжимать(ся); 3. удаляться, ис чезать

to shrink away from smth. or doing smth. – уклоняться от чего л.

36.spur (on), v – побуждать, подстрекать spur, n – стимул, побуждение

37.urge, v – 1. побуждать, заставлять; 2. убеждать, настаивать urge, n – побуждение, побудительный мотив

38.withhold, v – (withheld) 1. отказывать (в чем л.), воздержи ваться; 2. сдерживать, останавливать; 3. утаивать, умал чивать


Exercise 1. Translate the following word combina tions into Russian paying attention to your active vocabulary.

To achieve success, academic achievement, im probable achievement; the season of adversity, frowns of adversity, in the face of adversity; to be apt to do smth, I am apt to hurry, an apt quotation; to commit a suicide (a sin, an error, a blunder), to commit a task to smb, to meet commitments; to challenge the accuracy of a statement, to bring smth. into challenge, challenging






goals; to be confronted by prejudices; to cope with danger; to demean oneself; to dominate our lives (emo tions, mind), domineering character; to engage the sympathy, to engage in teaching, to meet one’s engage ments; to endeavour at perfection, moral endeavour; to enhance a sense of pride and satisfaction; to excel as an orator, an excellent idea (song, dinner, man, liar), dis tinctive excellence; to exert intelligence (all one’s strength, every effort, influence), he didn’t exert him self much; to facilitate growth, the facility of the task, facilities for research; to frustrate smb’s efforts (plans, a design), the frustration of hopes (desires, plans); long term goals; to do harm to smb., (to one’s health), harmful consequences (news, animals), harmless drug (snake, amusement), he will not harm for it; to be in clined to leanness (to some opinion, music), an inclina tion for smth., against one’s inclinations; lower animals (classes, orders), to lower one’s effort and achievement (voice, tone); to manage to do smth., to manage chil dren, a manageable child; to match the conditions and our ability; to raise extrinsic motivation; to overcome an obstacle, obstacle crossing ability; to persist in one’s statement, he persisted in working at his experiment, childish traits which persist in adults, the persistence of an impression (vision); to shrink into oneself, to shrink away from danger; to spur smb. on to some ac tion, under the spur of curiosity, on the spur of the mo ment; we urged him to take steps, urge to write; to withhold one’ s consent (one’s help, comment).

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combina tions into English paying attention to your active vocabulary.

Побуждать кого либо делать что либо; причи нять вред; достигать цели, легко достижимые цели; сосредотачивать внимание на важных про блемах; справляться с трудностями; внутренняя



мотивация; преодолевать препятствия; его внеш ность соответствует его характеру; совершенст вовать умственные способности; он вполне сведущ (компетентен) в вопросах психологии; проявлять ум; поиски богатства (счастья, удовольствия); за жечь новые надежды; приложить силы; занимать ся научно исследовательской работой; сомневаться в чьих либо знаниях; уклоняться от встречи с кем либо; утаивать сведения, истину.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the indicated words from the vocabulary list.



Когда студенты полностью осознают



цели научения, они направляют свои



усилия на их достижение.

to commit


Родители поручили ребенка заботам






Он обладает способностью управлять


to endeavour 4. Они стараются видеть вещи как они





to engender



неудачи неизбежны в



любом опыте научения и, конечно,



вызывают недовольство.

to excel


Он превзошел своих друзей в стрель






7. У него удивительная способность к



иностранным языкам.



Упорство и смелость – превосходные





to spur



мотивация побуждает



индивида к действию с целью улуч



шения его состояния уверенности.

to urge


Он призывал команду работать ин












Motivation comprises internal processes which spur us on to satisfy some needs. Humans are motiva ted by many things – psychological needs, physiologi cal drives, survival, urges, emotions, hurts, impulses, fears, threats, rewards (money, friendship, status and so on), possessions, wishes, intentions, values, mas tery, freedom, intrinsic satisfaction, self satisfaction, interests, pleasure, dislikes, established habits, goals, ambitions and so on. Motivation is trying to reach our goals.

This is where you get the thoughts out of your mind and turn them into a working plan of action. A goal is a concrete and manageable blueprint for suc cess. If you do not start with a specific goal in mind, you will be starting with a great disadvantage. Simply stating and committing your goal to paper brings you one important step closer to achievement. There is no magic in a goal. It is merely a focused view of where you want to head. It adds a bold red line on the map, and points you to the destination. But a goal is like eve rything else that is worthwhile in life, it only works if you do.

Challenging but achievable goals are themselves motivating. On the other hand, easy to reach goals are boring or demeaning. Impossible goals are frustrating (and there are lots of impossible goals, in contrast with the “if you can dream it, you can achieve it” nonsense). Since challenging but realistic goals require us to stretch and grow, they must constantly be changed to match the conditions and our ability. We are most motivated when we feel capable, responsible, self directed, respected and hopeful.

Life goals set our sail and give us a push, e.g. “I want to help people.” People who reach many or most



of their life goals are usually calmer, happier, healthier and less stressed or emotional. However, there seem to be certain life goals that harm our mental health, e.g. “I want to have the power to control or impress peo ple.” Wanting to be close to and good to others is asso ciated with better emotional health. Likewise, seeking to improve your skills (“mastery goals”) results in feel ing good about trying hard and in increased effort when an obstacle is met. But wanting to beat others (“performance goals”), such as having a winning sea son in footbal or being the best student in your math class, result in avoiding tough challenges, giving up when starting to lose, feeling more anxious, and less gain in self esteem than with mastery goals.

In any area where we are hoping to self improve, both short term and long range goals are needed. If your long term goals clearly contribute to your most important values and your philosophy of life, they should be more motivating. Good goals are fairly hard – they stretch us – but they are achievable when taking small steps at a time.

There are many different aspects of psychological motivation. The needs for food, water, air, sleep, shel ter, and even sex are always there but they don’t usual ly dominate our lives. Our social psychological needs, instead, dominate most of our lives, such as attention, companionship, support, love, social image or status, material things, power and so on. Also, psychological or cognitive factors, in addition to goals, strongly in fluence our motivation and attitudes, such as self con fidence in our ability as a change agent (self efficacy and attribution theory). If we see ourselves as able and in control of our lives, then we are much more likely to truly and responsibly take control.

To be effective our motivation has to be focused on important tasks. As Covey illustrates, most of us spend a lot of time doing things that seem urgent at the mo ment but are really not important in terms of our ma