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Английский язык учебник

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Situation 3. A young man goes to a family counselor in connection with his marital problems.


I’ve been married for…years;

I fell in love with her at first sight;

to irritate;

to quarrel;

It’s beyond me to understand her; Our family life is getting worse and



Whose fault is it?;

self critical;

You had better bring your wife here;

I’d like to talk to her before mak ing a final diagnosis;

In any case it is desirable for you to…

Situation 4. A school teacher is consulting a school psychologist about a pupil’s emotionally inadequate behavior.


to be disobedient; to violate school


to be rude to his class mates;

to bully everybody; to shout at smb.;

I can’t cope with him;


transitional period; academic achievements;

Leave him alone;

It may evoke his curiosity; Don’t control his every step,

trust him;

to attend group therapy sessions; In any case I must see the boy


Unit V

Situation 5. A mother is worried about her son’s emo tional instability and goes to a counseling psychologist for a piece of advice.


to be unmanage able;

to fly into anger/ rage;

to take to alcohol and smoking;

pocket money; You’ve taken a

heavy burden off my shoulders;


What’s the matter with him?

to invite friends;

to be in the know of his life;

to punish him;

to be patient with him;

I’m sure you’ll manage to cope with him;

Situation 6. A young executive finds it difficult to speak in public, so he is seeking advice from a counseling psychologist.



serious problems of

to overcome shyness;

emotional charac




to stammer;

to lack practice and experience;

to be irresolute;

There is nothing wrong with you;

self conscious;

I suggest that you should attend

to be in two minds;

group therapy sessions

My work suffers.


Exercise 9. Choose one of the following topics con nected with emotions and prepare a re port on it.

1.Defining emotions and their classifications

2.Disputable problems connected with the study of emotions






3.The emotional mind and the rational mind

4.Emotional development and the role of the child’s family

5.The best known theories of emotions

6.Describing an intense emotion you watched or expe rienced yourself

7.Creating a favourable emotional atmosphere in the classroom setting is indispensable for high academic achievements

8.Emotional problems of first year University stu dents

9.Teenagers’ emotional problems


Exercise 1. Write a short summary of the report on emotions you have made.

Exercise 2. Render the following text into English making use of your active vocabulary given in the box.

dimensions, to give rise to…, rate, appraisal, to evoke, deliberate, apprehension, overt, hallmark, primary, to trace, to flit across one’s face, to trigger, to pre clude, to ponder over, to outweigh, underlying


При изучении эмоций можно выделить такие параметры, как субъективный эмоциональный опыт, активацию автономной нервной системы, общую реакцию на определенную эмоцию и возможное направление действий в будущем (action tendencies).

При активации автономной нервной системы сильные эмоции обычно вызывают физиологические


Unit V

изменения (например, увеличение сердечного ритма, темпа дыхания, температуры кожи и т.д.).

Когнитивная оценка – анализ ситуации, вызыва ющей эмоциональную реакцию. Такая оценка влияет на интенсивность и качество эмоций. Но есть случаи, когда, похоже, не происходит преднамеренной осоз нанной оценки эмоциональной ситуации (например, страхи и опасения, приобретенные в детстве через классическое обусловливание).

Внешнее проявление есть признак первичных эмо ций. Нетрудно проследить, как в случае сходных эмо ций на лицах людей, представителей разных культур, обычно мелькает сходное выражение.

Культуры отличаются по тому, какие факторы вы зывают определенные эмоции и какие правила и нормы препятствуют их проявлению (display) в дан ной культуре.

Общая реакция на эмоциональное состояние за ключается в том, что мы размышляем о нем и обра щаем больше внимания на события, соответствующие (to fit) нашему настроению. И для нас эти события важнее (перевешивают) тех, которые не соответству ют нашему настроению.

Другим следствием этого является то, что основное эмоциональное настроение влияет на нашу оценку лю дей и объектов, а также на то, что произойдет в будущем.


Indirect Speech


Indirect Orders and Requests

An order or request in indirect speech is expressed by the Infinitive.

Verbs most often used to introduce indirect orders are: to ask, to tell (велеть), to order (приказывать), to com mand (приказывать). As for requests in indirect speech






they are often introduced by the verbs to ask (просить), to request (предлагать, просить), to implore (умолять), to beg (умолять), to urge (уговаривать)

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech



The therapist said to the cli

The therapist asked the client to

ent, “Close your eyes.”

close his eyes.

The therapist said to the cli

The therapist asked the client

ent, “Don’t open your eyes.”

not to open his eyes.



Indirect Questions

Indirect General Questions

To convert general questions into indirect speech follow the following rules:

a.use the conjunctions if or whether to introduce an indirect general question

b.if necessary, make changes according to the rule of the sequence of tenses

c.make the necessary changes in pronouns

d.use direct word order, i.e., change word order of a question into that of a statement

e.use the verbs to ask smb., to want to know, to wonder before indirect general questions

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech



The psychologist asked the

The psychologist asked the cli

client, “Do you feel tense in a

ent if he felt tense in a big com

big company?”


The therapist asked the client,

The therapist asked the client if

“Did you apply for help?”

he had applied for help.

The therapist asked the cli

The therapist asked the client if

ent, “Have you discussed the

he had discussed the problem

problem with your wife?”

with his wife.

The therapist asked the client

The therapist asked the client if

“Will you bring your wife to

he would bring his wife to the

the next session?”

next session.




Unit V

Indirect Special Questions

To convert special questions into indirect speech fol low the same rules as for general questions. The only dif ference is that an indirect special question is introduced by the same adverb or pronoun that introduces a direct special question.

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech



The professor asked, “Who is

The professor asked who was not

not ready for the seminar?”

ready for the seminar.

The professor asked his stu

The professor asked his students

dents, “What materials have

what materials they had read for

you read for the seminar?”

the seminar.

The professor asked his stu

The professor asked his students

dents, “When will you hand

when they would hand in their

in your essays?”


The professor asked a stu

The professor asked a student

dent, “What are you writ

what he was writing.






Exercise 1. Change the following orders and com mands into indirect speech. Try to use dif ferent verbs to introduce them.

1. The therapist said to the client, “Relax”. 2. The mother said to her son, “Don’t worry.” 3. The experi menter said to the subject, “Ponder over it for an in stant.” 4. The teacher said to the students, “Find the working definition of the term emotion in the text.”

5.The mother said to her son, “Don’t be late to night.”

6.He said to his friends, “Don’t give me away.” 7. The doctor said to his patient, “Take this medicine regularly, three times a day.”






Exercise 2. Translate the sentences with indirect or ders and requests from Russian into En glish.

1. Мать просила психолога дать ей совет, чтобы помочь сыну. 2. Он уговаривал меня выступить на собрании. 3. Профессор велел мне принести план моей курсовой работы в следующий понедельник. 4. Пси холог попросил нас заполнить опросник. 5. Oн попро сил нас описать те едва заметные изменения во внеш нем поведении испытуемых, которые мы смогли увидеть. 6. Мальчик умолял родителей не отсылать его спать, потому что очень хотел посмотреть по телеви зору футбольный матч. 7. Мать велела сыну сделать уроки, прежде чем идти гулять.

Exercise 3. Change the following general questions into indirect speech.

1. The experimenter asked his subjects, “Have you filled in the questionnaire?” 2. The teacher asked his stu dents, “Are you satisfied with the results achieved?” 3. He asked her, “Have you shared this information with others?” 4. He asked me, “Will you join in?” 5. The pro fessor asked the student, “Are you sure that pulse rate will change in this case?” 6. The mother asked her daugh ter, “Did you tell the therapist everything?”

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences with indirect gen eral questions from Russian into English.

Психотерапевт спросил клиента, а) последует ли он его совету

б) знает ли он причину своих нару шений

в) сделал ли он выводы, как спра виться с проблемами


Unit V

г) будет ли он следить за здоровьем и придерживаться диеты

д) влияет ли эмоциональная обста новка на его поведение

Exercise 5. Change the following special questions into indirect speech.

The therapist asked his client

a)“What’s your name?”

b)“What do you complain of?”

c)“When did you notice the symp toms for the first time?”

d)“Who have you already applied to?”

e)“What medicine do you take?”

f)“When will you be able to come next time?”

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences with indirect spe cial questions from Russian into English.

1. Профессор спросил, кто из нас заметил испуг на лице испытуемого. 2. Он спросил меня, когда я заинтересовалась этой проблемой. 3. Я спросила его, как, по его мнению, будет развиваться эта наука в ближайшем будущем. 4. Мне хотелось знать, почему никто не спросил меня об этом. 5. Он спросил, в какой стране эта проблема сейчас исследуется. 6. Она спросила меня, когда я собираюсь закончить курсовую работу. 7. Я спросила его, как я могу помочь ему.

Exercise 7. Change the dialogue below into indirect speech.

This is an extract from Piaget’s book “The Moral Judgement of the Child” (1932) where Piaget describes






how he read a pair of stories to a 6 year old boy after which the following dialogue took place between them.

“Have you understood these stories?” “Yes.”

“What did the first boy do?” “He broke 15 cups.”

“And the second one?”

“He broke a cup by moving roughly.”

“Is one of the boys naughtier than the other?” “The first one is because he knocked over 15 cups.” “If you were the daddy, which one would you punish


“The one who broke 15 cups.” “Why did he break them?”

“The door shut too hard and knocked them over. He didn’t do it on purpose.”

“ And why did the other boy break a cup?” “Because he was clumsy. When he was getting the

jam the cup fell down.”

“Why did he want to get the jam?”

“Because he was all alone. Because his mother wasn’t there.”

Exercise 8. Translate the dialogue in indirect speech from Russian into English.

This is a modification of a dialogue taken from the book “Client centered therapy”(L., 1976, p. 248) by C. Rogers. The dialogue is between a therapist and Henry, an 11 year old boy.

Г.«Однажды мама пообещала взять меня в Балтимор, но взяла моего брата вместо меня.»

Т. «Они оставили тебя дома?»

Г.«Да. До шести лет у меня была няня мисс Палмер, которая всегда защищала меня.»

160 Unit V

Т. «А сейчас некому защищать тебя?» Г. «Некому. Они говорят, что мисс Палмер меня

испортила. Но я так не считаю.» Т. «Ты скучаешь без нее?»

Г. «Да. У меня есть кузина Джин. Я влюблен в нее. Но Майкл говорит, что Джин больше нравится он, а не я.»

Т. «Он не хочет, чтобы ты был счастлив?» Г. «Не хочет. Он делает все, чтобы я был несчастным.

И отец всегда на его стороне.»

Т.«Похоже, дома у тебя не все в порядке.»

Г.«Да. И я не понимаю, какой смысл рассказывать вам об этом.»

Т.«Ты хочешь сказать, что разговор не поможет?» Г. «Конечно, не поможет.»

Т.«Иногда людям легче, если они могут обсудить свои проблемы с другими.»