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2. Use the text to answer the following questions.

1. Describe Becky’s room. What can the contents of the room tell us about the person who lives in it?

2. What are Becky’s plans for the future? What is she planning to take up? Is it going to work? What plans will be (or will never be) carried out and why?

3. Does Becky buy only the things she needs? Did she really buy that much luggage because she believed it was a good investment?

4. What tips was Becky following when she was packing? Where did she get them from?

5. What kind of list did Becky make? Did it help?

6. Is capsule approach working really well with Becky?

3. Read the remaining parts of the book and dwell on the following issues.

1. Does the principle “Buy Only What You Need” work with Becky? Do you think Becky could do just with one pair of shoes?

2. Becky’s new job on TV pays well. Why is her overdraft higher than it used to be? What recommendations were given to Becky by her bank manager?

3. How did Becky behave on the walking tour around New York and why? Did she hit it off with the tour guide and the other tourists in the group?

4. Describe Becky’s visit to the sample sale and its aftermath.

5. Did Becky manage to visit the Guggenheim Museum in the end? Describe her impressions of visiting the Guggenheim Museum Store.

4. Find evidence in the text proving that Becky is a mad collector and sometimes behaves like a real weirdo. (a) Think of the arguments you could use to talk Becky out of buying everything she sees. (b) Help Becky to find an item she really needs. (c) Explain to Becky how many pairs of shoes a regular person living in Great Britain/the USA/Belarus needs.

5. Now that you have read the second book of the Shopaholic series, expand “Becky’s clothes and fashion vocabulary”. Categorize the items, e.g. colours, articles of clothing and accessories, designs, etc. Working in small groups, see who can provide a more “emotionally coloured” description of a bag/dress/pair of shoes.

6. As Becky’s friend Suze points out, the quicker they eat a box of KitKats, the quicker they’ll be gone – so in a way, it’s more healthy just to stuff in as many as possible. Does this sound logical? Think of counterarguments to dissuade Becky from carrying out her plan.

7. Is Becky good at telling lies? Comment on the episode in the gift shop, when Becky is telling a story about her godson. How could Becky have avoided the embarrassing situation she was confronted with in the shop?

8. Comment on the episode where Becky is having a conversation with her bank manager Derek Smeath. Can you call this communication successful on Becky’s part? Give your reasons.

9. Describe a typical “culture-conscious” tourist. Is Becky a person of the kind? What is her ridiculous idea of acclimatizing to a new city and customs and traditions of a foreign country? Explain to Becky how “normal” people acclimatize themselves in similar cases.

10. Do you agree with Becky that shopping abroad has its advantages? How many advantages does Becky mention and does she manage to convince you? Can you think of more items to add to this list?

11. Shop-assistants often use canny gimmicks to make their customers stock up on things they don’t really need. Are these ploys effective? Recall Becky’s visit to an avant-guard fashion shop as an example.

III. Follow-up activities

1. You are Becky’s friend. Work out some useful tips for Becky on how to be organized.

2. You are a bank manager. Explain to your client what the key to controlled shopping is.

3. You are a tour guide. Work out some useful tips for a person who is going to take part in a walking tour in a foreign town or city.

4. Itemize advantages and disadvantages of shopping at home vs. shopping abroad. Role-play an argument between a) a British shopaholic and an American shopaholic; b) a British shopaholic and a Belarusian shopaholic as regards the best shopping opportunities.

5. Agree or disagree: “You don’t actually need to see a piece of art in flesh to appreciate it.” Support your point of view.

6. Role-play an argument between a culture conscious person and a shopaholic as regards the best places to visit in a foreign country.

7. In pairs, role-play the following situation. A shopaholic has made an appointment with their psychologist. (a) The shopaholic suffers from their addiction greatly and would like to break themselves of this bad habit. They ask the psychologist for assistance. (b) The shopaholic will not acknowledge the fact that something is wrong with them and it takes the psychologist a lot of effort to persuade the client to discard their bad habit.

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